Family Fishing Day in Ailsa Craig takes place on Sunday, July 7, 2024
Family Fishing Day in Ailsa Craig takes place at Ailsa Craig Lions Park (at the corner of Old Mill Street and William Street) on Sunday, July 7, 2024 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. noon.
The cost is $5 per child or $10 per family. There is a barbecue lunch.
Those taking part can learn about fish identification and aquatic species at risk (including fish and mussels) in the Ausable River.
Worms are supplied for the anglers taking part.
Fish are measured and a number of prizes are awarded.
To learn more about Family Fishing Day, contact Christie Brown, Water Resources Technician, by email at or by phone at 519-235-2610 or toll-free 1-888-286-2610, extension 239.
The Family Fishing Day is possible thanks to Ailsa Craig and District Lions Club as well as Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation.
Family Fishing Week in Ontario is June 29–July 7, 2024
Four times a year, Canadian residents can fish in Ontario for free.
This means if you are a resident of Canada, you do not need to buy a fishing licence if you want to fish during these special dates.
The final free family fishing opportunity, in 2024, is on Family Fishing Week from June 29, 2024 to July 7, 2024.
Remember to practise catch-and-release fishing. Also:
- Follow conservation licence catch limits
- Obey size limits and sanctuaries
- Follow the fishing regulations; and
- Carry a permit or identification card issued by the provincial or federal government, showing your name and date of birth.
Learn more:
To learn more about fishing, watch this video featuring Ausable Bayfield Conservation's Davin Heinbuck:
Happy Canada Day!
From all of us at Ausable Bayfield Conservation, we wish you all the best this Canada Day weekend and throughout the year.
July 5 at noon is final day to apply for committee position
Friday, July 5, 2024, at noon local time, is the final day to apply for the position of Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Source Protection Committee member from the Agriculture sector.
To apply now or to learn more visit:
Water monitoring network celebrates 60 years
A province-wide network for monitoring of surface water quality in Ontario is celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2024.
The Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN) began on June 10, 1964 when environmental monitoring staff collected the first water quality sample on a site on the North Maitland River, within the Healthy Lake Huron region along Lake Huron's southeast shore.
Since that time, network partners have worked across Ontario to ensure there is the knowledge and data needed to make the necessary decisions to protect water quality in the province.
Mari Veliz, Healthy Watersheds Manager at Ausable Bayfield Conservation, would like to congratulate all the partners, particularly the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, that have helped the Network sample successfully for 60 years.
This level of collaboration is a huge accomplishment, she said, and it is a benefit to the work to protect and enhance water quality in rivers and the Great Lakes.
To learn more about the Provincial (Stream) Water Quality Monitoring Network visit the Province of Ontario PWQMN web page.
To learn how the data are used to support Watershed Report cards across Ontario, please go to the Find Your Report Card web page.
Learn more:
What's the difference between frogs and toads?
Did you know all toads are frogs but not all frogs are toads? (SOURCE: Wildlife Preservation Canada)
The toad in this photo is using a wetland to beat the heat.
Be sure to check out all our #FrogFriday posts on Fridays on social media.
Help to enhance wetlands to the benefit of frogs and all living things:
Protect drinking water sources on Water Wednesdays and all year long
Protecting drinking water sources? That's music to our ears! Include the drinking water song, I Gotta Know, on your road trip summer music playlist this Canada Day holiday weekend.
Watch for summer 2024 posts, each Wednesday from July 3 to August 14, about protecting local municipal sources of drinking water.
The summer public information campaign for #WaterWednesdays begins this Wednesday.
Learn where drinking water comes from and how local municipal drinking water sources are protected.
In some parts of Ontario, rivers provide the raw source of water for treatment.
Here, in the Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Drinking Water Source Protection Region, the water source that is treated is groundwater (water, stored in aquifers underneath our feet) drawn from municipal wells or surface water drawn from a Lake Huron intake.
(The Great Lakes are more than a source of summer fun. They also supply 80 per cent of Ontario’s municipal drinking water as a source of water for treatment.)
Whatever your source of drinking water, you have an important role in protecting it.
Find out more:
Co-op student Will VanDongen-Miles makes positive contribution
Ausable Bayfield Conservation would like to thank Will VanDongen-Miles, of Grand Bend, for his many positive contributions as a secondary school co-op student from South Huron District High School (SHDHS) in Exeter.
Will began with us on Wednesday, February 21, 2024. He completed his co-op term with us on Wednesday, June 19, 2024. He is in his final semester at SHDHS.
Will hopes to go to college next year for either Fish and Wildlife Technician or Environmental Technician.
"I have extremely enjoyed my time at Ausable Bayfield Conservation," he said. "I have benefitted greatly ... learning something new every day that I will never forget and that I will use on my college journey."
Will said he has appreciated working with staff at Ausable Bayfield Conservation and he has learned many different skills at his position. He has worked inside the office, inside the workshop, and outside in the field completing many tasks including tree planting and environmental monitoring (water sampling for presence and absence of aquatic species).
