Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation celebrates 50th anniversary in 2024
Community makes Conservation Foundation’s work possible thanks to donations, support for fundraising events, volunteering
Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation (ABCF) is celebrating, in 2024, 50 years of sustaining healthy watersheds, through active community partnerships, in the Ausable Bayfield area.
The Conservation Foundation received its charter (Province of Ontario Letters Patent) on June 1, 1974.
During this 50th anniversary year, the Foundation thanks all the people who support its work.
Dave Frayne is ABCF Chair.
“On behalf of the ABCF Board of Directors, I would like to thank everyone who has donated to the work of Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation over five decades, to everyone who has supported our fundraisers, and to all the volunteers who have provided their time,” he said. “I would also like to thank the current board of directors and all the community members who have served as directors over the years.”
The ABCF is its own organization with a community board of directors. It is a sister organization to Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA). The ABCF also supports conservation in Ausable Bayfield watersheds and shares, along with ABCA, the values of protecting water quality, soil health, and habitat for all living things.
Marissa Vaughan is ABCA Chair. She says the Conservation Foundation raises money for conservation improvements in watershed communities and makes many important programs possible that could not happen otherwise.
“I would like to congratulate Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation on 50 years of support for conservation of watershed resources,” she said. “Our watershed is healthier thanks to the contributions of the Conservation Foundation and everyone who supports its work.”
The ABCF mandate is to raise funds and to provide funds for conservation in the watershed and to acquire and preserve conservation lands and to foster partnerships. The Conservation Foundation’s mission is to foster financial partnerships supporting watersheds. Its vision is one of active community partnerships sustaining healthy watersheds.
The Foundation raises funds for local conservation through fundraisers including the Conservation Dinner, a 34-year partnership with Exeter Lions Club. The ABCF has also established five commemorative woods sites across the watershed area.
The ABCF created the Huron Tract Land Trust Conservancy (HTLTC), which has its own board of directors, in 2011. Land trusts permanently protect the natural, recreational, scenic, historical, or agricultural importance of properties that are donated by generous donors. The HTLTC permanently protects five properties in the historic Huron Tract area within Huron, Lambton, Middlesex, and Perth counties. These five important natural areas are: Mayhew Tract, near Holmesville; Bayfield River Flats Natural Area; Woodburne Farm, near Goderich; Heaman Tract, near Ailsa Craig; and Warner Preserve, Grand Bend.
The ABCF has supported many conservation programs over its 50-year history. These programs include subsidies for conservation education programs, a student environmental grant bursary for a local student, a summer conservation job experience program for a local student as Junior Conservationist, and support for habitat improvements and accessible trails and conservation areas. The Conservation Foundation also partners with Exeter Lions Club to stock Rainbow Trout in Morrison Reservoir (Morrison Lake) for the annual family-friendly fishing derby.
We would like to extend our thanks to all the people who have donated to the Foundation and have supported its important fundraising work.
We also want to thank the current members of the Board of Directors: Dave Frayne, Chair; Charles Miner, Vice Chair; Bob Radtke, Past Chair; Janet Clarke; George Irvin; David McClure; Anne Melady; Roger Lewington; and Robert Norris.
We would also like to acknowledge the first Directors, of the Conservation Foundation, in 1974: Elgin Thompson (Tuckersmith); Richard Edward Pooley (Exeter); Frederick Lyle Heaman (McGillivray); William John Amos (McGillivray); John Anthony Stephen (Blanshard); Ivan Hearn (Lucan); Freeman Hodgins (Parkhill); John Tinney (Hay); and Roylance Westcott (Usborne).
We also thank all the other community members who have served on the ABCF Board of Directors over the years.
If you would like to donate to the work of ABCF, please visit the donation page or phone 519-235-2610 or toll-free 1-888-286-2610. You may also donate by e-Transfer using the email address.
Learn more:
Register now for Summer Nature Day Camps 2024
There is a limited number of spots available to register for WILD (Wonder, Investigate, Learn and Discover) Summer Nature Day Camps in 2024.
The nature camps take place at Morrison Dam Conservation Area and other local conservation areas this summer.
To learn more, visit the Summer Nature Day Camps web page.
To register, click on the registration form.
Notice – Call for Applications – Position available on local Source Protection Committee
Applications are being accepted for a representative from the agriculture sector
Ausable Bayfield Source Protection Authority, on behalf of Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Source Protection Region, seeks applications, from the agricultural sector, to fill a vacancy on the Committee.
Please submit your application by Friday, July 5, 2024 at noon, local time.
Learn more about the Call for Applications for Agriculture Sector Representative on Source Protection Committee.
Read the latest drinking water source protection e-newsletter issue for news about a Notice of call for applications for a position available, for a representative from agriculture, on the local source protection committee; the source protection region's latest Annual Progress Report; and more.
Learn about amazing frogs on Frog Fridays
We hope you have been enjoying our Friday social media posts for Frog Friday.
What amazing creatures!
