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Parshas Tetzaveh - Shishi with Rashi

Today we learn about the Korban Tomid! This is a Korban that is brought EVERY DAY on the Mizbeiach as a present to Hashem! You can see it in your siddur too (in different words, from Parshas Pinchas) in the paragraph starting Vayedaber.

Even in the week of Chanukas Hamishkan, Moshe should bring the Korban Tomid:

One lamb in the morning (Shacharis time)


- dough made of fine flour mixed with olive oil
(it doesn’t have to be the same kind of oil like for the Menorah)

- a quarter of a hin of wine, poured over the Mizbeiach


One lamb in the afternoon (Mincha time)
with the same dough and wine.

Then, Hashem will be with the Yidden!



72 - 76

For today’s Tehillim, we will learn something from the maamar Ve’ata Tetzaveh, which the Rebbe gave out to all Chassidim in 770 — men, women, and children — on Purim Katan in the year Tof-Shin-Nun-Beis, together with two dollars and a piece of Lekach.

In Kapitel Ayin-Beis (72), there is a posukMi Li Bashamayim Ve’imcha Lo Chofatzti Ba’aretz.” “Do I need Shomayim? And I don’t want what’s with You in the world.” (In the year 5733, Chassidim put these words to the tune of a Niggun Simcha. It starts with the words Yifrach Beyamav Tzadik. In some versions of the niggun, these words are sung in the second half of the song.)

The Tzemach Tzedek said that the Alter Rebbe often would say on this posuk that he doesn’t want what’s WITH Hashem, like Gan Eden or Olam Haba. He just wants Hashem Himself!

In the maamar, the Rebbe tells us that since this became known to all of us, it means that we can feel this way too! Knowing about what the Alter Rebbe wanted gives the koach to every Yid to want the same thing — Gilui Ho’Atzmus, that Hashem Himself should be revealed. And not only that Hashem should be revealed to us, but that Hashem should be revealed in EVERY part of the world!

This will happen completely when Moshiach comes. Until then, we should be upset that we are still in Golus, and every day we should ask Hashem many times to bring the Geulah (which we do in Shemoneh Esrei)! We should use all of the kochos that Hashem gives us to bring Moshiach now, when we there will be Gilui Ho’Atzmus — Hashem Himself will be revealed in the entire world!



Likutei Amarim Perek Chof-Tes

We are learning how to get rid of Timtum Halev, so that the light of our neshama can shine in our heart and make us interested and excited about the Elokus we know. The reason for the timtum is the gaava of the Yetzer Hara. Therefore, the eitzah is to think something that will make us feel humble. By thinking about how low the guf is, it won’t be able to block the neshama from its connection with Hashem.

We learned before to think about how the Yetzer Hara is able to do things against the Ratzon of Hashem. And not only CAN it do that, if we think about the past, we will realize that we HAVE let the Yetzer Hara do this! Even if we did teshuvah already, we need to do a higher level of teshuvah.

Today we learn that even if a person didn’t have any serious aveiros from the past to think about, there’s something else that he can think about to make himself feel humble:

Make a Cheshbon Hanefesh about all of the things he thought about, said, or did during his whole life.

It says in Zohar that every time a person thinks about something that is kedusha, his mind is a tool (Merkava) for kedusha, but ANY thought that is NOT kedusha is using his mind to help tumah R”L. Any thought that wasn’t specifically Lesheim Shomayim is automatically a thought connected to tumah — and the same is true with things we say or do.

Thinking about that will make a person humble and take away the chutzpa of the Yetzer Hara.



Yud-Daled Adar Alef

We don’t say Tachanun on Purim Katan.

The Rebbe Maharash told the Rebbe Rashab that his father, the Tzemach Tzedek picked the maamarim in Likutei Torah (about 250 of them), from 2,000 maamarim that the Alter Rebbe had said!



Shiur #307 - Mitzvas Asei #246

We are learning the same mitzvah again in Sefer Hamitzvos, (Mitzvas Asei #246) that the Beis Din needs to pasken according to halacha when there is an argument between people about money.



Hilchos To'ein Venit'an

Perek Yud: Usually we say that whoever has something, we assume that it is his. If someone else says it isn’t, that other person needs to prove it, or else the Beis Din won’t take it away. (“Hamotzi Meichaveiro, Alav HaRaayah”) But in this perek, we learn that we don’t always say that about an animal, who might wander off, or a servant who can walk around on his own.

Perek Yud-Alef: If someone is living on property for at least three years with nobody else protesting, we assume that it belongs to him, even if he doesn’t have any papers to prove it. This is called a chazaka.

In Perek Yud-Beis we learn the details of how something becomes a chazaka. For example, a person has to live on property for three years STRAIGHT, or else we don’t assume it is his.



Hilchos Shechitah - Perek Tes

This perek teaches us about when an animal gets hurt. Sometimes the animal or bird becomes a tereifah and cannot be eaten.

icon of clock


Purim Katan

Today is a Yom Tov! In a leap year (like this year) we have TWO Purims — a regular Purim in the second Adar, and Purim Katan in the first Adar.

