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Parshas Bereishis - Shlishi with Rashi

The Torah is continuing to tell us about the creation of Chava:

Even though Adam looked at all the animals, he couldn’t find any for him to marry! (Remember, Adam was made as a man and woman together!)

Hashem made Adam fall asleep, so it wouldn’t see, and took off the part that would be used to make Chava. Hashem brought her to Adam, who called her an “Isha” (woman) since she came from part of a man (“ish”).

Hashem gave them a mitzvah to get married, and they did!

Now the Torah tells us about something that happens later, about Cheit Eitz HaDaas, because it only happened after the snake saw Adam and Chava get married:

The snake was jealous of Adam. IT wanted to get married to Chava! It decided to trick Chava into giving fruit from the Eitz Hadaas to Adam.

The snake asked Chava if she was allowed to eat from all the trees. She said, “Yes — except for the Eitz Hadaas, which Hashem said we shouldn’t eat or touch, because it will make us die.” Of course, Adam didn’t tell her that touching the tree was dangerous, but she thought that was part of what Hashem said.

The snake pushed Chava against the tree so that she did touch it! “See,” the snake said, “You didn’t die from touching the tree! You wont die if you eat from it either!”

The snake told her, “Hashem doesn’t want you to eat from that tree because then you will be like Hashem!” The snake kept on talking to Chava until it convinced her that it would be good to eat from the tree. It hoped that she would give Adam the fruit first, and then he would die, so that it could marry Chava instead!

But instead of giving Adam first, she ate the fruit herself! Then she shared it with Adam, who ate it too!

The fruit of the Eitz Hadaas changed them. Before, they didn’t feel embarrassed that they were not wearing clothes, because they didn’t have a Yetzer Hara. Now they did, so they were embarrassed and wanted to cover themselves up.

Then they heard Hashem calling them!

Hashem said to Adam, “Ayeka? Where are you?” Hashem wanted Adam to tell the truth and do teshuvah, but at first Adam blamed Chava for making him eat from the fruit. Chava also didn’t do teshuvah right away — she blamed the snake.

Hashem didn’t make Adam and Chava die right away, since they DID feel bad. But instead of living forever, they would have to die later.

Then Hashem spoke to each one of them and told them what would happen because of the Cheit Eitz Hadaas:

The snake — Hashem made it not able to talk anymore, and took away its feet so it could only crawl on the ground. People would be able to kill it.

Chava — Hashem made it hard for her to have babies. It would be hard to take care of them, and hard to have babies. She would want to be with her husband, but he will be in charge.

Adam — It would be hard to grow plants for food, and he would have to work very hard.

Now the world wasn’t as holy as it was before — Yidden would need to fix that and make the world a Ruchnius place again!

Now we go back to what we were talking about before — how Hashem made Chava.

Adam named her Chava, since she would be the mother of all living (chai) people.

And back to what happened after Cheit Eitz Hadaas:

Hashem decided to help Adam and Chava become Tznius, and made them special, warm, and comfortable clothes that fit them perfectly. They could have made their own, but Hashem did it as a chesed for them.

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119 (first half)

In today’s Tehillim, we start kapitel Kuf-Yud-Tes. It is the longest kapitel, and we only say half of it today — it takes us two days to finish it in Chitas! This kapitel goes according to the Alef-Beis, and every letter has eight pesukim that start with it.

In the letter Beis, there is a posuk that says “Bameh Yezakeh Naar Es Orcho Lishmor Kidvorecha.” The posuk means, “How does a person make the way he acts pure? By listening to what Hashem says.” By doing mitzvos and acting the way Hashem tells us in the Torah, we will be pure and holy.

But there is another meaning to this posuk too!

The Alter Rebbe once went to his Rebbe, the Maggid, and asked for a bracha to have a baby boy. The Maggid said: “Bameh Yezakeh Naar? How does a person have the zechus to have a baby boy? ‘Es Orcho’ — by having Hachnosas Orchim.”

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Igeres Hakodesh Siman Chof-Hey

Today we are starting a new letter from the Alter Rebbe. One of the things we learn from this letter is what we can do so we don’t get angry.

When someone says something to us that we don’t like, or does something we don’t like, we can get angry at them. The Chachomim tell us that getting angry is like serving Avodah Zarah! If we had stronger Emunah in Hashem, we wouldn’t get angry.

What does Emunah have to do with getting angry?

The Alter Rebbe explains: Why does a person get angry when someone does something not nice to him? Because he is sure that it’s the other person’s fault that he is hurt! That’s a good reason to get angry at them, right?

