

Special Notice
It is with sadness that the Global Action Team, on behalf of the staff, leadership team and Bird family write to inform you of the passing of Gillian Bird's mother Joan Angell on the 30th October. 
Kevin and Gillian knew that this was a possibility when they headed back to Cambodia and are taking comfort in the fact that she was a Christian. 

Please pray for Kevin and Gillian as they remain in Cambodia at this time and attend the funeral service online. 
Please also pray for them and their family as they grieve and plan for the funeral, may it be a time of celebration of life and family.
Our thoughts are with the Birds and family at this time.
Many Blessings,
The GAT Team

We would like to take the opportunity to invite everyone to a shared lunch after the service this Sunday to have some fellowship and hear from Colin and Tania as they share about their journey in South Asia walking alongside local Muslims. Please bring a plate of food to share and gather in the cafe after the service. 
Franklin Baptist Church  128 Victoria Street West, PO Box 52, Pukekohe 2120
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