Welcome to the Connection Corner
Connection Corner is our weekly publication bringing you insight and information so that we can stay connected. 

Preaching Series | I Am: Jesus in His Own Words

Big Idea of the Series: This seven-week series explores the seven “I Am” statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Each “I Am” declaration illustrates a specific revelation of Jesus’s character and testifies to his divinity. Also, each of the “I Am” announcements reveal our spiritual needs and how Jesus perfectly meets each and every one.  

If you and/or your life group would like to explore Sunday messages a little more, each week we will post the next week's small group questions here. 
I am the resurrection and the life.

Franklin Baptist Membership Class

With some very important decisions to be made in the life of FBC, we as a church want to make sure you have a voice and vote. We would love to invite you to become a member of our Franklin Baptist whaanau. Membership is an important part of our church community. It shows a commitment to support and discern the work that God is doing through us in this community. 

Participate in a 45min -1hr class Sunday 16th June, 12:30PM or Monday 17th, 7:30pm Please sign up here or via the app.

If you are unsure whether you are a voting member or not, please talk to Josh v or leave your name at the help desk for josh to follow up. 

Whaanau Worship Night

On Sunday the 16th June 7pm at Church we will be having a time of worship together. Come along and experience the grace God has for you! 


What is Alpha? - A 10 week program that gives you the opportunity to have conversations about life, faith and Jesus. This is done in an environment that is safe and fun. Is there someone God is asking you to invite to the up coming course?
Course details
Starts Wednesday 12th June | 6:30pm | Starting with a free meal. 
Register today, Alpha on Wednesdays.

At FBC we are so privileged to be able to have a coffee machine which can produce beautiful barista made coffee. This machine has been serving our church and our community for many many years now. It has helped us raise thousands of dollars, contributing to a wide range of ministries with the life of our church. It has helped us host many pastoral meetings, and community gatherings. Our machine is starting to get tired and it is time to consider replacing it with a newer and lower cost machine. 
To do this we need to raise the funds for it. A generous coffee lover has given a significant donation toward replacing the machine but we would need a top up to purchase a suitable machine. If you would like to contribute toward this machine, which helps provide important ministry at FBC, please donate into the church account and use the reference COFFEE. 
Thank you for reading our Connection Corner. We hope this communication will help to connect us together as a congregation. 
Sunday 9 June  - "I am the resurrection and the life"  -  Sandra Bruin

‘I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?'
 ‘Yes, Lord,’ she replied ‘I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who is to come into the world.’
John 11:25-27
In this story, Jesus steps into one of humankind’s greatest griefs—the loss of a loved one. The pain and emotional agony that Martha and Mary felt was overwhelming. In the same manner, Jesus steps into our moments of greatest hurt, confusion, loss, and trials. 
Join us as we dive deep into this theme on Sunday morning.

I am the resurrection and the life.

Join us at 10AM in-person or online.  Unfortunately we are aware that Covid is on the rise again. We would love to have you join us online for the service if you are not able or unwell. Please contact us if you need support
Prayer Chain
If you would like to submit a prayer request to the Prayer Chain, please email Arlene Hutcheon on or send a text to 0274726198. All prayer requests are treated as confidential.
You can give online, by automatic payment or direct debit. Our church bank account: 01 0403 0013842 00 or click here to donate now
Franklin Baptist Church  128 Victoria Street West, PO Box 52, Pukekohe 2120
telephone: (09) 238 8544    email:    website:

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