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Parshas Tetzaveh - Revi'i with Rashi

Now that Hashem told Moshe how to make the Bigdei Kehunah (clothes for the Kohanim), Moshe now is told how to make the Kohanim ready to do the Avodah, during the Chanukas Hamishkan, after the Mishkan will be built:

Moshe should take three korbanos — 1 bull and 2 rams, and make three different kinds of matzah, made with flour, water and oil:

1) Ten “Lechem Matzos:” A dough is made of flour and water, and that dough is boiled, then baked, and then fried in the oil.

2) Ten “Challos Matzos:” A dough is made with flour, water, and oil mixed together, and then baked.

3) Ten “Rekikei Matzos:” A dough is made with flour and water and baked, and they are smeared with oil in the shape of a Kof afterwards.

Put all of these matzos into a basket, and bring them and the korbanos to the Chatzer of the Mishkan.

Aharon and his sons, the other kohanim, should go into the Mikvah, and then Moshe should dress Aharon in the clothes of the Kohen Gadol.

Then Moshe should get the things for the Mishkan ready to be used by putting Shemen Hamishcha (a special kind of oil) on them. He should also put Shemen Hamishcha on Aharon, with a matching Kof-shape like on the matzah!

Then Moshe should dress the rest of the kohanim, making them and their children kohanim forever.

After that, Moshe should prepare the korbanos and bring them on the Mizbeiach.

IY”H in the next two days of Chumash we will learn the rest of the instructions of how to prepare the Mishkan and the Kohanim in these days of preparation, called the Shivas Yemei Hamiluim.



66 - 68

The first kapitel of today’s Tehillim, Kapitel Samach-Vov (66), is the way we will thank Hashem when He brings all the Yidden to Eretz Yisroel!

The first posuk says, “Lamenatzeiach Shir Mizmor Horiu L’Elokim Kol Ha’aretz!” This kapitel is a song, saying that the whole world will blow a trumpet for Hashem. When Moshiach will come, all of the nations of the world will believe in Hashem!

To make this happen very soon, we need to make sure that the Goyim know about the Sheva Mitzvos Bnei Noach, which will teach them to believe in Hashem.



Likutei Amarim Perek Chof-Tes

We are learning how to get rid of Timtum Halev, so that the light of our neshama can shine in our heart and make us interested and excited about the Elokus we know. We are doing this by thinking thoughts of teshuvah and humility, so that the Yetzer Hara won’t be able to block the neshama from its connection with Hashem.

In today’s Tanya, we learn more about what we should think about to make ourselves feel humble:

Our body is not very Ruchnius’dik. It can even want things that are completely asur (even though a beinoni wouldn’t actually do them).

That shows us how low our body really is.

Animals would never do something that Hashem doesn’t want them to do. We know this from stories of tzadikim in a lion’s den, that even starving lions would never attack a tzadik, since that is against the Will of Hashem.

But a person COULD do something asur. This shows that the guf is able to go completely against Hashem, chas veshalom! This should make a person feel humble and not so proud of himself anymore.



Yud-Beis Adar Alef

When we look around, we see a lot of important and famous people. There are rich people, and there are smart people. We might be jealous of them, and also want to be rich or famous. But in today’s Hayom Yom, the Rebbe shows us what gives us true importance!

Who is really the MOST important kind of person?

Someone who gives of himself to strengthen Yiddishkeit — like someone who helps Yidden to do mitzvos, someone who gives tzedakah, teaches Yiddishe kinderlach, or goes on mivtzoyim!

THESE are the really special and famous people, and they get a lot of brachos from Hashem for what they are doing.

This is the meaning of what Shlomo Hamelech says in his sefer, Mishlei: “Matan Adam Yarchiv Lo, Velifnei Gedolim Yanchenu.”

The posuk could be translated to mean: “Matan Adam,” when a person gives of himself (to strengthen Yiddishkeit), “Yarchiv Lo,” (not only) will he be blessed with harchava, (but) “Velifnei Gedolim Yanchenu,” he will be led in front of great people, (even in front of people that are known for their wisdom or riches).



Shiur #305 - Mitzvas Asei #246

In today’s Sefer Hamitzvos, we learn the same mitzvah again (Mitzvas Asei #246) — a Beis Din needs to judge cases with arguments between people about money according to the halachos the Torah teaches.



Hilchos To'ein Venit'an

In today’s Rambam, we learn more halachos about today’s mitzvah.

In Perek Daled, we learn that the Beis Din can only force the person to make a shevuah if they know exactly how much they disagree about. So if one person says, “You borrowed a wallet full of coins,” and the other person says, “you only gave me 10 coins,” then he doesn’t have to make a shevuah, since we don’t know how many coins were in the wallet. But if one person says, “You borrowed this bag of grain filled to the top,” and the other person says, “it was only filled to this line when you gave it to me,” then he DOES have to make a shevuah, since that is like a measurement.

