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Parshas Yisro - Shlishi with Rashi

Yisro came to join the Yidden. When he saw Moshe Rabbeinu busy with the Yidden full time, he suggested that Moshe delegate some of the work to proper judges.

Moshe Rabbeinu asked Hashem whether Yisro’s suggestion was the right thing, and Hashem agreed that Yisro’s plan was good. So Moshe followed Yisro’s advice.

Moshe chose the best judges he could for the Yidden. The Yidden asked these judges their questions, and if it was a very hard question they brought it to Moshe.

Yisro stayed to watch Moshe setting up the judges, and then he decided to go back to Midyan to help the rest of his family become Yidden too.



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Today’s kapitelach are Tzadik-Zayin through Kuf-Gimmel.

Here are the first and last pesukim of today’s first kapitel:

ה׳ מָלָךְ תָּגֵל הָאָרֶץ יִשְׂמְחוּ אִיִּים רַבִּים

Hashem Malach Tageil Ha’aretz — When Hashem will show His malchus, the world will be happy

Yismechu Iyim Rabim — The many islands will be joyful!

And the last posuk:

שִׂמְחוּ צַדִּיקִים בַּה׳ וְהוֹדוּ לְזֵכֶר קָדְשׁוֹ

Simchu Tzadikim BaHashem — Be happy with Hashem, tzadikim

Vehodu Lezeicher Kadsho — And praise Hashem’s holy Name!



Likutei Amarim Perek Chof-Gimmel

What happens when someone drives a car? Does the car decide where it wants to go, or how fast it should go? Of course not! The car goes only wherever the driver wants it to go!

When we do a mitzvah, our body is like the “car” for Hashem’s ratzon, what Hashem wants! We can feel like Hashem is “driving” us!

The Avos are called the Merkavah (wagon) in the Medrash. Every moment of their lives, they felt what Hashem wanted, and only did those things. Hashem was “driving” them!

That’s what happens when every Yid does a mitzvah — he becomes united with Achdus Hashem.



Chof Shevat

Today’s Hayom Yom teaches us about our minhag in Netilas Yodayim before eating bread.

The Rebbe Rashab writes in one of his letters that our minhag is to wash our hands three times on each hand for Netilas Yodayim. (Some people do only two times, but it is a special hidur to pour water THREE times.)

The Rebbe Maharash would also do it this way, and would leave a little bit of water in his hand after pouring for the third time, to rub his hands together (shifshuf) after the bracha.



Shiur #283 - Mitzvas Asei #245

Today’s mitzvah (Mitzvas Asei #245) is — you guessed it, the very same mitzvah again! When we buy things and sell things (or even give presents), there are rules in Torah about how to do it, and who the things belong to when.



Hilchos Shluchim VeShutfim

In today’s Rambam, we learn more about partners:

In Perek Hey we learn about what happens when one of the partners doesn’t do what they agreed. If he sold the potatoes for too cheap, he needs to pay his partner back for the money that was lost. But if he sold them for more money than they decided on, they need to split the extra money equally!

Perek Vov teaches us about a kind of partnership where one person just gives the money, and the other person does all the work. This called Eisek.

Perek Zayin tells us what happens when the person doing all the work doesn’t do it right.



Hilchos Maachalos Asuros - Perek Beis

Today’s Rambam teaches us many halachos about kosher animals! We learn about not eating non-kosher animals or bugs, whether they are crawling or flying or live in the water.

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Ahavas Yisroel

Here’s a story with a lesson about Ahavas Yisroel, that the Rebbe told over at a farbrengen.

One time, when the Rebbe Rashab was still a little boy, he was playing a game with his older brother, the Raz”a (R’ Zalman Aharon). They were playing a game of Rebbe and chossid, something they were used to seeing at home!

The Rebbe Rashab pretended that he was a chossid coming into Yechidus. “Rebbe,” he said. “I need a tikun! What should I do?”

“What did you do wrong?” asked the Raz”a, who was pretending to be the Rebbe.

