Welcome to the Connection Corner Connection Corner is our weekly publication bringing you insight and information so that we can stay connected.
Oasis Fellowship 24th April from 10:00 - 11:15am. Margaret and Colin will be leading a time of discussion, coffee/tea and snacks.
For more information contact Margaret Adams 0274 045 074.
Parenting for Faith Children's faith is so important. Research shows that those who discover who Jesus is and how much He loves them at a young age are more likely to be life long followers of Jesus. If you want to discover tools to support your child's / grandchild's faith development then you need to sign up for the Parenting for Faith Course. It can literally change your child's life! The 8 week course starts Monday 29th April | 7-9pm.
Te reo Maaori Games Night Looking for a safe place to koorero i Te Reo Maaori? Whether you are a beginner looking for a safe place to practice, or a tangata matatau keen to connect with other speakers...
Nau mai, Haere mai ki te koorero!!
Newcomer's Lunch Are you new or newish to Franklin Baptist Church and have not been to one of our Newcomer's Lunches, we would love to invite you to come and have lunch with the Staff Team and the Leadership Team. We would love to share a meal with you (which we will organise) and also some of the amazing things that are happening here at Franklin Baptist Church. To help with catering please register here.
Thank you for reading our Connection Corner. We hope this communication will help to connect us together as a congregation.
Sunday 21 April - Baptism - Josh v We are so excited this week to celebrate a Baptism in our service. Baptism is an important intergenerational celebration for our church as we support those who have decided to take this amazing step in their faith journey.
Join us at 10AMin-personoronline. Unfortunately we are aware that Covid is on the rise again. We would love to have you join us online for the service if you are not able or unwell. Please contact us if you need support info@fbc.nz
Prayer Chain If you would like to submit a prayer request to the Prayer Chain, please email Arlene Hutcheon on prayerchain@fbc.nz or send a text to 0274726198. All prayer requests are treated as confidential.
Giving You can give online, by automatic payment or direct debit. Our church bank account: 01 0403 0013842 00 or click here to donate now.
Franklin Baptist Church 128 Victoria Street West, PO Box 52, Pukekohe 2120 telephone: (09) 238 8544 email:info@fbc.nzwebsite:www.franklinbaptist.org.nz
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