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Parshas Vezos Habracha - Chamishi with Rashi

Moshe is giving brachos to the Shevatim before he passes away:

First Moshe gives a bracha to Shevet Dan: They live in a place near the border, and they get a bracha to be very strong to keep the Yidden safe!

To Shevet Naftali: They are happy with the part of Eretz Yisroel Hashem gave them! They will be able to catch a lot of fish in the Kinneres, which is in their part.

Asher should have many sons. They will make the rest of the Yidden happy because they will trade oil and fruit for grain. Asher’s daughters will be beautiful, and the rest of the Yidden will want to marry them.

Shevet Asher will have so much olive oil!

The mountains in Asher’s part of Eretz Yisroel have metal inside, and they protect the Yidden from anyone coming to attack the Yidden from the top (north) of Eretz Yisroel.

Now Moshe gives a bracha to ALL of the Yidden:

Your soldiers are strong, and keep the borders of Eretz Yisroel safe, as if they were locked tightly with metal locks that can’t be broken!

All of your life will be wonderful, and you will have plenty of parnasa — as much as you serve Hashem every day.

There is no one like Hashem! Hashem helps you, and keeps you safe.



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In today’s Tehillim there is a posukMoshe VeAharon BeChohanov, U’Shmuel BeKorei Shemo.”

The Gemara explains from this posuk that compares Shmuel to Moshe and Aharon, that Shmuel Hanavi in his generation was as great as Moshe and Aharon in their generation!

The Rebbe teaches us that when the Yidden went out of Mitzrayim, Hashem gave them TWO leaders: Moshe, who taught them the Torah that is the same for everyone, and Aharon, who helped each person do their best to connect to Torah on their own level.

Shmuel Hanavi was able to do BOTH jobs together — to teach Yidden the truth, AND to help everyone according to their own level.

The Rebbe tells us that the Chabad Rebbes were each like Shmuel, who have both kochos together — they teach us Torah and how we need to serve Hashem, and help each one of us come closer to doing our own special shlichus.



Igeres Hakodesh Siman Chof-Gimmel

In this letter, the Alter Rebbe asks Chassidim not to waste the time in Shul between Mincha and Maariv. After we daven Mincha, there are still a few minutes before we can start Maariv.

Some people might want to use this time to talk, but they should remember that there is a Minyan in shul. Like we learned in Pirkei Avos, whenever there are ten Yidden together, the Shechina is there too! We shouldn’t waste this special time with the Shechina there! Instead of just talking, we should learn together.



Chof Tishrei

When we are shaking the Lulav, we have a minhag to touch the Lulav to the place by our heart where we bang when we say the paragraph of “Ashamnu” (the place in davening where we ask Hashem to forgive us for our Aveiros).

Once at a Farbrengen, the Rebbe Rashab explained this:

The two feelings of being serious before davening and being happy during davening are connected! By preparing for davening in a serious way, like when we decide to make our behavior the best it can be, we can be full of joy when we connect to Hashem in davening.

In Tishrei, we have two Yomim Tovim which are like the “before davening” and “during davening” that we have every day!

Yom Kippur is like before davening, when we realize that we need to be serious about how we behave. We say Ashamnu many times, thinking about the things we need to do better.

Sukkos is like during davening! It is a Yom Tov that is full of simcha, the way our davening should be full of simcha.

These two are also connected — by being serious on Yom Kippur, we are able to have simcha on Sukkos! That is why we first touch the Lulav to our heart, the place where we “klapAshamnu, before continuing to shake the Lulav. That reminds us about how the Yomim Tovim are connected, that being serious at the right time brings us simcha on Sukkos and then throughout the year.



Shiur #166 - Mitzvas Asei #28, #25, #40, #41, #27, #42

Today we learn SIX mitzvos about the Avodah in the Beis Hamikdash!

1) (Mitzvas Asei #28) The kohanim need to bring the Ketores to Hashem two times every day!

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk Parshas Tetzaveh: וְהִקְטִיר עָלָיו אַהֲרֹן קְטֹרֶת סַמִּים בַּבֹּקֶר בַּבֹּקֶר

The halachos of the ketores are explained in the beginning of Mesechta Kerisus, and in a few places in Mesechta Tamid.

2) (Mitzvas Asei #25) The kohanim have to light the Menorah every day in the Beis Hamikdash.

This mitzvah also comes from a posuk in Parshas Tetzaveh: בְּאֹהֶל מוֹעֵד מִחוּץ לַפָּרֹכֶת אֲשֶׁר עַל הָעֵדֻת יַעֲרֹךְ אֹתוֹ אַהֲרֹן וּבָנָיו

The details of this mitzvah are explained in Perek Ches of Mesechta Menachos, in the first Perek of Mesechta Yoma, and in a few places in Mesechta Tamid.

3) (Mitzvas Asei #40) The Kohen Gadol brings a special Korban Mincha (flour korban) to Hashem, two times every day, called the “Chavitei Kohen Gadol.”

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Tzav: זֶה קָרְבַּן אַהֲרֹן וּבָנָיו אֲשֶׁר יַקְרִיבוּ לַה׳

The halachos are explained in perakim Vov and Tes of Mesechta Menachos, and in many places in Mesechta Yoma and Mesechta Tamid.