“I cracked nuts on Shabbos,” answered the Rebbe Rashab, “and I only found out afterwards that the Alter Rebbe says we aren’t allowed to do that on Shabbos.”

The Raz”a told him, “your tikun is to be careful to daven and say brachos only from a siddur, and not by heart!”

The Rebbe Rashab didn’t agree to do this as a tikun!

When his mother (Rebbetzin Rivka) asked why, the Rebbe Rashab answered that it wouldn’t help — because his brother is not a Rebbe. When a Rebbe helps a Yid, he sighs before he answers, because it bothers him too! Since the Raz”a didn’t sigh, his advice won’t help either.

The lesson we learn from this story is not just for a Rebbe, but for each of us! Before we give advice to another person who is going through a hard time, we should try to feel their pain, and it should bother us too.

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Hodu (Part One)

After the Yidden came into Eretz Yisroel, the Mishkan was set up in Shilo. After many years, the Pelishtim captured Shilo and took the Aron with it! The Mishkan was set up again in Nov, a different city. The Pelishtim were punished for taking the Mishkan, and gave it back. But the Aron was brought to Kiryas Ye’arim, and the Yidden were afraid to move it. When the city of Nov was killed by Shaul Hamelech, the Mishkan was moved to Givon, where it stayed until the Beis Hamikdash was built. Dovid Hamelech very much wanted to build the Beis Hamikdash, but Hashem didn’t let him. Dovid Hamelech brought the Aron to the holy city of Yerushalayim, where it stayed in a tent until the Beis Hamikdash was built.

While the Aron was in a tent in Yerushalayim, Dovid Hamelech asked that the pesukim from Hodu until “Vehalel LaHashem” (the first half of Hodu) that were said at the time of the Korban Tomid in the Mishkan should be said in front of the Aron each day.

The pesukim said at the time of the Korban Tomid of the morning are from the words “Hodu” until “Uvinviai Al Tareiu,” and then the pesukim from there until “Vehalel LaHashem” were said at the Korban Tomid of the afternoon. These pesukim are written down in Divrei HaYamim in Nach.

These words of Hodu are all about praising Hashem! In our siddur, it is said right before the section of Pesukei Dezimra, where we speak about Hashem’s greatness. Since the pesukim in Hodu were said in connection with the Korban Tomid, we also say it right after Korbanos, just before we start Pesukei Dezimra.




We are learning the halachos of borer on Shabbos, separating something from a mixture, which is one of the Lamed-Tes Melachos.

We learned yesterday that even though taking off the peels could be considered borer, since it is Derech Achilah we are allowed to peel fruits or vegetables before eating them.

Still, we follow the other conditions of Derech Achilah, and do it with a knife or our hand, and only right before we eat them.

Even though we would be allowed to take off the shells of nuts on Shabbos, the same way we peel fruits, the Alter Rebbe says that we should not do it.

After taking off the shell, there might be small pieces of the shell left on or mixed in with the nuts. We would need to take the nut out from those pieces (and not take out the pieces of shell) so it wouldn’t be borer, and that is not easy to do.

Even if we manage to take off the shell completely, without leaving any pieces, the shells are muktza and we are not allowed to move them.

Since it is so hard to eat nuts with shells without doing the isur of borer or muktza, the Alter Rebbe says that it is better not to eat them at all.

We should only eat nuts on Shabbos if the shells were taken off before Shabbos.

See Hilchesa Rabsa Leshabbata (printed in the back of the siddur)

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי



Everyone Will Hear About It

In this week’s parsha, Yisro joins the Jewish people!

The Torah tells us that he hears about the many nissim that Hashem did for the Yidden, and wants to learn from such a special nation!

This is also something that will happen when Moshiach comes! The Navi says, “Kimei Tzeis’cha Me’eretz Mitzrayim Arenu Niflaos,” that there will be nissim like there were at the time of Yetziyas Mitzrayim. All of the nations will hear about the these nissim, and they will all want to learn how to serve Hashem from such a special nation.

See sicha to children, Yud-Zayin Shevat Tof-Shin-Mem-Gimmel

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נפטר ב' מנחם אב ה'תשע"ג

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