But it isn’t really true! Everything that happens in the world is from Hashem. Even if someone is saying something not nice to you, it is only because the chayus of Hashem is in that person and is letting him say that not nice thing. If Hashem didn’t want him to say it, he wouldn’t be able to!

(Of course there is no excuse to say or do not nice things to other people! Someone who does is doing an aveira, which they may need to get punished for, but that is a separate thing!

Hashem gave the person the koach to say or do what they did. Hashem decided that this thing should happen to us. If it wouldn’t have happened through that person, Hashem has many other messengers.)

Instead of getting angry at the other person, we should think about the chayus of Hashem that is doing it, think why Hashem is making this happen to us, and what we need to do to make it stop.

Sometimes we are so upset about what’s happening that it’s hard to think about our Emunah in Hashem. That’s why there is an eitzah from seforim to stay quiet so our anger doesn’t get stronger, and to wait for some time. During this time, we can remind ourselves that everything is really from Hashem, and we don’t have to get angry.

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Chof-Hey Tishrei

The Alter Rebbe made ten niggunim. Some are only very short tunes and not even a whole niggun, but they were made by the Alter Rebbe himself!

The niggunim that we have from the Mitteler Rebbe aren’t really made up by the Mitteler Rebbe — they were made by chassidim and sung in front of the Mitteler Rebbe. 

The Mitteler Rebbe had a choir, a “kapelye.” Some chassidim would sing, and some played instruments. The songs that they sang in front of the Mitteler Rebbe are what we call the Mitteler Rebbe’s niggunim.

There are certain times, like at the end of Yomim Tovim, when it is a minhag to sing the niggunim of all the Rebbbeim. We sing a niggun made by the Alter Rebbe, and a niggun called “Kapelye” from the Mitteler Rebbe which was made by these chassidim.

For many years, on Simchas Torah, the Rebbe would teach a niggun himself! Those are the niggunim that we call “the Rebbe’s niggunim.” There were also niggunim that Chassidim wrote or sang for the Rebbe’s Yom Huledes, with a posuk from the Rebbe’s kapitel. Many times Chassidim would whistle during niggunim when the Rebbe would want them to!

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Shiur #171 - Mitzvas Lo Saasei #131

(Mitzvas Lo Saasei #131) Yesterday, we learned that we can’t leave any part of the Korban after the time we are supposed to eat it. Today’s mitzvah is that we can’t EAT it after that time!

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Tetzaveh: וְזָר לֹא יֹאכַל כִּי קֹדֶשׁ הֵם

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Hilchos Pesulei HaMukdashin

In today’s Rambam, we learn about when Korbanos might need to be brought again.

Perek Ches: If birds for Korbanos get mixed up, we need to know what to do.

Perek Tes: What if our birds for korbanos fly away, or fly to a different group of birds?

Perek Yud: What happens if someone brought birds for two kinds of korbanos, but the kohen brought them all on the Mizbeiach like one kind of korban — do they still count?

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Hilchos Shofar V'Sukah V'Lulav - Perek Hey

This perek teaches us the halachos about sechach, the most important part of the sukkah. We learn what kosher sechach is, and what happens if non-kosher sechach got mixed into it!

One halacha in this perek is that you need to put on the sechach yourself. So if you see a haystack and you make a hole in it so you can crawl inside so that the sechach is already there, that’s not a kosher sukkah!

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Easy Mitzvos, Hard Mitzvos

We learn in today’s Chumash about the Cheit Eitz Hadaas. Adam and Chava were told not to eat from the Eitz Hadaas, but they ended up doing it anyway.

When we learn the story in Chumash, we might wonder: What’s so hard about not eating a fruit? There were plenty of other fruits in Gan Eden! Why did Adam and Chava not manage to keep such an easy mitzvah?

Chassidus teaches us that when there is a very important mitzvah, then the opposite side of kedusha fights EXTRA strong against it! It makes it feel VERY hard to keep even a small or easy mitzvah!

That is an important lesson for us:

When there is something that feels that it shouldn’t be a big deal, but it is very hard for us anyway, then that might be a mitzvah that is so important for us to do! Since it is so important for our neshama, our Yetzer Hara is fighting very hard against it! When we realize that, we can find the koach to do the mitzvah no matter how hard it seems!

See Likutei Sichos chelek Gimmel, Parshas Bereishis

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Tov LaShomayim, Tov LaBriyos

Today is Tuesday, Yom Shlishi.

When Hashem created the world, Yom Shlishi was an extra special day! On all of the other days, Hashem looked at what was created that day and said, “Ki Tov,” that it was good. But on Yom Shlishi, Hashem said “Ki Tov” TWO times!

