Branching Out
Sharing Stories and Information through Outstretched Arms
February 2024
As the days grow longer and give us whiffs of spring, we connect indoors in February while anticipating outdoor fun in March. Check out what's on the horizon in our Upcoming section, from a literary salon to fiber arts, movie and current topics discussions, and more. Don't miss an exciting new initiative, Arbor Circles, in Interest Groups or a report from Arbor West Neighbors' board.
Reimagining Adventure as We Age
The Programs Group started 2024 with an adventurous session led by Arbor West Neighbors member Catherine Marienau and her podcast colleague, Gail Zelitsky. Part of the presentation was hearing short audio clips of their podcast participants who shared their personal stories about what adventure means to them.
Over two dozen AWN members and guests engaged in lively small-group conversations as well as full-group interaction about creating/having adventures and the adventure of aging itself.
Over 30 Arbor West Neighbors members and guests braved icy streets and sidewalks to gather at the condo building of our host, Cecily Mango.
Marie Kruse and
Elisabeth Muhlenberg
Gil Herman, Don Burk and
Maureen Connolly
Iris Yipp and Catherine Marienau
David Sokol and Betty Harris
Meg Herman and Julie Iverson
Haruko Shino and Sunny Hall
Arbor West Neighbors members Sandra Sokol, Joan Greene and Peggy Conlon-Madigan participated in ongoing meetings with Joslyn Bowling Dixon, the director of the Oak Park Public Library, to advocate for increased programs relevant to the village's older adult population. In response the library has already brought back print copies of several newspapers and scheduled monthly Older Adult Coffee Hours.
Look for a program regarding Financial Exploitation and others that will be presented during Celebrating Seniors Week in May. The AWN Advocacy group's focus continues to be housing issues affecting older adults in Oak Park and diversity issues regarding village housing and schools. For more information, contact Sandra Sokol, sandrasokol@sbcglobal.net.
Arbor West Neighbors Green Team Tip
Hold on to the Heat
Winter winds are surely coming our way. Not only do we want to keep them outside, but we also want to keep our cozy indoor heat inside. Insulation accomplishes both, saves us money, and is good for the environment. Find out all the ways to insulate your abode by clicking here https://greenerideal.com/guides/home-insulation-tips/
Have you visited Arbor West Neighbors on the web?
Website liaison, Henry Kranz, invites you to check out our web site, arborwestneighbors.org, for information about us, as well as helpful resources. Visitors can find a link to Branching Out, review our Calendar of Events and fill out a simple form to join. It's a useful place for members looking to plan their week or month ahead, or trying to recall information. The site is accessible worldwide, so anyone with a computer or smart phone can easily find us.
Meetups for
Arbor West Members and Guests
Tuesday, February 27, 2024, 4:00 - 5:30 pm
at The Sheridan, 800 N Harlem, River Forest
with a facility tour available at 3:30 pm
Tuesday March 26, 2024, 4:00 to 5:30 pm
hosted by John and Elisabeth Muhlenberg
615 S Kenilworth, Oak Park
Workshops educate and engage you with your Arbor West Neighbors.
Arbor West Neighbors Debuts Literary Salon
Ten AWN members will read brief selections from their writing across a range of genres including memoir, short fiction, non-fiction and poetry. Margaret Burk, Barbara Rose and Sun-Hee Yoon are hosting. Light refreshments will be provided.
Sunday, February 4, 2024
2:00 - 4:00 pm
American House Bistro
703 Madison Ave., Oak Park
There is no charge, but pre-registration is required to manage logistics. To join us, sign up at registerAWNprogram@gmail.com.
Hearing Challenges and Resources for Older Adults
Many of us have or will have difficulties hearing as we age. How will you know when and where to get your hearing tested? Do you need some technology to assist you? What’s available now? What’s coming? AWN member Elisabeth Muhlenberg is working with her audiologist, Eva Lopez, to provide answers to these and more questions.
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Dole Branch Library
255 Augusta Avenue, Oak Park
Much more to come!
Watch these newsletters and email flyers for these offerings:
April: Exploring End of Life Options
May: Understanding SCAMs for Older Adults
June: Online Dating for Older Adults
Have you been thinking about a new opportunity for connection? Arbor West Neighbors is inaugurating a program to foster small, ongoing groups called “Arbor Circles" open to all members and other older adults. This initiative grows from a desire by members to develop more personal connections as a complement to our larger, well-attended meet-ups. AWN will offer guidelines to help groups begin, but ultimately each will decide its own direction, including where and how often to meet.
