Welcome to the Connection Corner
Connection Corner is our weekly publication bringing you insight and information so that we can stay connected. 

Events Calendar

Two emails from FBC in one day! Hopefully this isn't too much excitement for you. Our Events Calendar has been sent out this morning informing us what is happening around FBC over the month of May. Our hope is that you don't miss events so have a good read of what is coming up. Here is the printable copy for you to look at. 

Te reo Maaori Games Night
Looking for a safe place to koorero i Te Reo Maaori? Whether you are a beginner looking for a safe place to practice, or a tangata matatau keen to connect with other speakers...
Nau mai, Haere mai ki te koorero!!
Newcomer's Lunch
Are you new or newish to Franklin Baptist Church and have not been to one of our Newcomer's Lunches? We would love to invite you to come and have lunch with the Staff Team and the Leadership Team. We would love to share a meal with you (which we will organise) and also some of the amazing things that are happening here at Franklin Baptist Church. To help with catering please register here. 
FBC Toy Library Fundraiser 
The Toy Library has an opportunity to fundraise some much needed funds to support its work in our community. Each year the Modern School of Music runs their competitions at FBC. This year it is happening on Friday 7th & Saturday 8th June
The Toy Library is running the cafe for this event. It is our main fundraiser for the year. 
We need some help:
1. Volunteers to help serve in the cafe. Roster based.  
2. Those who can make barista coffee
3. Baking
If this sounds like you and you can help out in any way please talk to Leanna or email her at
Thank you for reading our Connection Corner. We hope this communication will help to connect us together as a congregation. 
Sunday 5 May -God is Love 1 John 4  - Josh v
The nature of God is revealed to us through the loving sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. In response, Christians should love one another to further reveal God’s love to the world.

Join us at 10AM in-person or online.  Unfortunately we are aware that Covid is on the rise again. We would love to have you join us online for the service if you are not able or unwell. Please contact us if you need support
Prayer Chain
If you would like to submit a prayer request to the Prayer Chain, please email Arlene Hutcheon on or send a text to 0274726198. All prayer requests are treated as confidential.
You can give online, by automatic payment or direct debit. Our church bank account: 01 0403 0013842 00 or click here to donate now
Franklin Baptist Church  128 Victoria Street West, PO Box 52, Pukekohe 2120
telephone: (09) 238 8544    email:    website:

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