"I would personally like to thank all of the staff ... from the bottom of my heart," he said. "These few months have been an incredible turning point in my decision to go to college and in my future career in the environmental field."
Everyone at Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) " ... has made my stay very welcoming and inclusive," he said.
The opportunities to work in different areas of conservation gave Will a chance to learn, ask questions, communicate with co-workers and clients, and to become a team player. He thanked management and staff: "I truly appreciate all of your kindness, patience, and guidance shown to me during my time here," he said. "I am extremely grateful to you and your team at the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority."
The SHDHS Co-operative Education Program thanked Ausable Bayfield Conservation for having hosted Will. "Thank you for your support of our Co-op Program," said teacher Julie Bower. "We really appreciate the fantastic experiences and opportunities that you provided for Will this semester."
You have made a positive difference to local conservation in your work here, Will! We will miss you and wish you all the best in the future … and we know you will do well!
Learn more:
Huron Tract Land Trust Conservancy News
– Bayfield River Flats Natural Area
Pedestrian Walkway; and Warner Preserve Updates
Newly created Warner Preserve is priceless gift to nature
The Grand Bend and area community celebrated an extraordinary gift on Saturday, June 15, 2024. Peter Warner and his late wife Esther donated 55 acres in Grand Bend to the Huron Tract Land Trust Conservancy. Named the Warner Preserve, this legacy protects a significant natural area comprised of mature Carolinian forest, meadows, and wetlands.
The property, originally named Merrywood Farm, was purchased by Peter and Esther Warner in 1988 from two of Grand Bend’s historic figures, Eric and Ella McIlroy. The McIlroys owned and operated the famous Lakeview Casino during the days of the big band era, and raised and trained racehorses.
Over the years Peter and Esther worked hard to improve the natural features of the property, and planted more than 10,000 trees which were native tree species.
“We just fell in love with the place,” says Peter. “We felt so lucky to live in this beautiful oasis, right in the heart of Grand Bend.”
Although this property was slated by the Municipality of Lambton Shores for future residential development, Peter and Esther had a different vision. Their vision was that the property be protected as a refuge for wildlife and nature, and used for outdoor nature education for children and adults.
To help develop their vision, Peter and Esther approached the Huron Tract Land Trust Conservancy. The mission of the Land Trust is to hold and conserve natural areas and protect them for future generations.
Peter is a charter member of the Rotary Club of Grand Bend, which became an enthusiastic community partner, providing seed money to get the project off the ground. At Autumn Indulgence, the Club’s gala fundraiser, a further $55,000 was raised from the community to create an arboretum. The newly planted arboretum now includes more than 70 species of native trees, including some Carolinian species not generally seen this far north.
Says Grand Bend Rotary Club President Kerry Teskey, “The Warner Preserve is a perfect opportunity to foster in people – both young and old – a love and appreciation of nature. It’s a priceless gift.”
In addition to the Rotary Club of Grand Bend, The Lawson Foundation provided essential seed money. Thanks also go to the Government of Canada’s Community Services Recovery Fund, which funded the creation of 1,000 metres of accessible trails on the property.
The Sunset Community Foundation sponsored this launch.
As a refuge and protected area, the Warner Preserve will be used for educational activities and events, but will be open to the public by invitation only.
Learn more:
Ceremony marks opening of new walkway to Bayfield River Flats Natural Area
Several partners attend June 7, 2024 launch in Bayfield to open pedestrian walkway, linking community with nature
A new pedestrian walkway now links the village of Bayfield with the Bayfield River Flats Natural Area. People no longer have to drive from town to reach the nature area and they no longer have to walk across Highway 21 to get there.
Generous community donors and funding partners have raised more than $70,000 to build the new walkway. Construction is complete and the path to nature is now open.
A number of community partners attended an opening ceremony, on Friday, June 7, 2024, to launch the newly constructed path, underneath the highway bridge, which links the community with nature. Local musicians played violins prior to the afternoon event. The ceremony began with acknowledgement of indigenous peoples of the area.
The Bayfield River Flats Natural Area is owned and permanently preserved by Huron Tract Land Trust Conservancy (HTLTC) and maintained by volunteers of Bayfield River Valley Trail Association (BRVTA).
Roger Lewington is Past Chair of the Land Trust and a leader of the Pedestrian Walkway fundraising campaign committee of BRVTA. He provided thanks, at the launch ceremony, to the many community partners, and hundreds of volunteers and donors, who made the pedestrian walkway possible.
“It’s pretty amazing …” what community volunteers and donors have accomplished, he said. He extended “ … a special thanks to our Bayfield River Flats committee and fundraising team …”
Max Morden, Chair of the Land Trust, thanked BRVTA and their fundraising team for the work they put into the walkway project and thanked the community for its generosity.
“This is an amazing community, you’re an amazing group,” he said.
Find out more: