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Parshas Noach - Sheini with Rashi

Hashem tells Noach to take the animals and his family into the Teivah.

On Yud Mar-Cheshvan, 1,656 years after Hashem made the world, Hashem told Noach to come into the Teivah, together with his family, since he was the only one left who was a Tzadik.

Even though there had been a tzadik, Mesushelach, Hashem made him pass away before the mabul would start. In fact, Hashem waited an extra seven days after the Mabul was supposed to start for his kavod, so that the seven days of mourning for him would be finished before the Mabul began.

Hashem told Noach to take the animals onto the Teivah too. He should take seven pairs (one boy and one girl) of each kind of tahor animal and bird, and only one pair of each non-tahor animal and bird. He would need more of the tahor kinds, because they would be used for korbanos after the Mabul.

Noach understood which animals Hashem meant. This shows us that Noach learned Torah — that’s how he knew which animals were tahor (kosher) or not.

All of the animals came to Noach by themselves, and went into the Teivah right away. Noach put the food inside, but he didn’t go in himself yet — he didn’t have such strong emunah, and wasn’t sure Hashem would REALLY send such a dangerous Mabul. He only went in when it started to rain.

Noach was 600 years old when the Mabul started...

The Mabul started on Yud-Zayin Mar-Cheshvan. The sun, moon, and stars stopped shining, and didn’t shine again until the whole Mabul was over.

At first it just rained, to give people a last chance to do Teshuvah. But they didn’t — so Hashem made all of the water come up from underground. He also opened up the place that holds water in Shomayim, and all of the water from Shomayim poured out for forty days and nights.

Noach had gone into the Teivah during the day, with bears and lions keeping him safe from the people who wanted to hurt him! His whole family came too — his wife Naama, his sons (Sheim, Cham, and Yafes), and his three daughters-in-law. All of the animals had come too, one boy and one girl of each (and seven pairs of Kosher animals). The animals all were nice to each other on the Teivah, and none of them hurt each other — just like they will act when Moshiach comes!

Once Noach was in the Teivah, Hashem sealed the door behind him.



1 - 9

Today we are starting the Sefer Tehillim again from the very beginning!

If you look in Kapitel Ches, you will see that posuk Beis and the last posuk have the same words in them! Why? Let’s see what the Gemara says about this:

When Hashem wanted to give the Torah to Yidden, the Malachim said: “You want to give such a special hidden treasure to PEOPLE?!” They said posuk beis of this Kapitel: “Hashem Adoneinu, Mah Adir Shimcha Bechol Ha’aretz, Asher Tenah Hodcha Al Hashomayim!” “Hashem, You are so great, put your Torah in Shomayim!”

Hashem told Moshe to answer the Malochim. Moshe answered, “The Torah says not to steal. Do Malochim have a Yetzer Hara that they would want to steal from each other?” After Moshe told them this and some more reasons why only Yidden can keep the Torah, the Malochim agreed.

They said this posuk again, saying how great Hashem is — but not asking Him to keep the Torah in Shomayim. They just said, “Hashem Adoneinu, Mah Adir Shimcha Bechol Ha’aretz.”



Igeres Hakodesh Siman Chof-Hey

This letter from the Alter Rebbe explains something we learn from the Baal Shem Tov: If a person is the middle of davening, and someone tries to get him mixed up, he should think about how the Shechinah is in Golus inside of the one who is bothering him. The Shechinah goes into Golus in that person who is getting chayus from kelipah, in order to give MORE chayus to kedusha, by the person using this challenge to add more Kavana in his davening.

The Alter Rebbe explains this vort, by teaching us how Hashem Echad Ushmo Echad — Hashem is one. The same Hashem that is giving chayus to the Yid who is davening, is also giving chayus to the Goy who is trying to get him mixed up. Hashem just made the chayus easier to see in the Yid who is davening, and more hidden and in Golus in the Goy who is bothering him.

It’s like the chayus of Hashem is dressing up in a costume — it looks like something is RUINING our Kavana, but really Hashem is doing this to make our chayus in davening stronger! So we shouldn’t get angry at whatever is bothering us, we should realize that Hashem is making this happen to wake us up, and work harder to daven with more Kavanah.