On the Chassidishe calendar, Purim Katan is a very special day!

Years ago in Russia, there was a law that it was asur to teach Torah to anyone who wasn’t 18 years old yet.

In the year 5687 (Tof-Reish-Pey-Zayin), the Frierdiker Rebbe was traveling in Moscow. A big group of Chassidim gathered to hear a maamar on Purim Katan. During this maamar, the Frierdiker Rebbe talked about how Mordechai Hatzadik had Mesiras Nefesh for chinuch, especially to teach children Torah! And now, just like in the time of Purim, the chassidim have to be ready to have Mesiras Nefesh for this too! (You can read more about this amazing maamar in the Adar Alef volume of the Chassidishe Derher, 5774:

The Frierdiker Rebbe knew that people from the government were listening to him when he told the chassidim to do something illegal, but he didn’t care. In fact, this was one of the reasons why the Frierdiker Rebbe was sent to jail.

The Rebbe would talk about this maamar often, and the very last maamar the Rebbe gave out, called “Ve’ata Tetzaveh,” was based on this maamar. The Rebbe would remind us that we don’t need to have the same kind of Mesiras Nefesh for chinuch today as we needed to have in Russia, but today we need to have a different kind of Mesiras Nefesh!

The Mesiras Nefesh we need today is even though it’s a lot easier than it was then, we need to still remember that we are in Golus and use all of our kochos to bring Moshiach as fast as possible!

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Davening With Moshiach (Hallelukah)

R’ Avraham Yitzchak Kahan ztz”l was known as the Toldos Aharon, a Chassidic Rebbe. He once came to the Rebbe for Yechidus, and spoke for a long time. One of the main things they spoke about was about a Chassidishe davening, and how important it is to learn Chassidus before davening.

One of the things the Rebbe told the Toldos Aharon was that during davening, a person can put himself in a different place! He can put his mind and heart into a place of Geulah and the time of Moshiach, even right now while we are in Golus!

By davening with the “Moshiach” inside of the davening, we can live Moshiach when we daven!

Then the Rebbe gave an example:

In Pesukei Dezimra, one of the pesukim that we say is “Yismach Yisroel Be’osav,” “The Yidden are happy with Hashem Who made them.”

If we look at the words carefully, there is also a deeper meaning hinted inside!

Yismach Yisroel — This means “Yisroel WILL be happy.” In the future, Yidden will have this simcha!

What is this simcha?

Be’osav — This word means with the ONES who created them, not the ONE who created them. It is talking about the Gashmius’dike world where everything thinks it is separate and has its own creator. When Moshiach comes, Yidden will celebrate because of the simcha Hashem has that this world was changed from a world of kelipah, which feels itself separate, into a world of Kedushah, where everything recognizes that there is one Hashem Who created it all!

We say it during davening nowadays, to show that even in the time of Golus we can also feel this simcha! We don’t have to wait until Moshiach comes, we can already live with the Geulah when we daven!

See Kovetz “Lifnei Mi Ata Omed”



Purim Katan

In Shulchan Aruch, there is a discussion on how we celebrate Purim Katan. We don’t say Tachanun, but should we have a Purim Seudah? The Rama (who paskens the halachos for the Ashkenazim) says that it’s not our minhag to have a seudah, but it’s good to have a little bit of a fancier meal, to fulfill the opinions that say we should have a seudah.

And then, the Rama writes (the very last words in the whole Sefer Orach Chayim!), “Tov Leiv Mishteh Tamid” — a person who has a good heart always looks for reasons to celebrate!


Purim Katan is also 30 days before Purim, so now is a good time to make sure to plan well for all of your Purim mivtzoyim!

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי



Korban Tomid

In today’s Chumash, we learn about the Korban Tomid, the korban that was brought to Hashem two times every day.

Nowadays, we are not able to bring this special korban. The Medrash tells us that saying Shema in the morning and at night takes the place of bringing the Korban Tomid!

The Medrash brings a mashal:

There was once a man whose son took care of him. Every day, the son would bring his father two meals. After some time, the father saw that the son was poor, and couldn’t afford to bring him food. He called over his son and told him, “I know you can’t continue bringing me the meals like you have been doing until now. But please, come listen to me giving my shiur in shul twice a day. For me, that will be as sweet as the meals you have been bringing.”

The Medrash explains that Hashem tells the Yidden, “I know you have been bringing me the Korban Tomid twice a day. But the Beis Hamikdash will be destroyed, and you won’t be able to bring it anymore. Instead, please say Shema twice a day, and to me it will be worth even more than all of the korbanos.

IY”H, very soon we will have the Beis Hamikdash again! Then we will not only be able to say Shema twice a day, but to bring the Korban Tomid to Hashem as well!

See Torah Sheleima Parshas Tetzaveh, p. 239

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