Welcome to the Connection Corner
Connection Corner is our weekly update about what is happening in the life of the church. We encourage you to read this every week, as we are going to give more detail about events and news here; and keep notices during Sunday services to the minimum in order to leave space for God to move as and when He wants.
Temporary One-way System in Victoria Street West
Thank you for your patience with Auckland Transport's maintenance work on the sidewalks and curb, causing a temporary one-way system in the road passing the church. More details are available here.
T-Time Women's Event
The ladies are working hard to make this a special day for all us ladies, our friends/sisters/mothers/daughters. See the advertisement with all the details below, or click here to register now.
Events Calendar
All the details of events coming up are in our events calendar so please do read it.
Click here to read.
If you have something to go into the events calendar please send them to carol@fbc.nz by the 20th of each month.
Oasis resumes next week Wednesday at 10 am in the Café. Bring a plate to share for morning tea, sing a few hymns and pray together, watch/listen to Biblical teaching, then break up into groups to discuss the content. A great time for fellowship. All welcome.
Young Adults Group
The Young Adults are meeting this Friday, 11 October, and fortnightly from then. Contact Catherine Falcone for more information, 022 437 2330.
Coming up this Sunday
The sermon topic for this all-in service is "A Life That Is Good". Carol Dobbe will be drawing our attention to Romans 12:1-2, focusing in on our need to be facing God in order to hear what He is saying to us.
And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. Don’t copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:1-2 (NIV)
Join us at 10AM in-person or online if you are not able or unwell. Please contact us if you need support info@fbc.nz
Be encouraged,
Fun, laughs, food and a time to connect!
This is a get-together where you can safely invite a family member, friend, neighbour or work colleague.
There will be several short, inspiring talks on a variety of subjects, each followed by a time to chat and connect with each other.
Please sign up (and pay) at the Info Desk on Sunday, or via the Church app.
Sunday was a wonderful day. It was a beautiful service of worship, welcome, and reminder of the goodness of God. Please accept my thanks to all who were involved to make the day so special. I appreciate the gifts given, the time spent, the words expressed, the servant hands, and the ongoing prayers. I look forward to all God has instore for this next season.
Blessings, Rachel.
Some of you would have heard the news of a house fire in Auckland on Saturday September 21st, with the fatality of a two-year-old family member. This was the manse of Pastor Leilua Raymond and Novema Tamala, Sole Pastor of Samoan Baptist Papatoetoe. They have headed up this ministry for the past 22 years.
This is an incredibly tragic event made worse by the loss of a beloved family member, a visiting niece of their daughter-in-law.
Although the manse was insured by our Baptist Insurance cover, the family did not however have contents insurance.
The Baptist Churches of NZ as well as the Northern Baptist Association asked us to pass this request on to our faith communities so we can respond as a whānau across the motu.
If you would like to give, you can do so by donating to the NBA Account 02-0264-0226011-01
Particulars: Appeal
Code: Tamala Fam
Reference: Your Name/Organisation
If you would like a receipt for tax purposes, please email: appeal@nothernbaptist.nz
Thank you for standing with us for this in prayer at this time.
Please help us to bless people in need in our community. We are partnering with FAS (Franklin Attendance Services) as they support children and families who are struggling to get to school. Sometimes it is that they are needing some of the basics such as, bedding, clothing and shoes. Please consider looking through your wardrobes and checking to see if you have any good quality items that you might be able to donate. Donations can be dropped at the church office by Sunday 13th October.
See the need for God's work in the world today | Learn the practices of giving yourself by serving others | Show God's love in action | Make a difference to other people's lives | Return with skills, passion and faith to meet the needs of the people in your world.
For more information, contact Nigel Brown on 021 881 573 / 4chocchips@gmail.com
The Alpha Course
Alpha is open to everyone but it was designed for those who don't go to church or who don't identity as Christian. It is most effective when used as an opportunity for people to explore faith.
The current 10-week Alpha courses started on Monday 30th September @10am to 11.45am | Wednesday 2nd October @6.30pm to 8.30pm.
If you want to find out more about Alpha, contact Paul on 021 147 1923.
CAP Budgeting Course
CAP - (Christians against poverty) money course is available to those wanting to know how to budget and others who have serious financial concerns.
The course will help you to spend wisely, budget for your day-to-day requirements, including debt repayments. and to save for your future.
The course will help you to build and to balance.your budget. Introduce ways to reduce expenditure and increase your income. Organise your finances to know when and where your money is going.
Further details available at the church office.
People can contact me directly for further info and to make an appointment.
Winston: Phone/text 021-024-32325 Email watt.rama@xtra.co.nz
Prayer Chain
If you would like to submit a prayer request to the Prayer Chain, please email Arlene Hutcheon on prayerchain@fbc.nz or send a text to 0274726198. All prayer requests are treated as confidential.
You can give online, by automatic payment or direct debit. Our church bank account: 01 0403 0013842 00 or click here to donate now.