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Parshas Bereishis - Rishon with Rashi

The Chitas for Simchas Torah is the entire Vezos Habracha, plus Rishon of Parshas Bereishis. Here is a link with Chitas summaries for the whole week of Vezos Habracha, as we are only putting Rishon of Bereishis here.

YOM ECHAD: Bereishis — at the very beginning of Hashem’s creating the world, Hashem just made an empty world that wasn’t organized. He hovered over it, because He wanted to make it the place He would live. So Hashem said, “Let there be light!”

This light wasn’t regular light — it was a special “good” kind of light that made it easy to see the Ruchnius inside everything! But if that light would shine, we wouldn’t be able to CHOOSE to do what Hashem wants, we would KNOW to do it all the time. So Hashem put that part of the light away for when Moshiach comes.

The rest of the light was good too — but it needed to be with “seder” — only shining during the daytime. So Hashem separated the light and the dark — one for day, and one for night.

YOM SHEINI: The whole world was covered with water, and Hashem made that part of the world with “seder” too. Hashem made a sky, and put the part of the water that was like steam over the sky, and the rest of the water He put underneath. (When the water on the bottom complained that it wanted to be closer to Hashem, Hashem told it that the salt from the water would be used on Korbanos!) Hashem called the sky “Shomayim” — meaning that there is water there.

(Hashem also made the Malachim on this day, and Gehennom.)

YOM SHLISHI: Then Hashem made the water to have a Seder — instead of covering the whole world, part of it should go into a place and be the ocean, and the rest of the world should be dry land. This is also when the earth stopped being perfectly round like a ball, and became mountains and valleys and deserts! All the parts of the world were different, so different kinds of people would live there and serve Hashem in different ways.

Hashem saw that it was good, and now He told the earth to grow plants and trees!

Hashem told the trees that they should have seeds to grow more, and the plants also grew with seeds, even though Hashem didn’t tell them to — they did even more than Hashem asked! But Hashem told the trees to make bark that tastes like their fruit, and the trees didn’t listen.

Still, Hashem saw that it was good.

Hashem also made Gan Eden on this day!

YOM REVI’I: Hashem made the sun and moon (and stars and planets!) on the first day, but only today Hashem put them into the sky. They help us know when it is day or night, when time passes, and when it’s Shabbos and Yom Tov!

At first the sun and moon were the same sizes, but the moon complained. So Hashem made it smaller, and gave it stars to shine with it. The moon was still upset, so Hashem promised that the Yidden would bring a Korban every Rosh Chodesh to say sorry for making the moon smaller. When Moshiach comes, the moon will be bigger again!

YOM CHAMISHI: Hashem made the waters fill up with fish, and birds to fly in the sky. Hashem made two big fish called Leviasan, but they were SO big Hashem couldn’t let them have babies — they would take up the whole world! So Hashem killed the girl Leviasan, and saved the fish for a big Seudah when Moshiach comes.

Hashem told the birds and fish to have lots of babies, since some of them will have to be food for each other, and some will have to be Korbanos.

YOM SHISHI: Hashem made all kinds of animals and bugs and creeping kinds of animals on the world. Hashem didn’t give them a bracha to have lots of babies yet, since Hashem didn’t want the snake (who would make trouble) to get the bracha too.

Hashem asked the Malachim in a humble way, “Let US make a person.” (Hashem was also saying that a person will have ALL of the 10 Sefiros, just like Hashem — and animals are made with only one or two Sefiros.) At first some Malachim didn’t want to, but Hashem said that it is only fair — Malachim in Shomayim look like Hashem, so there has to be people on earth that are like Hashem!

Hashem made a person, that was like Hashem — that could understand things. The first person was like a boy AND a girl together! It asked Hashem to make it rain so everything could start to grow. Hashem made it rain, and soon the earth was covered with plants.

Then Hashem separated the person into a boy and a girl (we will learn more about that later!) and gave them a bracha to be in charge of the world. They should make it into a place where we can see Hashem!

Still, only Hashem is REALLY in charge, and they weren’t allowed to kill animals for food. They could eat plants, and animals that passed away by themselves.

Now that there were people, who would be able to make the world into a place for Hashem to live, Hashem saw that the world was VERY good!

SHABBOS: Now that Hashem finished MAKING things, it was time for Shabbos — to make this special resting day that is what Hashem made the world for!

Hashem gave Shabbos a bracha and made it extra-holy. Hashem also rested on Shabbos!



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In today’s Tehillim, we have a posuk that says “Reishis Chochma Yiras Hashem” — the beginning of Chochma (the first thing before we get the chochma of Torah) is to have Yiras Hashem.

A person could go to Yeshiva and learn a lot of Torah! Sometimes a person might think he is so smart, he is smarter than his teachers! He thinks he doesn’t need to listen to his parents either!

That’s why we need to have Yiras Shomayim first, because this way (as the Gemara explains), we can make sure that our Torah will only bring to GOOD things!



Igeres Hakodesh Siman Chof-Gimmel

The Alter Rebbe explained to Chassidim how important it is to use the time when a Minyan is there for holy things. So what should they do when they aren’t davening? Today the Alter Rebbe tells us.

In the Gemara there are special parts where the Chachomim explain pesukim and stories in the Torah. The Arizal writes that these parts of the Gemara, called Ein Yaakov, are very special. It is like the neshama of the Torah, and the secrets of Torah are hidden in these stories and explanations! (Chassidus shows us the Torah secrets that are in many of these parts of Torah.) When we learn it, it makes Hashem forgive our aveiros! It also gives us many eitzos in how to act.

