Whānau News: 3 November 2023
Kia ora church whanau,
What an amazing time last Sunday as we took church out into our community. The joyride was a huge success and it was a powerful time to pray for our local schools. Thanks to all who helped and supported the day.
This week we have had Pukekohe Intermediate school using our church for their major production Moana. I was talking to the Deputy Principal and she said, "it is amazing the feeling of welcome your church has. Thank you for letting us use this place." It always amazes me the power of relationship. 15 years of partnership with Pukekohe Intermediate School has cemented a strong relationship. Let's keep praying for this relationship/partnership. I am encouraged by the simple phrase of our "church feels welcoming." These are are church values. Whanau, Encounter, Leading,Celebration, Outward Focused, Mentoring, Embracing. Let's continue to be the WELCOME'ing church God is calling us to be.
Josh van de Worp
Hui - Sharing Time / Hui Attendees
During this past week the staff and other delegates from FBC have been at our National Hui at Manukau Baptist Church. This is the time when Baptist Churches from around the country send their delegates (approximately 600) and gather to listen to one another and discern what God is saying to us all as a movement of Churches.
This year we have 7 delegates attending who will be sharing in our service a reflection of what God might be saying to us all as a denomination.
John 17:21 I pray that they will all be one, just as You and I are one—as You are in Me, Father, and I am in You. And may they be in Us so that the world will believe You sent Me.
Join us at 10AM in-person or online. Unfortunately we are aware that Covid is on the rise again. We would love to have you join us online for the service if you are not able or unwell. Please contact us if you need support staff@fbc.nz
For the Kids...
Wonder Kids (Preschool Programme): This month we are joining in a parade of thanks. This week we are focusing on our family and looking at the story or Ruth, Naomi and Boaz in Ruth 1-2.
Discovery Kids (Primary Programme): This month we are Shouting out - who have we thanked today?. This week we are looking at how we can give thanks in every situation from 1 Thessalonians 5:18
FBI (Intermediate Programme): We are looking at the last week in our series "Navigating what the Bible is, how we can use it, and what it means for our lives today." | WEEK 4: The Bible gives us wisdom.
Joy Ride
A huge thank you to everyone who came and participated as part of the Joy Ride for Joyya. It was so great to come together, pray for our local schools and have fun in fellowship and riding our bikes.
Prayer at 5pm
I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. Eph. 1:17
As a church fellowship, we need to declare Christ as the Head of our Fellowship and seek His direction and enablement for our church, so that we can be in step with His will.
We meet at 5pm on a Sunday in the church prayer area to do just that, to connect with Jesus, who brings life to us individually and fruitful life to our fellowship. We would love to have you join us!
Womens Ministry - Come to the Table
Women’s Ministry Event - Sat 11th November 7pm
All the women in the church are invited to our women’s event called Come to the Table. We are really looking forward to catching up with you all.
At this event there will be time for connection, cooking demos and tastings and of course to have some fun together.
You are welcome to bring a friend. Tickets are $10 and you can get them from Kylie at the Information desk on Sunday, or email women@fbc.nz or register through the church App under events.
Men's Ministry Breakfast
The next Men's Ministry Breakfast is coming up on the 4th November at 7am. To register, please contact Charlie or sign up at the info desk. $15 per person, subsidies available if required.
National Baptist Hui
Please pray for staff and leadership as they attend the National Hui in Manukau this week.
Thank you gift for Steve
We have all appreciated having Pastor Steve on staff at FBC and we would love to bless him with a thank you gift. If you would like to contribute towards this gift you can give online into the church bank account. Please put "Steve" in the reference line. Our bank account number is: 01 0403 0013842 00. You can also contribute cash by putting it in an envelope marked with Steve on the outside and this can be put into the offering kete on Sunday.
Pastoral Search Update
We continue to thank you for your prayers for the Search committee as we seek a new pastor. As you can appreciate, the task is a difficult one. There are more pastoral vacancies within the Baptist churches of New Zealand than people available. We have had some applicants and continue working with a couple of potential candidates.
Prayer for Israel and the Palestinian territories
The Baptist World Alliance, along with Baptist churches in Israel and Palestine are asking us to join with them in prayer over the recent conflict in the region. They have sent us some prayer points to help us pray effectively. You can find their prayer points here.
We will be meeting again on Wednesday at 10am. All are welcome! It would be appreciated, as always, if you are able to bring a food item towards morning tea. For more information contact Charlie Potter. 027 529 8211
Alpha - The Marriage Course
An enrichment course for all couples, no matter age, length of, or health of your marriage. The next course is planned to start early February. More information coming soon!
Enquiries: sandra@fbc.nz
Sharing Kai
It has been great to see people bringing in excess produce from their fruit trees at home to share with everyone. We have created a space for this underneath the missions notice board. Please put fruit/vegetables that you would like to share with the congregation on the table.
GAT Prayer
Check out the latest news from the Global Action Team. Click here for the OCT-NOV newsletter. A printed copy is available at the Info desk. Thanks for upholding them and our other partners in prayer.
Booking Rooms at FBC
If you would like to book the use of a room at FBC (either for personal use or church use), please fill out the form. Link for FBC Booking Request Form
Prayer Chain
If you would like to submit a prayer request to the Prayer Chain, please email Arlene Hutcheon on prayerchain@fbc.nz or send a text to 0274726198. All prayer requests are treated as confidential.
You can give online, by automatic payment or direct debit. Our church bank account: 01 0403 0013842 00 or click here to donate now. For the "Renew" giving, please indicate "Renew" as reference for giving through bank. And if using the above link, click "Renew" on the drop down tab.
Whanau news
If you have something you would like to share in the Whanau news, please email it to staff@fbc.nz by 12 noon on Thursday. Thank you.
Please note that we post Church sponsored/supported events and activities. You can personally post any other advertising requests in our FBC Community Facebook page.
As an encouragement to all of you while you're at home...check out some of the songs we're currently singing on Sundays and a few new ones we might sing in the future. If you have a Spotify account, this is the link to FBC Worship on Spotify