Welcome to the Connection Corner
Connection Corner is our weekly publication bringing you insight and information so that we can stay connected.
"Once Upon a Time" Women's Ministry Event
Once upon a time. Your story, your voice. Once upon a time is about a moment in time.
Navigate the weaving: It's about navigating life together as individuals and as a collective of women. To navigate and champion each other in our faith walks and in our relationships with God. Together we get to navigate and see how God is weaving his story in with ours.
Once upon a time are moments in time where we can weave God into every area of our lives and stories. A time where we get to find our voice and tell our stories. A time to testify to the goodness of God.
Last Saturday night, the Holy Spirit came and wove through the lives of 50 women in the church cafe. God showed up as we had women finding their voice and their story through worship, testimonies, conversations and a time of praying together. The goodness of God was active throughout the evening as He demonstrated His love and grace for his daughters.
- Kylie.
Youth Ministry
It was fantastic to hear the amazing testimonies from our young people about how God met them at Easter Camp this year. How God spoke to them and how He filled them with excitement and worship. Let's continue to pray for our young people over the school holiday break. Let's pray they would continue to encounter the life-changing power of God in their everyday life.
NB: Youth Night on Tuesday 7-9pm takes a break over the school holidays. First Youth Night back is Tuesday April 30.
This week 10 April is our last Oasis meeting before the school break. Oasis will still proceed to have fellowship on Wednesday the 17th and 24th April from 10:00 - 11:15am. Margaret and Colin will be leading and there will be coffee/tea and snacks.
For more information contact Margaret Adams 0274 045 074.
Community Garden
We need you!
We are keen to start a community garden in our gardens near the Toy Library. This would hopefully involve a team of people working to plan for planting, work groups and to provide opportunities for community engagement for people to learn about gardening. If you are interested in being a part of this team please register using the Community Garden sign up form. Or Via the Church Center App. We will have a short meeting on Sunday 21st April at 6pm to discuss possibilities.
- Carol.
Mental Health First Aid Training
In January this year four of us from Franklin Baptist Church were given the opportunity to attend this 2-day training course at GraceCity church in Auckland. All I can say is that, even with all of my training in mental health, this course was an eye opener. The course's aim is to equip trainees with the tools to recognise when a colleague, friend or family member is showing signs of mental distress, give them resources to refer to and to be part of the fence at the top of the cliff for a loved one. This is not like medical First Aid where you are going to learn CPR, but what you will take away from it could save a life nonetheless.
The course is booked for Tuesday 14 and Wednesday 15 May. If you are interested, please register here. If you need more information, please don't hesitate to talk to Sandra. My email is sandra@fbc.nz Leave your phone number in the email so I can contact you and have a chat.
- Sandra.
Thank you for reading our Connection Corner. We hope this communication will help to connect us together as a congregation.