11/01 - Chatsworth Library Book Club
Chatsworth Library Book Club invites you to discuss The Lincoln Highway by Amor Towles at 1:30 PM. Email sstamm@lapl.org to request the zoom link.
11/4 - CrEATive Plates Cooking Class for Kids
Join the Granada Hills Branch Library for a cooking class focused on teaching kids the fundamentals of cooking with a nutritional component. This event is for children ages 5-12. Click here to learn more.
11/4 - Stories Walking Book Club
If you're a book lover who enjoys the great outdoors, join the Strolling Stories Walking Book Club. Discuss books you are currently reading while getting your steps in! Call the Northridge Branch Library (818) 886-3640 for more information.
11/5 - VFW Family Potluck Night
The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2323 invite you join them in Granada Hills for a potluck dinner. Bring a main, a side, or a desert! Click here to see the flyer and information.
11/11 - Tree Planting & Giveaway at Dearborn Park
The Los Angeles Beautification Team, LA Recreation & Parks, and Council District 12 invite you to a tree planting and giveaway event. Registration is required to participate and receive a free tree. Click here and please RSVP by emailing Myrka.Martinez@lacity.org.
11/11 - Time Capsule Ceremony
Witness history as a time capsule from 1972 is removed and buried again with items from 2023 at the Granada Hills Veterans Memorial Park. Click here to view the flyer.
11/19 - Volunteers Beautification Event
Kiwanis Club of Chatsworth, Chatsworth Neighborhood Council, and VCC invite you to join them in helping beautify our community. Follow this link see how you can help.
11/19 - Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony
It's almost the most wonderful time of the year! Join Shepherd of the Hills in the annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony. Click here to view the flyer.
12/2 - California Christmas
Councilmember John Lee and Terrell Edwards invite you to the 2nd Annual California Christmas Concert. This immensely popular concert is sure to impress and as a cherry on top, proceeds from the show will go towards Rockin’ For The Arts, a 501(c)3 charity that supports students interested in the performing arts. Click here to get your tickets.