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Parshas Lech Lecha - Chamishi with Rashi

In yesterday’s Chumash, we learned how Avram won over the four kings, and how the king of Sedom was saved.

The king of Sedom was very happy that his city was rescued in the end. He offered Avram, “If you let all of the people go, you can keep all of the riches in my city!”

Avram answered, “I won’t take even a thread or a shoelace! But if any of my soldiers or my helpers want to take things, that is fine.”

Avram didn’t want the king of Sedom to be able to say that HE was the one who made Avram rich and famous. He wanted it to be clear that it was from Hashem, and because of what Hashem promised him!

After the war, Avram was worried. Maybe since Hashem made a neis for him to win the war, Hashem wouldn’t make any more nissim for him!

Hashem told Avram not to worry, he would get a lot of reward. Avram told Hashem that the only reward he really wanted was a child. “I have a very good student and servant, Eliezer. If I don’t have any children, he will get everything passed down to him. But he is not my child!”

Hashem told Avram that he WOULD have children! He told Avram to go outside, look up at the sky, and try to count the stars. “This is how many your children will be — you won’t be able to even count them!”

Avram believed that Hashem would do what He said. He didn’t even ask Hashem for a sign!

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Today’s kapitelach are Samach to Samach-Hey.

In Kapitel Samach, the first of today’s Tehillim, we have a posuk that says “Lemaan Yeichaltzun Yedidecha, Hoshia Yemincha Va’aneini.” (We also say it by the end of Shmoneh Esrei.)

The pesukim before this one talk about how Hashem sometimes makes a person have a hard time so they can show that they ALWAYS believe in Hashem. This posuk tells us that really “Hashem does this so that He can save them, and will help with His right hand and answer.” Really, the whole time Hashem wants to save the person, but he wants them to show that they believe in Hashem all the time. Then everyone will know they deserve their brachos.

We see that even though sometimes things are hard, it’s because Hashem wants to give us later something even better.

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Igeres Hakodesh Siman Chof-Vov

We learned before that when we work hard to understand the halachos of the Torah properly, we are taking the Torah out of the Golus it is in — the kelipah of the questions and things that make it hard to understand.

When Moshiach will come, we won’t need to learn Torah for THAT reason, because there will be no more kelipah to hide the kedushah of the Torah! We will only need to learn the Chassidus that explains the halachos, to bring extra kedushah into the Torah. But we won’t need to take it out of Golus, since there will be no more bad in the world!

And what about the halachos themselves? We will know them by just learning them once — we won’t need to review them all the time, because we will not forget them. Forgetting is from kelipah, and Hashem will take away all of the kelipah from the world! Plus, we will understand them by knowing the Chassidus that we learn about them.

This ends this very long letter! We understand now that in the times of Golus, the Torah is also in Golus. We know that when we work hard to understand the halachos and discover new insights in the Torah we bring the Geulah sooner. And we know that when Moshiach comes, our learning will be different, and we will mainly learn the deeper meanings and the secrets of the Torah!

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Yud-Alef Mar-Cheshvan

The first paragraph of today’s Hayom Yom has two corrections in the Torah Ohr of this week.

The Rebbe Rashab wrote corrections in the margins of his copy of Torah Ohr. All of the corrections in Torah Ohr which are printed in Hayom Yom are from what the Rebbe Rashab wrote there.

The Rebbe Rashab also wrote notes and explanations on one of the maamarim in Torah Ohr for Parshas Vayeira, the maamarPosach Eliyahu.” He started writing these notes in the winter of Tof-Reish-Nun-Beis (1891).

The Rebbe had these notes printed almost 90 years later, in Tof-Shin-Mem-Alef, in a booklet called “Hagahos L’Dibur Hamas’chil Posach Eliyahu Tof-Reish-Nun-Beis.”

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Shiur #187 - Mitzvas Asei #70

Today’s mitzvah (Mitzvas Asei #70) is to bring a korban called an Asham Talui if a person isn’t sure if he did an aveira that would need him to bring a Korban Chatas.

This sofek (doubt) is called in the words of the Chachomim, “Lo Hoda,” not known.

We learn this mitzvah from two pesukim in Parshas Vayikra:

וְאִם נֶפֶשׁ כִּי תֶחֱטָא וְעָשְׂתָה אַחַת מִכָּל מִצְוֹת ה׳ אֲשֶׁר לֹא תֵעָשֶׂינָה וְלֹא יָדַע וְאָשֵׁם וְנָשָׂא עֲו‍ֹנוֹ: וְהֵבִיא אַיִל תָּמִים מִן הַצֹּאן בְּעֶרְכְּךָ לְאָשָׁם אֶל הַכֹּהֵן וְכִפֶּר עָלָיו הַכֹּהֵן עַל שִׁגְגָתוֹ אֲשֶׁר שָׁגָג וְהוּא לֹא יָדַע

The details are explained in Mesechta Kerisus.