The Alter Rebbe says to learn it between Mincha and Maariv, when the Minyan is there for davening. We should also learn some halachos, so everyone will be sure they are acting the way Hashem wants.

On Shabbos at Mincha time, it is a good idea to learn the halachos of Shabbos. There are many halachos that people don’t know, especially the details that the Chachomim teach us, like the halachos of Muktza. If we don’t learn them, and we don’t know what to do, we can’t say that it’s not our fault!

Everyone should stay and learn TOGETHER (not just something by themselves). If we do this, it will definitely bring Moshiach!



Chof-Gimmel Tishrei

On Simchas Torah, the year after the Alter Rebbe came out of jail, he said a Torah (like a Dvar Torah) about “Avodah Yidden.” When Yidden don’t just learn Torah, but they make sure that the Torah changes them, that is very special! These Yidden have a special connection to Hashem.

The Alter Rebbe explains a posuk in Mishlei according to Chassidus. It shows us how special these “Avodah Yidden” are, and what they do in Ruchnius!



Shiur #169 - Mitzvas Lo Saasei #132

(Mitzvas Lo Saasei #132) If a kohen was thinking the wrong thing when he brought a korban, like if he planned to bring it on the Mizbeiach or eat it after the time he is allowed to, the korban becomes “Pigul.”

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Tetzaveh: לֹא יֹאכַל כִּי קֹדֶשׁ הֵם



Hilchos Pesulei HaMukdashin

In today’s Rambam, we learn more about what can make a Korban Posul:

Perek Beis: The blood of a korban needs to be sprinkled on the Mizbeiach in a certain way. If it is done wrong, it can make the Korban posul.

Perek Gimmel: What happens if a korban that became posul was brought onto the Mizbeiach, or it was put into the keilim of the Beis Hamikdash? Sometimes, once it is already on the Mizbeiach or in the keilim, we need to bring up the korban even though it is posul.

Perek Daled: We learn what happens to a Chatas and an Asham that can’t be brought as korbanos.



Hilchos Shofar V'Sukah V'Lulav - Perek Gimmel

In this perek we finish learning the halachos of the shofar. We learn how to blow the shofar, including about the three kinds of sounds, Tekiyah, Shevarim, and Teruah.

icon of clock



On Simchas Torah during the day, it is also a minhag to make a farbrengen before the end of Yom Tov

At the Rebbe’s farbrengen on Simchas Torah, the Rebbe would remind chassidim to make a hachlata to learn Chitas for the coming year.

In the year Tof-Shin-Nun-Beis, at the end of the farbrengen, the Rebbe mentioned Chitas three or four times! After bentching, the Rebbe stood up and AGAIN said that he is reminding everyone about learning Chitas. Today we need an extra special reminder because the Chitas is so long!

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Ata Horeisa

In the davening of Rosh Hashana, we say many pesukim from the Torah that explain the mitzvah of shofar and the inyan of Rosh Hashana. These are in the sections of Malchiyos, Zichronos, and Shofros in Shmoneh Esrei.

On Simchas Torah, we also say pesukim from the Torah that explain the inyan of the simcha we have on Simchas Torah. These are the pesukim in Ata Horeisa!

The Rebbe once said that these pesukim are not only explaining what Simchas Torah is all about, but they are also a tefillah. One of the most important things these pesukim are asking for is the Geulah!



Simchas Torah

In the beginning of each day’s Hayom Yom, the Rebbe tells us the Chitas of the day.

If you look at the beginning of today’s Hayom Yom, you will see that today we learn the day’s shiur of Vezos Habracha, and then on Shabbos Bereishis, we learn the rest of Vezos Habracha and the whole Parshas Bereishis.

But in later years, the Rebbe said that since we start Parshas Bereishis on Simchas Torah, we should catch up to today’s shiur on Simchas Torah!

Why did the Rebbe say something different than the way it is in Hayom Yom?

Really, the mitzvah of today, the mitzvah of Simchas Torah, is to be besimcha! This should take up our whole day, with singing, dancing, and celebrating! Our joy on Simchas Torah is very special and helps us the whole entire year! So we don’t have time to sit down and learn a whole parsha of Chumash with Rashi, instead we push it off until Shabbos Bereishis.

But, the Rebbe said, people seem to find time to do other things. They aren’t dancing and singing the whole day! If you already have time to do other things, the right time to catch up in Chitas to Parshas Bereishis is today!

See farbrengen Simchas Torah Tof-Shin-Mem-Vov


On Motzei Simchas Torah the gabbai makes an announcement in Shul: “Veyaakov Halach Ledarko!” (Yaakov went on his way). This reminds us to take the chayus of all of the Yomim Tovim in Tishrei, and use that chayus all year!

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי



Simchas Torah

On the day of Simchas Torah, after we finish leining the end and beginning of the Torah, we say a piyut that starts with the words “Sisu Vesimchu Besimchas Torah.”

One of the lines in this piyut is “Ogil Ve’esmach Besimchas Torah, Bo Yavo Tzemach Besimchas Torah.” “I will rejoice and be happy on Simchas Torah, Tzemach will come on Simchas Torah!”

Tzemach is the name of Moshiach, like we see in many places (like the Gemara Yerushalmi and in Nach). We see that Moshiach has a very special connection to Simchas Torah!

R’ Yaakov Emden also writes in his Siddur Yavetz that Moshiach will come in the zechus of the simcha that we have with the Torah!

See sicha Leil Simchas Torah 5752, Sefer Hasichos Tof-Shin-Nun-Beis p. 37 ff.

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לע"נ התינוק זאב ארי' ע"ה בן יבלט"א הרה"ח ר' שניאור זלמן שי' גליק
נפטר ב' מנחם אב ה'תשע"ג

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