Perek Hey tells us when we don’t need to make a shevuah according to Torah, but the Chachomim tell us that we should make another kind of shevuah, called a “Shevuas Heses.” One example for this is an argument about a field. So if one person says, “you sold me two fields!” and the other person says, “I only sold you one,” he needs to make a Shevuas Heses. Also, for servants, “IOU notes,” or hekdesh, there is no shevuah from the Torah — only a Shevuas Heses.

Perek Vov: In this perek, the Rambam talks about how the Beis Din makes sure that people are telling the truth in Beis Din.

Some of the halachos talk about what happens if it seems like the person is a liar. If a person is a liar in Beis Din, he can’t make a shevuah (a very strong promise) which would make him potur from paying. Instead, he just has to pay. But a person is only considered a liar by the Beis Din if he says something in front of them, and then someone else brings two witnesses who say that they saw the opposite.



Hilchos Shechitah - Perek Zayin

Today we learn how to check lungs of an animal to make sure that the animal is not treif.

icon of clock


Why We Have Two Eyes

In today’s Tanya, we learned about thoughts of Teshuvah to make ourselves feel humble, realizing that we are not so important. As we will see later in Tanya (in Perek Lamed-Beis), this also gives us room in our heart to have true Ahavas Yisroel for another Yid. Here is a story that shows us how to see what is really special and important:

When the Frierdiker Rebbe was a child, he once asked his father: “Why did Hashem make a person with two eyes? Isn’t one eye enough, the same way we have one nose and one mouth?”

His father the Rebbe Rashab answered him, “There are certain things that a person needs to look at with his right eye. The right side shows closeness and love, things we want and care about.

“There are other things that a person needs to look at with his left eye, not to want them too close, and not to care about them too much.

“We need to look at a siddur and another Yid with our right eye. But we should look at a candy or a toy with our left eye.”

We look at Gashmius with our left eye, and realize that it is not so important. But we look at another Yid or a siddur with our right eye, realizing how special and important they are!

See Sefer Hatoldos of the Frierdiker Rebbe vol. 1, p. 8

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The Chachomim teach us that saying Ashrei three times a day guarantees a person a place in Olam Haba! This is also hinted to in the two pesukim that are added at the beginning of Tehillah Ledovid. In the first posuk (from kapitel Pey-Daled), we say the word Ashrei once, and in the second posuk (which comes right before Tehillah Ledovid in Tehillim) we say the word Ashrei another two times. This way, we say the word Ashrei three times, hinting to saying the whole Ashrei three times!

One of the very special things about Ashrei is that it praises Hashem with a posuk for each letter of the Alef-Beis. But one letter is missing, and the Gemara explains why:

It seems that when Dovid Hamelech wrote Ashrei, he wanted to praise Hashem also with the letter Nun, saying that even when we fall (nefilah) it is a praise of Hashem, part of Hashem’s plan. But we can’t SEE Hashem’s praise when things are hard and we fall down! So Dovid Hamelech skipped the posuk for the letter Nun. Instead, he hinted to the nun of falling in the next posuk, “Somech Hashem Lechol HaNOFLIM,” that Hashem supports those who fall down. This helps us see the praise of Hashem, who supports us even when we fall.

When Moshiach comes we will be able to see how even the hard parts of life are all part of why we praise Hashem!



When in Doubt...

If we set aside money to give to tzedakah, we need to give it to tzedakah.

But what about when we’re not sure? Let’s say that you forgot if you already gave maaser from some money. Or if your little brother dumped out a pushka and now you’re not sure if those quarters are from your Chanukah gelt or from the pushka.

What do we do then?

The halacha is that whenever we’re not sure, we need to give the money to tzedakah. That way we will be sure that we aren’t taking any money that belongs to Hashem!

See Shulchan Aruch, Yorah Deiah, siman Reish-Nun-Tes

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי



Moshe & Aharon Will Be There

In Chumash, we are learning about the Shivas Yemei Hamiluim, the Chanukas HaMishkan.

The Gemara asks a question about a detail of how the avodah was done on these days. But why does it matter, if the Chanukas Hamishkan already happened? Why do we need to know about a detail that was not written in the Torah?

The Gemara answers, because we need to know for L’asid Lavo! When the Beis Hamikdash is built, we need to know exactly how things should be done!

But, the Gemara says, we still don’t need to worry about that detail now. Moshe and Aharon will be there with us, and they will tell us just what needs to be done with the Beis Hamikdash.

From this, we see something else very important too: Even though the Beis Hamikdash will be built BEFORE Techiyas Hameisim, certain tzadikim (like Moshe and Aharon) will have Techiyas Hameisim before then too, so they will be right there when the Beis Hamikdash is built!

See Gemara Yoma 5b

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