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Parshas Tetzaveh - Chamishi with Rashi

Hashem tells Moshe more details of how to get the Kohanim ready to work in the Mishkan during the Shivas Yemei Hamiluim, when the Mishkan will be first set up. (The Torah will tell us how this actually happened in the second half of Parshas Tzav.) We learned that Moshe Rabbeinu would need to bring three korbanos, a bull and two rams, and we started learning how these korbanos should be brought. Today we learn what Moshe should do with the second ram.

Moshe should bring the second ram as a korban, and put some of its blood on the right ear, right thumb, and right big toe of the kohanim. The rest of the blood gets splashed onto the lower half of the Mizbeiach.

Then Moshe should take some of the blood from the Mizbeiach, together with the Shemen Hamishcha, and this should be sprinkled onto the kohanim and onto their clothes (Bigdei Kehuna).

Some parts of the korban, and one of each of the kinds of matzah should be taken and waved (like a lulav!) in all directions. Then they should be burned on the Mizbeiach.

Other parts of the korban, and the rest of the matzah, are for the kohanim to eat, but they need to stay inside the chatzer of the Mishkan!

This korban will also be a kapara for the Mizbeiach, in case some stolen things were used to build it, or to build other parts of the Mishkan.

Moshe should do this every day for the 7 days of Chanukas Hamishkan. Hashem tells Moshe that through the avodah done during these days, the kohanim will become appointed as kohanim to do the Avodah, and the Mizbeiach will become ready to be used.



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In today’s Tehillim, we say a posuk, “Yemalei Fi Tehilasecha.” “My mouth should be full of Your praises.”

The Gemara says that this teaches us that when we say a bracha, our mouth needs to be FULL of the bracha. That’s why, before we say a bracha, we should make sure that our mouth is empty. That way our mouth will be full of Hashem’s praises, not full of anything else!



Likutei Amarim Perek Chof-Tes

We are learning how to get rid of Timtum Halev, so that the light of our neshama can shine in our heart and make us interested and excited about the Elokus we know. We are doing this by thinking thoughts of teshuvah and humility, so that the Yetzer Hara won’t be able to block the neshama from its connection with Hashem.

In today’s Tanya, we learn more about what we should think about to make ourselves feel humble:

A person could have done aveiros before. Even though he did teshuvah already, he is still a person who did aveiros.

And just like a mitzvah lasts forever in Ruchniyus, an aveira also lasts forever in Ruchniyus. As long as the level of teshuvah that he did is strong enough, the aveira is invisible or changed. But if the neshama is stronger now, the teshuvah also will need to be stronger, or else the aveira won’t be invisible or changed into a mitzvah anymore.

Why is this?

Teshuvah is done with the heart, and the heart has many different levels! Even though he did teshuvah right before, if he is on a higher madreiga now, he needs to bring his teshuvah up to this new madreiga too. If he sees that now he has timtum, that he isn’t interested in the Chassidus anymore, it shows that his teshuvah isn’t enough for him anymore!

This will keep him from feeling proud, and will open up his heart so he can be interested and excited about coming close to Hashem again.



Yud-Gimmel Adar Alef

Reminder: We don’t say Tachanun today by Mincha, because it’s Erev Purim Katan!

One of the basic ideas in Darkei Hachassidus is that a chossid should want to share something good that he has for himself.

The Rebbe Rashab would often speak to the Frierdiker Rebbe about how special it is that Chassidim don’t just learn and enjoy Chassidus for themselves, but they share what they know with others! Today’s Hayom Yom is one of the things that the Rebbe Rashab told the Frierdiker Rebbe:

When a Chassidishe Yid sits in shul and either teaches Chassidus from a sefer or explains it by heart, this brings a great simcha for the Rebbeim! This brings down so many brachos, that the bracha is enough not only for himself, but for his children and grandchildren too!



Shiur #306 - Mitzvas Asei #246

We are learning the same mitzvah again in Sefer Hamitzvos, (Mitzvas Asei #246) that the Beis Din needs to pasken according to halacha when there is an argument between people about money.