4) (Mitzvas Asei #41) On Shabbos, we bring an EXTRA korban (“Musaf”) of two lambs!

This mitzvah comes from a posuk in Parshas Pinchas. We say this posuk at the end of davening on Shabbos! וּבְיוֹם הַשַּׁבָּת שְׁנֵי כְבָשִׂים

The way this mitzvah is done is explained in Perek Beis of Mesechta Yoma and Mesechta Tamid.

5) (Mitzvas Asei #27) We put Lechem Hapanim on the Shulchan every Shabbos, together with Levonah (a spice). Then the Kohanim can eat last week’s Lechem Hapanim!

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Terumah: וְנָתַתָּ עַל הַשֻּׁלְחָן לֶחֶם פָּנִים לְפָנַי תָּמִיד

The details of this mitzvah are explained in Perek Yud-Alef of Mesechta Menachos.

6) (Mitzvas Asei #42) On Rosh Chodesh, we need to bring a special korban too!

This mitzvah comes from a posuk in Parshas Pinchas: וּבְרָאשֵׁי חָדְשֵׁיכֶם וְגוֹ׳



Hilchos Temidin U'Musafin

In today's Rambam, we learn about many of the mitzvos in today’s Sefer Hamitzvos!

Perek Gimmel: This perek teaches us about how we bring the Ketores, how we light the Menorah, and the Chavitin of the Kohen Gadol.

Perek Daled: Now we learn about how the kohanim took turns to do the Avodah! They did a lottery called the Payis to decide who would get the zechus of doing the Avodah: The Kohanim would stand around in a circle, and hold out one or two fingers. The person in charge would decide a number, and which kohen to start from. Then he would count the fingers, and when he reached the number he decided, that kohen would get to do the Avodah!

Perek Hey: In this perek, the Rambam teaches us all about the Lechem Hapanim.



Nusach HaHaggadah

Today we say the Rambam’s nusach of Maggid in the Haggadah.

Mazel Tov! We have now finished learning the halachos about Pesach!

icon of clock


Hoshaana Rabbah

Starting from the year Tof-Shin-Mem-Alef, the Rebbe would say a sicha every night of Simchas Beis Hashoeivah, speaking about Sukkos, the Ushpizin, and the Chitas of that day. The Rebbe would encourage that there should be Simchas Beis Hashoeivah with dancing in the streets!

The last night of Chol Hamoed Sukkos is Hoshaana Rabbah. As we will learn later, there are many minhagim of Hoshaana Rabbah that keep us busy for most of the night.

The Rebbe said that even on Hoshaana Rabbah, we should still make sure to have a Simchas Beis Hashoeivah and dance for at least a little while. During the day, we should make sure to spend some time on Mivtzoyim and to learn something extra in honor of Yom Tov.

We might wonder how we can do all of those things, but if we try our best, Hashem will give us the koach to get it all done!

What did Simchas Beis Hasoeivah and Hoshaana Rabbah look like in 770 with the Rebbe? What would it feel like to be there today? Watch the nightly “Tishrei Up-Close” video, made by JEM for kids, to find out! videos.jem.tv/good-night (free registration required)

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Hoshaana Rabbah

Hoshaana Rabbah is when Hashem gives us the “receipt” for the Kesiva Vachasima Tova that we got on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. That is why some people wish each other “A Gutte Kvittel,” a good receipt.

(We see that sometimes the Rebbe would write Gmar Chasima Tova even after Yom Kippur, because the conclusion is not until Hoshaana Rabbah.)

There are many paragraphs we say at the end of Hoshaanos in davening on Hoshaana Rabbah, to ask Hashem to help us that everything will be good!



Hoshaana Rabbah

Tonight and tomorrow is Hoshaana Rabah.

During the day tomorrow we will say a much longer Hoshaanos, and before that we will go around the Bimah SEVEN times instead of one! At the end of Hoshaanos we will “klap” (hit) Hoshaanos, by banging five Aravos on the floor and saying the Yehi Ratzon printed in the siddur.

Tonight, the night of Hoshaana Rabbah, we stay up the whole night! We say the whole Chumash Devarim, and after Chatzos we say the whole Tehillim in Shul. After we finish the Tehillim, the Gabbai gives out apples and honey like on Rosh Hashana! This time, though, we eat it in the Sukkah — so Hashem will give us a sweet year!

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי



A Sign of the Geulah

The Rebbe points out something amazing about nowadays:

For the first time ever in Golus, NOBODY is stopping us from being proud Jews and sharing Yiddishkeit with others. There are no laws against it and nobody threatening us to stop.

Now it is just up to us, to use this special time to do as much as we can!

This is a very important preparation for the Geulah, when Moshiach will unite the world to know Hashem!

See sicha Parshas Vayigash, Sefer Hasichos 5752 p. 224

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לע"נ התינוק זאב ארי' ע"ה בן יבלט"א הרה"ח ר' שניאור זלמן שי' גליק
נפטר ב' מנחם אב ה'תשע"ג

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