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SCOTUS Overturns The Boise And Grants Pass Decisions

For the last 6 years, cities across the western United States were unable to effectively address homelessness because of bad rulings from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

After the Court decided Martin v. City of Boise in 2018, most cities had to suspend their anti-camping and other quality of life ordinances because the Ninth Circuit had concluded that enforcing those laws against homeless people, without first offering shelter, violated the federal 8th Amendment, which prohibits cruel and unusual punishment.

As a result, massive, unregulated encampments exploded across our sidewalks, parks, and other shared public spaces. In 2022, the Ninth Circuit issued its ruling in Johnson v. Grants Pass, which upheld the prior Boise decision.

But yesterday the United States Supreme Court weighed in, and fully reversed the Ninth Circuit, reopening the door for cities to reasonably regulate public spaces and balance the needs of the unhoused with the needs of existing communities.

But what does it all mean for the City of Los Angeles? It means that if we don't course correct on our own policies, things are likely to get worse before they get better. If we allow people to camp wherever they want, for as long as they want, regardless of whether they've been offered services or a place to go, we are likely to see other cities, other regions, and other states pushing their homeless problems right into LA.

That's why today, I led a motion in Council asking our City Attorney to report back on how the Grants Pass decision impacts our current homeless regulations, pending litigation, and our settlement in the LA Alliance lawsuit.

Stay tuned, because things are about to get interesting!

In The News:
Supreme Court Upholds Cities' Right to Enforce Anti-Homeless Encampment Laws

Supreme Court grant cities the power to ban homeless encampments

SCOTUS ruling on encampments should be a LOUD wakeup call for L.A
2024 LAHSA Annual Homeless Count
Click Here For My Response to LAHSA's Annual Homeless Count
On Friday, LAHSA released its annual point in time count results, which showed a slight reduction in homelessness across the region. We’re still diving into and reviewing the data, so we’ll have more updates soon.

In The News:
LA Region 2024 Homeless Count Reveals Slight Downward Trends
Championing Historic Preservation
Click Here To Listen To My Comments In Council

This week, I led the City Council's unanimous approval to designate Marilyn Monroe's Brentwood home as a historic cultural monument. To lose this piece of history - the only home Marilyn ever owned - would be a devastating blow to historic preservation and to a city where less than 3% of historic designations are associated with women's heritage.

I'm also sensitive to neighbor concerns about increased traffic and potential tour bus operations, which is why I've asked our Department of Transportation to initiate an evaluation of 5th Helena Drive and Carmelina Avenue for potential tour bus restrictions. More to come on this.

In The News:
Marilyn Monroe’s Brentwood home officially made an L.A. landmark (KNX, Audio Interview)

L.A. City Council declares Marilyn Monroe house a cultural landmark, saving it from destruction

Marilyn Monroe’s House Is Made a Los Angeles Landmark in Council Vote
Jeffrey Solomon Bench Dedication
It was a privilege to join the Venice Community, Recreation and Parks and the LA Parks Foundation to dedicate a new bench at Venice Beach in honor of Jeffrey Solomon. Jeffrey's vibrant spirit enriched Venice and his walking tours introduced residents and visitors alike to new pockets of the neighborhood. CD11 sends its love to Fran Solomon and all who knew and loved Jeffrey. 
Venice Windward Playground Presentation Tuesday July 2nd
The Department of Recreation and Parks invites you to a Virtual Community Meeting on Tuesday, July 2nd at 4 PM. This meeting will feature a presentation about the Venice Windward Playground. Community members are encouraged to attend to receive more information, provide feedback, and learn about the project timeline. You can join the meeting by clicking here.
4th Of July Pedestrian Bridge Closure In Marina Del Rey
The bridge over the Ballona Lagoon on the Marina Peninsula will be closed on the 4th of July, which means pedestrian access to the beach will be via Washington Boulevard and Via Marina. We apologize in advance for the inconvenience, but wish you all a safe and happy 4th!
Standing Against Acts Of Hate And Intimidation
The antisemitism and violence that occurred in Pico-Robertson last weekend was abhorrent and unacceptable. I stand with the Jewish community and all Angelenos against this type of hate, harassment, and intimidation.
In The News:
Bass Pledges Increased Security, Proactive Policing After Violent Synagogue Confrontation Draws National Attention

Mayor Bass, LAPD, Jewish Community Leaders Call Anti-Israel Riot "Unacceptable"
Click Here To Watch This Week's West LA Community Improvements
Click Here To Watch This Week's Venice Community Improvements
Delivering A #Better11
If you know of an area in your neighborhood that needs special attention, please contact our team at (310) 568-8772. We're here to help make a #Better11.
This week, we're spotlighting Nalu Vida, which recently joined Venice Beach's vibrant restaurant community. Located at 1 Washington Blvd, Nalu Vida, co-owned by Christian Warren and Justin Urich, brings a unique experience to Washington Square and is sure to become a local favorite. Their menu showcases the rich flavors of traditional Polynesian dishes complemented by the spicy rhythms of Latin cuisine, making Nalu Vida a vibrant addition to the Westside scene.
Let's Stay Connected!
Councilwoman, 11th District
Log onto our #Better11 District Website for the latest information on upcoming meetings and community resources! 
District 11 Website

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Office of Councilwoman Traci Park, 11th District
LA City Hall
200 Spring Street, Room 410
Los Angeles, CA 90012

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