For more information, contact Esther Brodsky, estsue@yahoo.com, or Nancy Van Dyke, nancywvandyke@gmail.com.
For people interested in seeing plays together.
Next Outing:
The Matchbox Magic Flute
Sunday, February 11, 2024
at the Goodman's Owen Theater
170 N Dearborn, Chicago
Mary Zimmerman's playful adaptation of Mozart's classic opera.
Sold out!
To learn in advance about this group for future outings, contact Hinda Blum, hindablum@yahoo.com for more information.
If you enjoy knitting, crocheting, embroidering, applique or other fiber arts, join this welcoming group, usually at a member's home, on the first and third Fridays of the month, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm
Two projects underway are knitted washcloths and a colorful cowl, both by Bonnie Jordan.
The group has now decided to meet in person only on the second Monday of each month, 3:30 - 4:45 pm, to discuss thought-provoking articles chosen by group members on a rotating basis.
February 12, 2024
"If Loneliness is an Epidemic, How do we Treat It?"
New York Times, July 16, 2023.
March 11, 2024
"Family Values: How a mother’s love for her gay son started a revolution," by Kathryn Schultz
The New Yorker, April 17, 2023.
Oak Park Main Library
834 Lake St, Oak Park
Our film buffs are moving off Zoom and hosting "Watch Parties" in members' homes.
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
2:00 - 5:00 pm
After her estranged husband's death, Regina (Audrey Hepburn) is pursued by crooks who want money her husband stole. She turns to charming stranger Peter (Cary Grant) for help, but soon discovers he isn't who he claims to be. A 1963 Romantic Comedy (1 hour, 54 minutes)
Hosted by Karin Grimes at her Oak Park apartment.
Snacks and beverages will be available.
Contact Karin, karingrimes@att.net, for the address and to join.
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
2:00 - 5:00 pm
After a botched US government hibernation experiment, an Army librarian wakes up five hundred years in the future in a dystopian society where evolution and technology have made it unnecessary for people to be intelligent and physically fit to survive. A 2006 Science Fiction Comedy (1 hour, 24 minutes)
Hosted by Louise Corzine at her River Forest condo.
Snacks and beverages will be available.
Contact Louise, louisecorzine@gmail.com, for the address and to join.
Arbor West Ramblers
Forest Preserve Hiking Group
The Ramblers meet at various locations on the 4th Friday of the month at 1:00 pm.
The usually active Ramblers have been off the trails this winter because of unpredictable weather and uncertain trail conditions. Leader Peter Notier hopes to get back out with Ramblers on Friday, March 22, and is looking for suggestions about your favorite trails.
For information, suggestions or to be on the group mailing list, contact Peter Notier, pnotier@gmail.com
The Green Team's goal is to have clean air, water and land for future generations. They actively support climate focused legislation and policy at all levels.
The team is in the initial stages of working with Oak Park's Environment and Energy Commission on a plan to develop an electric shuttle bus system for the village. Your input and experiences getting around Oak Park would be welcome.
The Green Team meets on the first Thursday of the month from 10:30 am to noon, in different members' homes. For more information or to join, contact Hinda Blum, hindablum@yahoo.com
Arbor West Neighbors great 10-member Board to serve you!
Our new members are:
Trudy Doyle, Membership Liaison
William Peterman, Green Team Liaison
Hilda Schlatter, Programming Liaison
Sun-Hee Yoon, Community Outreach Liaison
Stephen Jordan, Member at Large
Continuing Board members:
Phyllis Rubin, President, Nominating Committee, Green Team Liaison
Judy Smith, Vice-President, Finance Committee
Don Burk, Treasurer, Finance Committee, Liaison to Green Team
Ralph Lee, Liaison to Advocacy,
Cecily Mango, Liaison to Membership
Election year reminder:
Especially because this is an election year, remember that Arbor West Neighbors is a non-profit organization and cannot endorse candidates. We can and should advocate for issues that affect older adults. Any statements or actions in support of non-partisan issues using AWN's name are to be vetted by the Board to ensure they're consistent with our mission. We can then claim a seat at the table, striving to make things better for all of us.
We are looking for a member to help with Communications, the conduit to us all! This Working Group oversees the website, newsletter, email, and all the ways we get information to you. If you have any skills in writing and technology, please contact Phyllis, phyllis.rubin@comcast.net
Also, please consider volunteering for our still-new Community Outreach Working Group, tasked to make sure the larger community knows who we are and what we do.
Branching Out will appear bimonthly in your inbox.
Member submissions to arborwestneighbors@gmail.com for the April edition are due by March 18. 2024. Please add NEWSLETTER in the subject line.