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Hilchos Shegagos

In today’s Rambam, we learn more about the korbanos a person brings if he did an aveira by mistake.

Perek Gimmel: In this perek, we learn many halachos about a person bringing a Korban Chatas for a serious aveira they did by mistake. One halacha is that the Korban Chatas is only a forgiveness for someone who trusts that it will be a kapara. If someone does not believe that it will be a kapara for him, his korban is not counted, and he needs to bring another one after doing teshuvah.

Perek Daled: If a person does many aveiros that all need a Korban Chatas, we learn when he can bring one Korban for them all, and when he needs to bring many separate korbanos.

Perek Hey: This perek teaches us special halachos if someone married someone they weren’t supposed to, and didn’t realize it was an aveira which has the punishment of Kareis.

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Hilchos Kiddush Hachodesh - Perek Tes

In today’s Rambam, we finish learning about the calendar. Today we learn about when spring starts, which the Beis Din needed to know to decide when it would be a leap year to make sure Pesach is in the spring.

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Mesiras Nefesh for the Geulah

According to some sources, Yud-Alef Cheshvan is the yartzeit of Rochel Imeinu.

The Rebbe teaches us a beautiful lesson that we can learn from Rochel Imeinu!

When Rochel passed away, Yaakov didn’t bury her in Me’aras Hamachpeilah, where the rest of the Avos and Imahos were already buried, and where he would later be buried. Instead, he buried her on the side of the road.

But Rochel was happy about this!

Yaakov Avinu knew with Ruach Hakodesh that the Yidden would pass by this place on their way to Golus.

When Rochel saw her children taken away from Eretz Yisroel, she went to cry to Hashem.

Hashem heard her tefillos, and promised to bring the Yidden back, and give them the Geulah.

Rochel was ready to not be buried together with her husband, so she could later help the Yidden to get the Geulah.

The Rebbe said in a sicha to women that this teaches us a very important lesson! Rochel Imeinu had such Mesiras Nefesh for the Geulah, and we, her children, should try to do that too. We should be ready to do things that might not be comfortable for us, so we can help other Yidden deserve the Geulah.

Based on farbrengen of Parshas Vayechi Tof-Shin-Mem-Vov

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Higher Than Sechel

In the year Tof-Shin-Yud-Ches, Chinuch in America was not the same as it is today. There were not as many Yeshivos as we have now, and people weren’t sure if Yeshivos were such a good idea at all.

What parents were worried about was that their children should have “tachlis,” that they would get good jobs and make money for their families. So getting the best Yiddishe Chinuch was not something they worried about so much.

Yes, learning Torah is also important, but they figured that their kids could do that later, once they got a good job for themselves. It was enough that they spent some time in Talmud Torah, or even a day school. It didn’t make any sense to them for their child to learn in a Yeshiva, where they would just learn Torah and Chassidus all day!

Since most people thought this way, it was very hard to get people to give money to a Yeshiva like Tomchei Temimim. And without money, how can you have a Yeshiva? You need money for the building, to pay the teachers, and to buy Seforim! The Askanim that were trying to help Tomchei Temimim were worried. Not only did they not have people ready to give money to the Yeshiva to keep it going, the Yeshiva already owed a lot of money!

Some of the Askanim wondered if it was so important to have a Yeshiva like this, where the students spend their day learning Gemara and Chassidus.

From time to time, the Rebbe would give a group Yechidus to the Askanim. They would come to the Rebbe’s room, and the Rebbe would say a sicha just for them.

On Thursday of Parshas Lech Lecha in Tof-Shin-Yud-Ches, the group of Askanim had one of these kinds of Yechidus.

When they came in, the Rebbe told them something the Frierdiker Rebbe taught: That we can find answers to problems we have in the parsha of the week. The Torah is not a history book, it is a book of horaos! We learn it again every year, because every year we have new issues, and every year the parsha gives us a new koach to know what to do. And this week’s parsha, Parshas Lech Lecha, has an important lesson about Yeshivos:

In this week’s parsha, Hashem tells Avraham Avinu that Yitzchak will be born, and that Yitzchak will be his true nachas.

Avraham doesn’t think he deserves such a neis, and tells Hashem, “Halevai that I should have nachas from Yishmael, that would be enough!”

Hashem tells Avraham, yes, you will have nachas from Yishmael. But your TRUE nachas can only come from Yitzchak.


