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December 2020 Constituent Update

News & Noteworthy Events in Knox County / Commission
This constituent update contains information on the work of Knox County Commission, news about recent experiences, community information and upcoming events. This newsletter is issued at the beginning of each month and generally covers activities of the previous month.

I was honored to join community members to place flags at one of our two veteran cemeteries in advance of the Veterans Day holiday. This annual tradition is a special day for my sons (Henry & Alexander) and I. It was impressive to see how many families joined together to help and honor those who have served and sacrificed.
Follow this link to learn how to sponsor wreaths during the upcoming holiday season.
Earlier in the year, the Knoxville-Knox County Planning team published a study on the Senior Population in Knox County, and now they've added a few online resources of interest. You can explore the story map or technical report to follow topics as they relate to the county’s seniors such as population growth, health and wellness, economic status, housing and quality of life. The findings demonstrate that Knox County’s senior population is expected to grow twice as fast as the general population over the next several years. As the last of the Baby Boomers enter their senior years, the number of people over 60 years of age will increase 30 percent, to more than 125,000 people, by 2030.
As the senior population grows, we will have to consider new strategies to accommodate their needs. Some of the greatest challenges faced by local seniors are affordable housing, long-term healthcare options, and transportation services. Other hurdles include accessing community resources, covering basic living expenses, and maintaining independent lifestyles.
Mid-month, I attended a very interesting flood mitigation meeting at Brickey-McCloud Elementary School on the North side of Knox Co. The discussion centered around the area near Pedigo Rd. & Bishop Rd. where residents report heavy flooding three times in last 35 years causing hone damage, but last two times were 2019/20 and worries remain for the next rainy season(s). Knox Co. Engineering & Public Works team presented four options for neighbors to ponder, but without a lot of consensus or compromise among attendees work and planning continues. If you want to see the latest FEMA flood maps or check your property you can click on this KGIS link.
It was a real pleasure to participate in a number of Teacherpreneur Celebrations. The Knox Education Foundation and Knox County Schools Office of Innovation have partnered to fund TeacherPrenuer and PrincipalPrenuer. These grants were created to motivate teachers and principals to develop new innovative school and classrooms strategies. This year there were 21 recipients and $150,000 was given out in grants.
Congratulations to all our most innovative educators!

A new mobile and web application has been launched in Knox County called SeeClickFix, which allows citizens to report non-emergency neighborhood issues to their local governments in real time. It also has features that allow users to receive notification based on selected areas and keywords; share photo and/or video documentation and detailed descriptions of their reported issue(s); and request services such as general maintenance and the repair of downed road signs. The free SeeClickFix mobile app is available for download for Android and iPhone operating systems. Let's all SeeClickFix a better Knox County together!

Congratulations to Legacy Parks Foundation for cutting the ribbon on the new Sharp’s Ridge Playspace and Adaptive Trails. The park features a playground, bike skills area and two multi-use adaptive, all-access trails.
Read more about the new Sharp’s Ridge Playspace and Adaptive Trails here. 
Special thanks goes out to Catalyst Sports for their help with the trail design!
One of South Knoxville's most honored citizens is now featured in downtown Knoxville - Master Sgt. Roddie Edmonds. If you've never heard of this hometown hero, then take a minute to look at this WBIR "Service & Sacrifice" story or read this LinkedIn post from Sgt. Edmonds' son. Next time you're strolling down Market St. behind the History Center, stop and read about a Knoxvillian who changed the world for good.
All over Knox County I’ve noticed old utility poles still standing next to new ones. I understand that in most cases its the telecom companies who haven’t moved their lines over, significantly delaying efforts to remove the old poles. In other cases, a traffic accident might have created the damage. Have you seen this in your neighborhood? If so, please send me photos and locations/addresses. I’m collating a list to meet with utility and telecom companies in the area so we can try to clean up Knox County together.
Our community is growing fast and the infrastructure needed to keep up is always in development. This month, two unique and important agencies released annual reports. Click here to review highlights the completion of several major studies, plans, and other projects in the Knoxville-Knox County Planning Annual Report. And at this link, you'll find the FY'20 Annual Report from the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA).
It was a a pleasure speaking to Webelos from Scout Troop 757 about the roles and responsibilities of their local government. I walked them through this basic document outlining the different Commission districts and branches of government. If you have a group you would like me to come speak to, please contact me here.
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