The Rebbe teaches us that these two times that Hashem said it was tov, good, teach us a lesson we can think about, especially every Yom Shlishi: We should serve Hashem with TWO kinds of good — Tov LaShomayim and Tov LaBriyos.

Something that is Tov LaShomayim, good for Shomayim, is something we do for Hashem, like our learning and davening. Tov LaBriyos, good for creations, is something that helps other people, like giving tzedakah or doing Hachnosas Orchim.

We need to make sure our avodah has BOTH kinds, and we can even have them both together!

How do we have them both together?

Even when we are davening (Tov LaShomayim), we should think about other Yidden (Tov LaBriyos)! We do this right away at the beginning of davening, saying “Hareini Mekabel Alai Mitzvas Asei Shel Ve’ahavta Le’reiacha Kamocha!” And we should daven not just for ourselves, but for other people too!

And when we help another person (Tov LaBriyos), we should do it for Hashem (Tov LaShomayim)! When we are doing it for Hashem, we will help even if it doesn’t feel good. Even if the person is complaining instead of thanking us, we will help them because it is a mitzvah!

This way, we can make sure that our avodah ALL the time is done in a way of Tov LaShomayim AND Tov LaBriyos together.

See Sicha to Nshei Ubnos Chabad, Chof-Ches Iyar Tof-Shin-Lamed-Ches

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Ahavas Yisroel Before Davening

We learned that during davening is a time when we make a connection to Hashem, and we ask for our needs. That seems to be something just between us and Hashem! But the truth is that even during the time of davening, we are not only connecting ourselves with Hashem (Bein Adam LaMakom), we are also connecting ourselves with other Yidden (Bein Adam Lachaveiro), beginning with Hareini Mekabel.

Here is a story told by the Frierdiker Rebbe that shows this:

...At my Bar Mitzvah, my father the Rebbe Rashab called me by my name and said, “Yosef Yitzchok, ask something.”

So I asked my father, “It says in the siddur that we should say before davening, ‘Hareini’ — that I am taking on myself the mitzvah of Ve’ahavta Le’rei’acha Kamocha. Why does it say this specifically before davening Shacharis? If we are supposed to do Ahavas Yisroel first thing in the morning, it should be connected to morning brachos!”

My father answered me: “When a father has many children, his greatest nachas is when he sees that they all have achdus and they love each other. Davening is when we ask Hashem for our needs — both our Gashmius’dike needs and our Ruchnius’dike needs. Before we ask Hashem for our needs, we need to do something that will bring Hashem nachas. For that reason, it was established that we should accept upon ourselves the mitzvah of Ahavas Yisroel as a preparation for davening...”

Sefer Hasichos 5700, p. 157

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Closing Seforim

RING! Is that the bell for recess?

Before we run to get our snack, we first take care of our seforim! We close the sefer we were in the middle of using, since it is not kavodik for a sefer to be left open with nobody learning from it.

The Rebbe said that cheder kids used to ALL know this. Nowadays, people don’t always think about their seforim! They leave the room, and just leave their poor seforim open, all alone.

Once the Frierdiker Rebbe noticed an important person walking away from a table where he had been learning. His sefer was still open. In a kind way, the Frierdiker Rebbe asked him to close the sefer, and not just leave it that way.

The Rebbe had been standing nearby. The Rebbe knew how the Frierdiker Rebbe was always so careful not to bother other people, especially important people. He told the Frierdiker Rebbe that he could have asked him, the Rebbe, to close the sefer instead of telling this person!

The Frierdiker Rebbe said that it is important to make sure that the sefer is closed when it is left alone, but that is not all. It is also important that if it is possible, the person who opened it should close it himself.

See Toras Menachem vol. 39, p. 190-192

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי

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Chassidus Brings Moshiach

A chossid once wrote a letter to the Rebbe, sharing good news.

In the letter back, the Rebbe asked that this chossid shouldn’t just share this kind of good news, he should also include another very important kind of good news! “Ain Tov Ela Torah” — “There is no good except for Torah!” The Rebbe asked the chossid that he should also write about his learning Torah, especially Chassidus!

Learning Chassidus is especially important, since it brings the Geulah! As R’ Chaim Vital, a talmid of the Arizal, explains, not learning enough Pnimius HaTorah keeps the Geulah from coming faster.

The Gr”a, the Vilna Gaon, also writes about this, in his pirush on Mishlei.

And it is important to not only learn Chassidus, but to also spread the teachings of Chassidus to others, so that the Geulah comes much faster!

See Igros Kodesh chelek Yud-Gimmel, p. 32

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