Yesterday we learned that the Shechinah is inside of the words of our davening.

Today the Alter Rebbe tells us that the Shechinah is also inside of the goy who is trying to bother us! But there, the Shechinah is in Golus.

Hashem wanted there to be two kinds of chayus in the world — one that helps us act the way Hashem wants, and one that is a challenge — that makes it hard for us to do it. The first kind of chayus is in our neshama, and it helps us do what we need to! But why do we need the second kind of chayus? To add more chayus into kedusha, by us using the challenge to add more in Avodas Hashem!

Hashem is ready for that chayus to be in Golus, to make sure we will work hard with the strongest kochos of our neshama. That chayus is in the goy who bothers us in davening.



Alef Mar-Cheshvan

In today’s Hayom Yom, we learn about something called Sod Habirurim, the secret of the Birurim.

What are Birurim?

All around the world, there are little pieces of kedusha stuck all over in different places. These pieces of kedusha are called Nitzutzos. When we use the opportunities we have to serve Hashem, wherever we are, then we are able to set those nitzutzos free!

Every person has a special shlichus from Hashem to free some of the Nitzutzos that are hidden and stuck.

But how do we know where to find our Nitzutzos?

This Sod Habirurim started with Avraham Avinu. Hashem told him to go far away from where he lived, to another place. There were Nitzutzos waiting for him there!

How can we find OUR Nitzutzos, since Hashem doesn’t tell us where to go?

Certain big Tzadikim know where their shlichus is, and they go there themselves — otherwise only Hashem knows! But we don’t have to worry! Hashem makes things happen Behashgacha Protis so we will end up in the right place to find our Nitzutzos and set them free.

The Rebbe Rashab said this to a melamed who moved from the Vilna area to a town in Cherson to have a job:

This melamed once came to the Rebbe Rashab in yechidus. The Rebbe Rashab asked him if there is a shiur Chassidus every day where he lives. He answered that the Balebatim have a shiur on Shabbos, but since they don’t really like to learn Chassidus they don’t have a shiur every day.

The Rebbe Rashab told him: Do you think you moved to your town just so that you can be a Melamed? Hashem could have given you students where you lived before, and you would have a job as a Melamed there!

Did you think about the fact that Hashem sent you there for a reason?

Then the Rebbe Rashab told him the message of today’s Hayom Yom, that Hashem makes every person end up where they are with a special shlichus they need to accomplish.



Shiur #177 - Mitzvas Lo Saasei #113

Today's mitzvah is that we can’t work with an animal that is supposed to be a korban. So if someone decides that his cow will be a korban, he is not allowed to use it to plow his field while he is waiting to bring it to the Beis Hamikdash!

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Reeh: לֹא תַעֲבֹד בִּבְכֹר שׁוֹרֶךָ

Even though this posuk is talking about a bechor, the Chachomim learn that the same is true with any other kind of korban.



Hilchos Me'ilah

In today’s Rambam, we are learning more about the halachos of me’ilah. Me’ilah means enjoying for ourselves something that belongs to Hashem. If a person does me’ilah, he needs to pay the worth of what he benefited from plus an extra fifth, and bring a korban.

Perek Beis: In this perek we learn at what point the isur of me’ilah starts for different kinds of korbanos.

Perek Gimmel: This perek teaches us about me’ilah from korbanos that either die or become posul — which is only Miderabanan.

Perek Daled: This perek talks about me’ilah from money that was set aside or something that was promised to be used for a korban.



Hilchos Shekalim - Perek Gimmel

This perek teaches us about the coin used for the Machatzis Hashekel. When a person brought a shekel to get change to bring the Machatzis Hashekel, he needed to add a little extra money, called a kolbon.

We learn what happens if the half shekel coin gets lost or mixed up, or if a coin is found in the Beis Hamikdash.

icon of clock


Chodesh Cheshvan

In a farbrengen at the beginning of Cheshvan, the Rebbe spoke about this special month:

We just finished a very exciting month with many special Yomim Tovim.

But now that it’s all over, what is there to look forward to? We are back at school and our regular schedule, and it can feel boring.