Hilchos To'ein Venit'an

We are learning halachos about when two people disagree in Beis Din about what belongs to them.

Perek Zayin: One halacha in this perek is that if someone says something in Beis Din, he can’t change his mind and say he was joking.

Perek Ches: Usually, the halacha is that we assume that whatever a person has belongs to him. If another person says the opposite, that person would need to prove that it really belongs to him. But for something that is usually rented, the halacha is different. So let’s say that Reuven usually rents out his lawn mower, and people know he does. Now Shimon has it in his house and says that Reuven gave it to him! Reuven is allowed to make a Shevuas Heses (a promise Miderabanan) saying that he didn’t give it to Shimon, and then he can take it back.

Perek Tes: In this perek, we learn some of the Halachos about what happens if two people are holding onto something, and both of them say it belongs to them. In Mishnayos, this halacha is called “Shnayim Ochazin BeTallis” — “Two people are holding on to a tallis.”

The halacha is that both people need to take a shevuah, a very strong kind of promise, that it belongs to them, and then the Beis Din splits it (or how much it is worth) between both of them.

Chassidus teaches us about this halacha, that in Ruchnius it is talking about two people who say that a certain mitzvah was done because of them. (Like if a teacher and a student both want to say it was THEIR mitzvah that the student was successful in learning Torah.) Each person needs to make a promise to say how hard they really worked on this mitzvah, and that’s how much of the mitzvah they get.



Hilchos Shechitah - Perek Ches

Today we learn more about what can make an animal treif. If it is missing certain parts of its body, or if there are holes in certain parts, we are not allowed to eat it.

icon of clock


Big Beis Hamikdash and Little Beis Hamikdash

The Rebbe Rashab would sometimes take a walk with his son, the Frierdiker Rebbe. Once, on one of these walks, the Rebbe Rashab explained how the small Beis Hamikdash inside of each of us works.

The Rebbe Rashab said that when Hashem told the Yidden, “Veshochanti Besocham,” “I will live among you,” a small Beis Hamikdash came into the heart of every Yid — from then until the time of Moshiach. When a Yid would come to the Beis Hamikdash, it would make the Shechinah in his small Beis Hamikdash shine, just like in the big Beis Hamikdash!

The Rebbe Rashab explained (at length) how this happens in a similar way when a chossid goes to the Rebbe for Yechidus. By going to the Rebbe, it makes the Shechinah shine inside of the little Beis Hamikdash of the chossid!

See Sefer Hasichos 5699, p. 297

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In Pesukei Dezimra, we say the last kapitelach of Tehillim, which all start and end with the word “Hallelukah.”

When we say the last kapitel of the Tehillim, we read the last line twice! “Kol Haneshama Tehalel Kah Hallelukah, Kol Haneshama Tehalel Kah Hallelukah.”

Why do we say it twice?

The Avudraham says that it shows that we don’t want the holy words of Tehillim to end! We say the last line twice to show that we enjoy saying these words. This way, the Satan can’t argue that we just want to rush through davening. We LOVE davening!



Washing for Mincha

Before Mincha, just like before Shacharis, we need to make sure that our hands are clean for davening.

If we know that we didn’t touch any place which would make us need to wash Netilas Yodayim (like a part of our body that is usually covered), we can just wipe our hands on something and that is enough.

But if we know that we did touch a place which makes us need to wash, then we need to wash our hands with water before davening.

See the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch, siman Tzadik-Beis se’if Daled and Hey, and Kitzur Shulchan Aruch siman Samach-Tes se’if Daled

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי



Moshiach Down Here

The Frierdiker Rebbe once said that in a higher Ruchnius’dike world, Moshiach already came. They are already celebrating there! But here in this world, Hashem is waiting for Yidden to do teshuvah so that Moshiach can come.

The Rebbe also told us similar words, that Moshiach is already here and all we need to do is open up our eyes! Each of us just needs to do our part to prepare to greet Moshiach B’poel Mamosh!

See Sefer Hasichos Tof-Shin-Alef p. 81, Sefer Hasichos Tof-Shin-Nun-Alef and Nun-Beis in many places

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