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Today is Giving Tuesday

Help make the Parkhill accessible trail project reality

Giving Tuesday is today (Tuesday, December 3, 2024).
Today, or any day this year, please consider a donation to the accessible trail project in Parkhill.
Donate today through Canada Helps.
Donate Today
The Municipality of North Middlesex and Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation are matching donations, from you and your neighbours, to the Parkhill trail project, up to a total of $5,000 from each organization.

Watch the video about the project. The video, featuring eight people from Parkhill and area, has already received more than 13,000 views on Facebook! 
Help us raise $10,000 during the Giving Tuesday campaign
towards our project goal of $125,000

“This is a really important project for our entire community. Trails like this one need to be developed so people can be active outdoors in nature.  It helps with their physical well-being as well as their mental well-being.”
– Tracey Puchala, Chair of Friends of North Middlesex Trails
Donate at Canada Helps
Donate to Parkhill trail project as part of world's largest generosity movement

Giving Tuesday is “the world’s largest generosity movement.” Consider donating on Giving Tuesday today (Tuesday, December 3, 2024) or any day of the year. 

With your support of the Parkhill trail project, by Friends of North Middlesex Trails, you can help people to ‘Discover, explore and connect’ with outdoor recreation and nature appreciation in Parkhill and area. 

The Municipality of North Middlesex and Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation are donating a total of up to $5,000 each to match community donations to the Parkhill trail project. 

People can donate, to the Parkhill trail, through the
Canada Helps GivingTuesday web page of Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation. On this web page, there is a private message box where you can type, into the text field box, and let the Conservation Foundation know you wish to donate to the Parkhill trail project.

You may also donate by debit or credit card, by eTransfer, by PayPal, or by cheque.

Phone Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation today at 519-235-2610 or toll-free 1-888-286-2610 to make your donation or to find out more.

If you would like to donate by cheque, you are welcome to drop off your cheque at the Municipality of North Middlesex office (at 229 Parkhill Main Street, Parkhill) or HMS Insurance Centre (256 McLeod Street, Parkhill) or the Ausable Bayfield Conservation office at 71108 Morrison Line, east of Exeter.
About the Parkhill Trail Project

The first phase of the Parkhill trail project would be a six-kilometre-long accessible trail loop starting at Main Street in Parkhill and going into the old railway trail and then Parkhill Conservation Area.

The trail surface would be a packed-down chip-and-dust trail which could be used by people with walkers, strollers, or wheelchairs.

The proposed project would include an accessible parking lot and a shorter trail loop and a longer trail loop. One of many advantages to the proposed trail improvements is allowing people without access to a car to go on the trail.

To learn more about the Parkhill trail project please
visit the project web page
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