
Dear Friends and Neighbors:

On Thursday, I voted “No” on the Los Angeles City budget. My reasons for voting “No” are not just about what we are investing in, they are just as much about what we are not investing in. This budget included $135 million in additional funding for the LAPD, while at the same time cutting from safety net programs and the neighborhood services that our constituents rely on.

The final budget before us asked departments that provide youth services, senior meals, victim services, animal welfare, small business and entrepreneur support, tenant education and advocacy, and countless other critical services to go without the resources they need to care for our communities. It didn’t include the allocations that we need to actually deliver the basic municipal services that resident need. It wasn’t a proposal that would let us fix our sidewalks, repair our broken street light network, or build safe street infrastructure that will keep our communities safe.

We fought hard to address these gaps, and we introduced 11 different motions throughout Thursday’s budget hearing in an effort to protect critical positions and programs. Studies have shown us again and again that preventing harm and violence is much cheaper than responding to it. Investing in the services that catch our people when they are in crisis is an investment that pays dividends down the line. A budget is a statement of our values, and I couldn’t support a budget that didn’t reflect my values, or the values of my constituents.

Despite our efforts, the budget passed 12-3, with Councilmembers Soto-Martinez and Raman also voting “No”, but the work isn’t done yet. Decisions around how we spend our money are made year-round, and City Council regularly reviews how the City is spending its money. That means that our budget advocacy has to be year-round as well, and I hope you’ll stay plugged in with us as we continue to advocate for investments that truly meets the needs of Angelenos.

In solidarity and gratitude,

Councilmember Eunisses Hernandez

Earlier this month, our office joined LA Animal Services and the Department of Cultural Affairs to host our first Adoption Day at North Central Animal Shelter! We were joined by a dozen community partners who shared resources, and lots of animals found their new forever home. We’re grateful to all of the Angelenos who stopped by and made the decision to bring home a new friend.

There are many animals still waiting to find their forever home. Consider fostering, adopting, or volunteering with our City shelters to support the work they do to care for their animals. For more information, visit

This week, we were joined by community members in Cypress Park to celebrate the groundbreaking of a $9 million renovation project in Rio de Los Angeles State Park. These park improvements will renovate three soccer fields and provide new lighting, renovate the parking lot and picnic area, offer new walking paths, shade structures, landscapes, trees, and shade lighting. Projects like this are vital to creating healthy, safe, and connected communities, and we look forward to celebrating the completion of these much-needed improvements in less than year from now!

To address the bulky items and illegal dumping in neighborhoods across CD1, we have CD1 Clean Teams that operate six days a week to keep our public areas clear. Pictured above are completed clean ups in Westlake over the last two weeks.

There are thousands of dogs, cats, rabbits and other furry friends available for adoption at LA Animal Services shelters. 


ID Number: A2060810

Molly is a large, mixed breed dog that is approximately 3-6 years old. She is currently in the shelter and is in search of her forever home. 

Contact LA Animal Services at (888) 452-7381 or visit for more information on how to foster or adopt a pet today.

Glassell Park District Office:
3750 Verdugo Rd

Los Angeles, CA 90065

Office Hours:
T/W/Th: 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Phone: (323) 709-1800

City Hall Office:

200 N. Spring Street, Room 460

Los Angeles, CA 90012

Office Hours:

M-F 9:00AM - 5:00PM 

Phone: (213) 473-7001
Follow our #TeamCD1 accounts for updates on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for City Council meetings, district events, resources and more.