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January 2021 Constituent Update

News & Noteworthy Events in Knox County / Commission
This constituent update contains information on the work of Knox County Commission, news about recent experiences, community information and upcoming events. This newsletter is issued at the beginning of each month and generally covers activities of the previous month.

Early in the month, I hosted the second of four Chairman's Briefings focused on local and regional transportation. Our partners at TDOT (TN Dept. of Transportation) led Commission members in a substantive discussion. It was eye-opening to learn about how many state-led infrastructure projects were underway in Knox County. You can review the entire presentation at this link (pwd: tdot).
I had the opportunity to see the front-lines of COVID care with a special visit to UT Medical Center. In an effort to shine a light on the pandemic's impact on our local healthcare professionals, I posted this experience in great detail on my Commission Facebook page (you can view it here)
I had the pleasure of speaking to the Scouts from Troop 506 (Halls Crossroads) to discuss the structure and role of local government. Thanks for the opportunity! If you have a group you would like me to come speak to, please contact me here.
At the December meeting, the County Commission approved an amended development agreement with BNA Associates for the renovation and redevelopment of the Andrew Johnson Building in downtown Knoxville. This timeline / decision process chart was helpful to see the steps in taking this government-owned asset and returning it to the private sector. I have long been a supporter of this project and look forward to the day when residents, retail and more brings commerce and quality of life back to the south end of Gay Street. 
A very interesting meeting was held this month between legislative leaders and area hospitals and their Chief Medical Officers. "COVID & the Community, Our Next Steps Together" was a two-hour information and Q/A session that helped us better understand the state of viral spread in our community.
You can watch the entire meeting here.
I had the pleasure to visit West View Elementary School with Principal Brace members of the Knox Education Foundation to learn more about the Community Schools Program. Schools that have this program aligns partners across the community with a focus on removing the barriers that get in the way of student learning. Each Community School has a dedicated site resource coordinator that builds partnerships to develop the success of children, teachers, families and the overall neighborhood. Learn more about the Community Schools program here.
The most publicized and critical issue I've ever experienced in County Commission is happening right now. This month, an Ordinance (0-20-11-101) passed on first reading to dissolve the Board of Health and immediately reinstate it as an advisory-only body. The issue will come up for a second, and final, reading at the January Commission meeting. I have been a vocal opponent of this move to undermine our public health infrastructure in the middle of a pandemic when our community is unfortunately leading the nation in COVID spread, but what say you? If you have an opinion on the matter, please reach out to your Commissioner and make your voice heard.
I've heard from front-line emergency service professionals (doctors, nurses, EMTs, etc.) that they feel like their work isn't as appreciated as much as it once was. As the community continues battling the pandemic and grows evermore weary, I believe it's more important than ever to offer our appreciation to those keeping our community healthy. Our family reached out to neighbors across Knox County to rally together in a show of support for our Healthcare Heroes. We created 2,000 special "encouragement snack-bags" and will be delivering them to our ambulance, hospital and emergency room teams on New Year's Day with warm wishes for a heathier and safer New Year. We want to thank the hundreds of financial and snack donors who chipped-in to make this grassroots effort a success. I want to encourage everyone to reach out to someone, be it a medical professional, garbage collector, postal/delivery employee or grocery-store associate, and show your appreciation for their service to our community. Let's all do something to make gratitude the most shared value of 2021.
From our family to yours, we hope you had a very Merry Christmas and offer you our best wishes for a healthy and Happy New Year!
(Alexander, Adrian, Henry, Larsen, Dutch, Cooper & Tay)
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