Well, that’s what Chodesh Cheshvan (which today is its Rosh Chodesh), is all about. Of course having mitzvos that are exciting and fun is important, and Hashem wants us to have them. But being a Yid isn’t just during the times that are exciting. Hashem wants us to show how a Yid acts the way he should even on a regular day when there isn’t anything exciting happening. We don’t get a chance to show that until the month of Cheshvan.

Hashem said to the month of Cheshvan that when Moshiach comes it will get a special thing! What is it?

The Chanukas Beis Hamikdash Hashlishi will be in the month of Cheshvan!

And when we show how a Yid acts even when nothing exciting happens, we make that VERY exciting thing happen much sooner!

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Torah Tziva

The first posuk of the Twelve Pesukim starts with the words “Torah Tziva.”

This posuk speaks about something very special that belongs to us!

Torah Tziva Lanu Moshe,” the Torah that Moshe Rabbeinu commanded us on Har Sinai, is “Morasha Kehilas Yaakov,” a yerusha to each one of us!

That means that the very same Torah that Moshe Rabbeinu was given at the time of Matan Torah is what belongs to each of us today.

What Moshe Rabbeinu got on Har Sinai was not just the Chumash, or even just Tanach. It was ALL the Torah that we would ever have, including Medrashim and Kabbalah and even the Torah of Moshiach! And now ALL of that Torah is ours too!

That means that any sefer on our shelf, and any shiur that anyone is giving, belongs to each and every Yid! And not just the Torah we know now, but all the Torah we will ever have, belongs to each and every one of us! It doesn’t matter if we are the biggest Talmid Chochom, or the smallest baby. It is OUR Torah, and we should know what a treasure we have.

See Likutei Sichos chelek Daled, Simchas Torah



Yaaleh Veyavo

On Rosh Chodesh, we add Yaaleh Veyavo in Shemoneh Esrei. We ask Hashem for the special brachos of the day!

If we accidentally leave it out in the Shemoneh Esrei of Shacharis or Mincha, we might have to say Shemoneh Esrei again! It depends when we realize we missed it:

1) Vesechezenah: If we were in the middle of Vesechezenah, before saying the bracha, we go back to Yaaleh Veyavo and say Vesechezenah again afterwards.

2) After Vesechezenah: If we already said Hashem’s name in the bracha at the end of Vesechezenah (Hamachzir Shechinaso Letzion), we say Yaaleh Veyavo right there, and then go straight onto Modim.

3) Modim: If we already started Modim, and we remembered before finishing Shemoneh Esrei, we go back to Retzei (the paragraph BEFORE Yaaleh Veyavo), and then say those paragraphs again.

4) End of Shemoneh Esrei: If we already said the second Yihiyu Leratzon (the one after we say our name posuk, right before Oseh Shalom), we need to go back to the beginning of Shemoneh Esrei.

See Derech Hachaim, printed in the siddur

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי



A Taste of Moshiach

During the Mabul, Hashem destroyed the world so it could be built again, but this time properly.

From all of the animals in the world, only the ones on the Teiva survived.

Even though the Teiva was big, there were very many kinds of animals. It was very crowded on the Teiva! But none of the animals fought.

Snakes stayed calmly next to birds, and lions lay down next to lambs. Everything was peaceful, just like it will be when Moshiach comes!

But when the Mabul ended, and all of the animals had to leave the Teiva, this peaceful time ended too. The lions went back to their chasing and attacking, and snakes tried to capture other animals for food again. The Moshiach’dike time was over.

Since Hashem was rebuilding the world, Hashem wanted to rebuild it with a little taste of Moshiach which is what happened on the Teivah. That would give us the koach later to keep working to bring Moshiach, when everyone, including animals, will be able to live peacefully — forever!

See Sefer Hasichos Tof-Shin-Nun parshas Noach, Yalkut Moshiach U’Geulah Al HaTorah Noach p. 25

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לע"נ התינוק זאב ארי' ע"ה בן יבלט"א הרה"ח ר' שניאור זלמן שי' גליק
נפטר ב' מנחם אב ה'תשע"ג

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