Integral Yoga® Magazine, Issue No. 222  Physical Ease
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Physical Ease
I always say that Yoga is to learn how to be easeful, peaceful, and useful. Physical ease is maintained through proper food, proper exercise, and proper air. Through the Yoga asanas tension is released and toxins are eliminated, thus bringing ease to the body.”  Swami Satchidananda

(photo: Swami Satchidananda demonstrates asanas, Sri Lanka, mid-1950s.)

Integrating Yoga into Your Life
By Sri Swami Satchidananda
When you live with a family or with a group of friends, you have to do something to satisfy them. When you are in Rome, behave like Romans, but you can still be a yogic Roman. You don’t need to do everything that they do. When I’m invited to a party, I stand and talk with people while I drink my orange juice. If you have become a strict vegetarian, you should not become the “minister of vegetarianism” and start preaching. A yogi will adjust and accommodate.   MORE

In this episode, Swami Ramananda talks with Avi Gordon about adapting to challenges, how compassion follows naturally from meditation, and about what really makes us happy. During this conversation, Swami Ramananda noted: "In a way you could say our identity is a structure in the subconscious mind, and ultimately that structure is built on a faulty foundation, and the foundation has to be replaced, and sometimes the building has to be torn down."
By Jake Jacobs

(Happy Hanukkah! Please enjoy this article inspired by the spirit of the Jewish tradition and interfaith dialogue) I was at an auto body shop in West Los Angeles, sharing the waiting area with an elderly woman who had been reading Tikkun magazine. I asked if I could read it. I sifted through the table of contents and found an article on “Eros and Ethics,” which piqued my interest, particularly when I discovered it was mostly an article about divine union from a Kabbalistic viewpoint. Reading it I was struck by the similarities, in a general sense, with what little I knew about classical Tantra Yoga.  MORE

How the Pandemic is Changing Yoga
(Maybe for the Better)

By Adrian Molina

We are witnessing widespread closures of Yoga studios and the highest unemployment levels of full and part-time Yoga teachers since Yoga became a thing in Western countries. Did it take a pandemic to make the insatiable, multibillion-dollar Yoga industry hit the brakes and start returning to Yoga’s core values?.... So I can’t help but ponder the question and wonder: Is this pandemic, perhaps, the best thing that could have happened to Yoga in contemporary society?  MORE

"This Joy" was recorded by the Resistance Revival Chorus, a collective of more than 70 women and non-binary singers as part of their debut album. This inspiring and uplifting song comes through the Black church, from gospel music legend Shirley Caesar. The Resistance Revial Chorus self-filmed and recorded this during the pandemic, when joy and healing are needed more than ever. 

Expanding on what he spoke about earlier (Ep. 2), in this episode (Ep. 6) of the "Two Old Fogey Yogis" podcast, Swami Asokananda shares his formula for success in meditation through his 3-stage approach. His strategy, crafted through 50+ years of daily meditation practice, will help listeners make friends with the mind, utilize a mantra, cultivate a steady practice, and avoid many of the pitfalls that can bog down one's practice. A truly funny, riveting, practical & priceless meditation masterclass.

Find online events for Integral Yoga centers worldwide via the Integral Yoga Virtual Studio calendar. Easily find and register for programs & trainings. Some upcoming special events & 2021 programs: New Year's Immersion Retreat (Dec 30 – Jan 2); Integral Yoga Therapy Open House (Jan 16); "The Yoga of S-Aging" with Joan Borysenko, PhD (Feb 20); and teacher trainings starting Jan 22 via San Francisco IYI, Feb 1 via New York IYI & Specialized trainings via Yogaville Online starting Jan 26.

The holyday season is officially here! Hanukkah, gingerbread houses, and Christmas just around the corner! Yogaville resident (and baker-in-chief at Mandala Market & Cafe) Karuna Howeth's gingerbread house inspired this photo & witty post by Bill Geoghegan: "Tiny house for sale or for rent. Interested parties should be sugar and gluten tolerant. Footsteps on the roof are normal and a sign that the occupant has been well-behaved."
Inspiring Meme of the Week
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