Yishmael was born and grew up in a natural way. His connection to Hashem was also in a natural way — he learned about Hashem in the house of his father Avraham, and when he was 13 years old he understood that it was the right thing for him to have a Bris Milah like his father, and he agreed.

Yitzchak was born and raised in a way of nisim! It was a big neis that he was even born, when Avraham and Sarah were already so old. His connection to Hashem was also not in a natural way. Right away when he was just eight days old, too young to understand or even know what was happening, he was given a Bris Milah! This gave him a connection to Hashem that would last not just for a year or even for ten years, but FOREVER!

This is how Avraham Avinu would have true nachas: From a baby that had a connection to Hashem that was not based on sechel, but was higher than sechel.

And, the Rebbe told them, the same thing is for every Yid! If we want true nachas, to have children that will stay Yidden and pass it on to the next generation, we need to raise them like Yitzchak! We can’t spend time thinking about what makes sense in our sechel. We need to give them a connection to Hashem that is HIGHER than sechel!

If we are only teaching them a little bit of Torah when they are younger, and the main thing we are worried about is how they will get a job when they are older, we are doing it wrong!

Yidden are the oldest nation, and the Torah is older than any ideas in the world. Yidden have gone through many challenges over the years and always survived with Hashem’s nisim.

Is there enough money? Maybe they learned enough Torah for now, do we really need to teach them more? What can we teach them that will help their parnasa?

Those are not questions that a Yid should be asking! We need to be like Yitzchak, that our connection to Hashem is HIGHER than sechel!

We need to give children the FULLEST amount of Torah that we can right now, and not wait until they are older. And, the Rebbe told the Askanim, don’t worry about the money that the Yeshiva owes! It means they are growing and borrowing money to grow even more!

When the students in the Yeshiva grow up, they will have hatzlacha from Hashem. They will become gevirim and be able to give big donations, enough to pay back all of the money the Yeshiva owes!

Of course, we know the end of the story: Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim continued giving the highest quality Chinuch even to the youngest children. It grew and still is growing today — in a way of nisim, higher than sechel!

See sicha of Vov Cheshvan, Tof-Shin-Chai; part of it is also printed in Likutei Sichos chelek Alef, Parshas Lech Lecha

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Kol Yisrael

The fourth posuk of the Yud-Beis Pesukim starts with the words “Kol Yisrael.” It is a Mishna in Sanhedrin, and we say it before each perek of Pirkei Avos.

This posuk speaks about how special Yidden are!

Kol Yisrael — Every single Yid

Yeish Lahem Chelek Le’olam Haba — will be part of Techiyas Hameisim, which is also called Olam Haba.

Shene’emar — Like the Navi Yeshaya says,

Ve’ameich Kulam Tzadikim — “The nation of Yidden, who are all tzadikim,

L’olam Yirshu Aretz — deserve to have Olam Haba as a yerusha forever.

Neitzer Mata’ai, Maasei Yadai — They are like a branch that Hashem planted, the work of Hashem,

Lehispa’er — and Hashem is proud of them.”

IY”H we will learn more about what this posuk means, and the important lessons even children could learn from it!

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Saying Brachos Out Loud

Today is the second day of Baha”b, the three fasts after Yom Tov. The Rebbe said that since every fast day is an Eis Ratzon, a special time to connect to Hashem, even if a person is not fasting, the day should still be used to add in Torah, Avodah, and Gemilus Chasadim!


As we learned yesterday, when we say a bracha, we should know what we are saying! It is important to know who we are saying the bracha to (the meaning of the words Baruch Ata Hashem Elokeinu Melech Haolam), and what the bracha is about (the last words of the bracha).

In order to have this kavana, it is brought in halacha that we should make a bracha out loud! Even if there is nobody there to hear us saying it, “Hakol Me’orer Es Hakavana” — our voice helps us have more kavana.

That way we will be able to think how we are saying a bracha to Hashem, and what we are saying the bracha about.

See Misgeres Hashulchan to Kitzur Shulchan Aruch siman Vov and sources there

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי

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Who Dovid Hamelech Will Dance With

R’ Aizik Homiler once said:

“When Moshiach comes, the Avos will have Techiyas Hameisim, and the holy Shevatim, Moshe and Aharon, all of the Neviim, all of the Tannaim and Amoraim, and the Gaonim and the Tzadikim of all generations…

“All of them will give special attention to the poshute Yidden, the ones who serve Hashem in a temimus’dike way. Moshe Rabbeinu’s first dance will be with these Yidden, because the whole Torah stands on THEM…

“And Dovid Hamelech will dance with the poshute Tehillim-zogers, the poshute Yidden who say Tehillim with their whole heart.”

Migolah L’Geulah p. 197

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