In the photo above, that’s not plant matter on this frog’s eye. It's his nictating membrane! Frogs use this clear third eyelid for protection while swimming, sleeping, and hibernating. It also helps keep the eyes moist while still being able to keep watch for predators and prey.
Check out our social media platforms for a photo of a Green Frog laying low in the Old Ausable Channel in the Grand Bend area.
Listen for their distinctive 'gunk' call – often compared to the plucking of a loose banjo string.
You’ll hear them in wetlands across the watershed!
Help us to restore and enhance wetlands in our watershed. Call your local wetlands experts at Ausable Bayfield Conservation.
Learn more about animal species in Ausable Bayfield watersheds, and how to protect them, in the Watershed Report Card.
Find out more about creating wetlands for species habitat and other benefits on our wetlands web page.
#FrogFriday #FrogFridays #Wetlands #WetlandsAusableBayfield

This Wood Duck is dabbling for food in the sheltered waters of Hay Swamp.
Wood Ducks like to nest in hollowed tree cavities but will also take up residence in Duck Boxes.
Reach out to us about getting your very own Duck Box, or a kit to build one yourself – a great family activity.
Contact Ben or Angela to find out more.
June 17-23, 2024 is Pollinator Week
Support the pollinators we need for life.
Plant native species of plants.
Check out our list of some of the suppliers that sell native plant species.
Watch the video of the pollinator garden at Morrison Dam Conservation Area.

Celebrate Canadian Environment Week, donate to tree planting
Canadian Environment Week 2024 started on June 2 and continues on June 8.
What are you doing to protect and enhance water, soil and habitat during #EnviroWeek ...?
Every tree counts!
With your donation of $22, through Carbon Footprints to Forests, we will plant four trees.
Those trees will capture, over their lifetime, 1.26 tonnes of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases from your carbon footprint. That's the equivalent of 5,000 km of driving.
Donate now and we will plant those trees.
During Canadian Environment Week, we celebrate all Canadians who are conserving and protecting soil, water, air and habitat for all living things.
Take positive action today!
Enjoy this short (two-minute) video with relaxing spring footage, taken in May of 2024, on the Morrison Dam Conservation Area Section of the South Huron Trail.
This movie is videotaped in 4K Ultra High Definition.
Tour the Triebner Tract on June 12
You are invited to join Ausable Bayfield Conservation on a restoration project tour, at Triebner Tract, on Wednesday, June 12, 2024 at 6 p.m.
Triebner Tract is located northwest of Exeter, near the intersection of Bells Line and MacDonald Road.
For map and details, please download the poster – 300 KB (medium-sized) PDF file
At the June 12 event, you will learn about the restoration work that has been completed at Triebner Tract. More than 10,000 trees have been planted there and five acres of wetlands have been restored. Triebner Tract is home to the new five-acre Buttnerut Seed Archive orchard, created in partnership with Forest Gene Conservation Association (FGCA) and other partners.
Ausable Bayfield Conservation staff, along with secondary school students and other community members, have planted many native plant and shrub species at Triebner Tract.
To learn more about the event, email Nathan Schoelier at 519-235-2610 or toll-free 1-888-286-2610, extension 263. Or, you may email Nathan at
About Triebner Tract
Triebner Tract is conservation land owned by Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) for protection of water, soil, habitat, and passive recreation.
“Through the partnership of dedicated groups, and the generosity of the former owner, the late Stuart Alexander Triebner and family, we were able to acquire this land, known as the Triebner Tract, in 2009,” said Nathan Schoelier, ABCA Stewardship and Lands Manager.
Trees and wetlands offer many benefits to human and ecosystem health, natural infrastructure, and water quality. Forest and wetland cover is limited in areas throughout the watershed. The Triebner Tract project contributes towards both forest and wetland cover, providing local and downstream water quality benefits.
The Triebner Tract restoration project complements tree planting, wetland restoration, and other projects that private landowners complete each year, working to improve the overall health of the watershed.
If you are interested in completing projects on your own property, Ausable Bayfield staff are happy to assist with project implementation and applying for funding support.
Conservation lands, owned by ABCA, are open to passive public recreation, including hiking, snowshoeing and birdwatching.
Triebner Tract is located in the former Hay Township in the Municipality of Bluewater.
The 100-acre Triebner Tract property was purchased by ABCA from the Triebner family in 2009. The property protects 60 acres of mature swamp forest within the Hay Swamp Provincially Significant Wetland Complex. The conservation authority has restored a mix of wetlands and forests on about 40 acres of the property to enhance the existing natural habitat.
The restoration project was undertaken with the financial support of the Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund, a Government of Canada’s Department of Environment and Climate Change program in partnership with Conservation Ontario.
This project has received funding support from the Government of Ontario.
The tree planting at Triebner Tract is also possible thanks to funding support from Tree Canada and thanks to contributions from Eco Exeter and Huron County Clean Water Project and a memorial donation, in memory of Terry Blok, to Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation.
