Welcome to the Connection Corner
Connection Corner is our weekly update about what is happening in the life of the church. We encourage you to read this every week, as we are going to give more detail about events and news here; and keep notices during Sunday services to the minimum in order to leave space for God to move as and when He wants.

Short-term missions trip to Cambodia - 21 Feb - 6 March 2025
  • The cut-off date for registrations to join the team next year is this Sunday, 27 October. Those who are interested in going on the missions trip to support FBC Missionaries Kevin and Gillian, please see Nigel after church on Sunday or contact him on 021 881 573 or
  • On Saturday, 2 November, Nigel and the team invite everyone to join them for a fun night in the Church Hall at 6:30 - 9:00pm. Lots of fun for the whole family - little people included. See full details in the colourful advert further down. Please also bring a pair of sharp scissors to cut paper (a cutting board, guillotine and laminator will be an extra bonus.)
  • If you would like to support the team but you are time poor, you can buy a button for $5 each from the Info Desk. These buttons will be used by Gillian, either in resources or something else she has planned for her work in the schools in Cambodia.
  • On Sunday 3 November jams, pickles and marmalade will be for sale in the church foyer. Cash or eftpos. 
  • Another way to support financially is by providing sponsorship. Please talk to Nigel if this is something you can do.

Events Calendar 

All the details of events coming up are in our events calendar so please do read it.
Click here to read.
If you have something to go into the events calendar please send them to by the 20th of each month.

AGM Minutes
The minutes from our AGM on 22 September have now been finalised and can be found at this link.

Coming up this Sunday
The sermon topic for this week's service is "The Transformative Journey: Becoming Who God Created Us to Be." Romans 12:3-8 
This week we continue our journey through Romans and will focus on being honest with ourselves about what we are good at and what we are not.

Last Sunday Rachel referred to a thesis containing research about Franklin Baptist Church and our journey with Baptist Maori Ministries. You can access it here
If you search Franklin Baptist or Pukekohe, you can read the relevant parts or feel free to read the whole work. 

Join us at 10AM in-person or online if you are not able or unwell. Please contact us if you need support 
Remember to pray for the church every day for 2 minutes at 2 pm!
Be encouraged,


Further to the change in Leadership Team membership following the AGM, the Leadership Team has updated the Portfolios document.  Portfolios exist so that FBC attendees know where to go to seek answers to any questions they may have, where to raise any issues, and where to make suggestions for change or improvement.  The document (which you can access here) contains an updated list of who holds which portfolio and the process that is followed when an item is raised.
Saturday 9 November @ 7 am in the Church Café | $15 per person.
Guest speaker: Nick Tuitasi from Promise Keepers NZ.
Register and pay at the Info Desk or see Charlie Potter. His contact details are: 027 529 8211.
A huge THANK YOU to the T-time Team for the top tips and tantalising tidbits they worked tremendously hard to treat all who attended the event last Saturday. It was a tremendously enjoyable day!
The Alpha Course
Alpha is open to everyone but it was designed for those who don't go to church or who don't identity as Christian.  It is most effective when used as an opportunity for people to explore faith.

The current 10-week Alpha courses started on Monday 30th September @10am to 11.45am | Wednesday 2nd October @6.30pm to 8.30pm.

If you want to find out more about Alpha, contact Paul  on 021 147 1923. 
CAP Budgeting Course  
CAP - (Christians against poverty) money course is available to those wanting to know how to budget and others who have serious financial concerns. 
The course will help you to spend wisely, budget for your day-to-day requirements, including debt repayments. and to save for your future. 
The course will help you to build and to balance.your budget.  Introduce ways to reduce expenditure and increase your income. Organise your finances to know when and where your money is going. 

Further details available at the church office.
People can contact me directly for further info and to make an appointment. 
Winston:  Phone/text   021-024-32325    Email
Prayer Chain
If you would like to submit a prayer request to the Prayer Chain, please email Arlene Hutcheon on or send a text to 0274726198. All prayer requests are treated as confidential.
You can give online, by automatic payment or direct debit. Our church bank account: 01 0403 0013842 00 or click here to donate now
Franklin Baptist Church  128 Victoria Street West, PO Box 52, Pukekohe 2120
telephone: (09) 238 8544    email:    website:

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