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February 24, 2021
Behavioral Health Reform Executive Committee Shares Support for BHA Bill
In our last newsletter, we announced that Colorado Representatives Mary Young (D-50) and Rod Pelton (R-65) introduced HB 21-1097 to create a new behavioral health administration (BHA), a single state agency that would lead, promote and administer the state's behavioral health priorities. Senators Rhonda Fields (D-29) and Bob Gardner (R-12) are also sponsoring the bill.

In the video below, Colorado Behavioral Health Reform Executive Committee members Lt. Governor Dianne Primavera, Colorado Department of Human Services Executive Director Michelle Barnes, Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing Executive Director Kim Bimestefer and Colorado Commissioner of Insurance Michael Conway express their support for HB 21-1097. Please watch and share with your networks! 

If passed, the bill would direct the Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) to create the BHA by July 2022. The BHA would receive, coordinate, and distribute funds for community behavioral health programs; oversee the quality of services and set standards of care; and monitor and evaluate behavioral health outcomes across the state.

Here's how to get involved! 

  • Learn: We held two stakeholder meetings on the bill. Review the slide deck and watch our meeting recordings from Feb. 1, 2021 and Feb. 8, 2021.

  • Share: On the CDHS Facebook page, we've posted the BHA video as well as longer statements from Executive Committee members. Please share with your networks so we can inform more Coloradans about the BHA. 
New BHA Change Management Site Launched
We're excited to announce the launch of a webpage dedicated to the Behavioral Health Administration (BHA) change management effort underway with our partners at Health Management Associates (HMA). Find it here:
This new webpage features up-to-date information about the change management process, progress, frequently asked questions, opportunities to engage, and access to additional resources. The webpage will continue to be updated throughout the project, so check back often! 

As a refresher, we have engaged HMA, a Colorado-based independent consulting and research firm, to understand the current state of the behavioral health system, and how proposed solutions to create the BHA could impact stakeholders at all levels and most importantly Coloradans. This includes a 3 stage process (stage 1 - investigation, stage 2 - solutions, stage 3 - implementation plan) for collecting information and discussing the change with people who have different views of the system.
Change Management Timeline

This work benefits from your voice, ideas, questions and contributions. Below are a few ways you can engage with this work:

  • Access the latest info and resources: Bookmark the webpage and continue to check in for the latest information on the project and process.
  • Share your thoughts: Submit your ideas, questions or concerns via the feedback form.

  • Spread the word: Use the communication toolkit to share information about this work with your colleagues, partners and community. The toolkit includes FAQs, talking points, social media content and graphics, email newsletter content and more!

  • Attend an open forum: Open forums will provide an option for individuals to engage in a virtual formal group discussion - similar to a focus group but open to all to attend. Registration for the forums will be announced in the coming weeks on the webpage so stay tuned!

Events, Webinars and Opportunities

Community Organizations Encouraged to Apply for OBH Equity Grants
This week, the Colorado Department of Human Services, Office of Behavioral Health launched an equity grants program to build trust, raise awareness of Colorado Crisis Services and other state programs and identify community-based approaches to mental health support. If you want to apply, or know of a community organization that would be interested, search for solicitation 2021000457 on the state’s procurement website. The application closes on March 15 at 5 p.m. 

Where We're Headed
Behavioral health reform is underway! Keep track with our project timeline: 
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