The wetland enhancement at Triebner Tract is also thanks to support from Ducks Unlimited Canada. Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation is also a contributor to the forest and wetland project.
Learn more:
Staff Profile Feature – Meet Erik Strahl
In this issue of our newsletter, we continue the Meet Our Staff feature we began last issue.
In this edition, we would like to introduce you to one of Ausable Bayfield Conservation's newest employees, Erik Strahl.
Erik is Water and Planning Technician and he started with Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) at the end of April, 2024.
He is from the Bayfield area and he has a Bachelor’s degree in Water Resources Engineering from the University of Guelph.
Geoff Cade is Water and Planning Manager at ABCA. He says he looks forward to Erik’s work in an important area of conservation. “I welcome Erik to the ABCA team," he said. He said Erik brings with him many strengths that are assisting ABCA in fulfilling its conservation mandate.
Erik said he is thrilled to join the Ausable Bayfield Conservation team. "This role allows me to merge my technical skills with my commitment to sustainable water management, making every day an opportunity to make a tangible difference," he said. "The chance to work alongside dedicated professionals in safeguarding our water resources and shaping resilient development strategies is incredibly inspiring.”
Erik said "I would like to thank the ABCA staff for welcoming me to their team and getting me involved in rewarding work straight away."
When not working at Ausable Bayfield Conservation, Erik says he enjoys spending his time in nature. He is an avid golfer and enjoys passing the time at the lake.
Welcome, Erik!
Report turtle sightings using online form
Turtles are on the move in our watershed communities.
Nesting has begun so now is a great time for all drivers to slow down and be on the lookout for turtles.
Want to learn how to pick up a Snapping Turtle? Check out this moving-a-turtle video!
If you see turtles, report your sightings.
For those who are reporting turtle sightings, especially those turtles that are nesting, we invite you to submit your sightings through our online form.
So, you've seen a turtle ... now what?
Is the turtle injured? If so, you may call the Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre at 1-705-741-5000 as soon as possible. They will provide direction on how to get help for the turtle.
Is the turtle crossing the road? If it safe to do so, move the turtle across the road in the direction it is heading and then wave good-bye.
Is the turtle nesting? If so, use the online form to document the location. This may make it possible to have the nest protected.
Is the turtle okay? If so, let us know through our online form or using the iNaturalist app.
To learn more, visit our turtles web page.
Wetland Update
Here’s an update on an earlier post we did about wetland excavation.
The pools are storing water and vegetation is peeking out of the topsoil.
A seed mix was broadcast earlier this spring which will soon be followed by planting a variety of native wetland species. Even though this is a new wetland, the landowner has already seen a flock of Ring-necked Ducks stopping over on their migration path.
Interested in wetlands? Contact your local wetland experts here at Ausable Bayfield Conservation.
Fish for free on special dates in June, July
Four times a year, Canadian residents can fish in Ontario for free.
This means you do not need to buy a fishing licence if you want to fish on special dates including the upcoming dates:
- Father’s Day Family Fishing Weekend in Ontario (June 15–16, 2024)
- Family Fishing Week in Ontario (June 29–July 7, 2024)
Learn more here on Ontario's free family fishing web page.
Watch this Fishing 101 video with fishing tips.
We encourage you to always practise catch-and-release fishing.
Make global change with local action
Looking for ways to make global change with local action during Canadian Environment Week?
Learn about ways to protect forest conditions and water quality in your local watershed.
Check out your Watershed Report Card for your local area.
#WatershedCheckup #WatershedReportCard #MonitoringMatters
Help to keep drinking water sources clean ... on Wednesdays, and every day!
On each Wednesday, from April 17 to June 5, the Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Drinking Water Source Protection Region has been sharing public information messages, on social media, for #WaterWednesdays
Here are some of the ideas, from the campaign, on how to keep water safe and clean:
- Test your well water. Protect your well water. Maintain your well and septic system.
- Know your septic system. If your septic system malfunctions it can impair well water quality for you, your family, your guests, and your neighbours. Learn about managing your septic system
- Spring is a great time to get your well water tested by local public health. Consider well water testing as part of your spring routine.
- Opening the cottage for the season? Protect your drinking water by maintaining your well and your septic system and your heating oil fuel tanks.
- Lawn fertilizers may go with the flow and contaminate drinking water sources. Protect your water. Use 4Rs – the right source, at the right rate, at the right time, in the right place.
- Spring cleaning? Help protect #DrinkingWaterSources by reducing the use of harsh chemical cleaning products. Consider using chemical-free and non-toxic cleaning products.
- Here’s the scoop on pet poop. If you don’t stoop and scoop, dog feces can pollute your drinking water sources with bacteria, viruses, parasites and more. Pick up pet waste and toss it in the trash can to protect our #DrinkingWaterSources
Visit Ausable Bayfield social media platforms for more ideas on how to keep our drinking water safe and clean.
Find out more on our source protection best practices web page.
#BestPractices #TestProtectMaintain