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Legislative Minute
Click Here To Watch This Week's Legislative Minute
The day after SCOTUS issued its decision in the Grants Pass case, I led a motion asking our City Attorney to report on how the decision impacts our City's homeless policies, prior legal settlements, and pending litigation. My motion is now scheduled for hearing in the Housing & Homelessness Committee on Wednesday, August 7 at 2:30 PM. Public input is highly valued, so please submit your written public comments online, or come and share your thoughts in person.
In The News:
Governor Newsom issues executive order on homeless encampments in California

After Homelessness Ruling, Cities Weigh Whether to Clear Encampments

Park's motion to regulate RV dwellings near schools and parks clears Transportation Committee

Los Angeles considers new prohibitions on RV camping

15,000-gallon sewage leak triggers closures at two LA County beaches

Dockweiler and Venice beaches reopen after sewage spill

In one LA neighborhood, the prospect of losing our little Vons hits hard

LA Councilmembers oppose Kroger-Albertsons merger
Let's Fix Our Fire Engines!
Click Here To Watch My Tour Of The LAFD Maintenance Yard
We spent time last week at LAFD's Supply & Maintenance Division, where nearly 100 fire engines, trucks, and ambulances are out of service awaiting repairs. LAFD is already severely understaffed and experiencing unsustainable call levels, and having these million-dollar rigs out of service only makes things worse. That's why I fought back against the City's proposal to cut LAFD mechanic positions from our budget. It's imperative we continue investing in the essential positions that keep our City safe and functioning!
LAPD Makes 80 Arrests For Wire And Metal Theft
Over the last year, I've partnered with Councilmember De León to address the crisis of metal and wire theft across the City. Thieves and vandals are stripping LA for parts, leaving entire neighborhoods in the dark, and costing taxpayers tens of millions of dollars every year. We recently created the LAPD Metal & Wire Theft Task Force, which has already recovered thousands of pounds of stolen materials, seized nine firearms, and made over 80 arrests (60 of which were for felonies). Together, we are sending a clear message that we will not tolerate theft of our public infrastructure.
In The News:
More than 80 arrests made in new effort to battle theft of copper, metal in LA

'Significant victory': More than 80 arrested in copper wire theft crackdown
Ladera Center Planning Meeting
Please join us on Thursday, September 19, from 5 pm to 7 pm for an in-person community meeting with Los Angeles City Planning for the Westchester - Playa del Rey Community Plan Update, with a focus on the Ladera Center and commercial area surrounding La Tijera Boulevard and Centinela Avenue. Please see this flyer for meeting information.
In-Person Community Meeting:
Thursday, September 19, 2024 from 5 pm - 7 pm
Frank D. Parent Elementary School
5354 W. 64th St. 
Inglewood, CA 90302
CIRCLE Program Expands Across Pacific Division

Starting August 25, CIRCLE will extend its services beyond Venice and del Rey to cover all of LAPD’s Pacific Division, including Mar Vista, Palms, Playa Vista, Playa del Rey, Westchester, Manchester Square, and Dockweiler Beach. This 24/7 unarmed team addresses low-risk 9-1-1 and 877-ASK-LAPD incidents involving unhoused individuals, which will improve LAPD response times and allow them to concentrate on traditional duties.

In preparation for this expansion, please join our virtual CIRCLE Pacific Expansion Info Session on Thursday, August 15, from 12 pm to 1 pm. Join the video meeting here, or call +1 541-709-5230 and enter PIN: 489 412 579#. 

Al Fresco Program Deadline Extended!

I’m excited to share that the deadline for restaurant owners to apply for Los Angeles' permanent Al Fresco program has been extended to December 31, thanks to Mayor Karen Bass. This program offers a streamlined permitting process for outdoor dining on sidewalks, streets, and other spaces. Let's support our local restaurants and make the most of this opportunity!

Honoring Our Local Lifeguards

This week, I attended the LA County Lifeguards Annual Medal of Valor reception, where I had the privilege of honoring LA County Fire Department Ocean Lifeguards Ryan Aronson and Max Malamed, who received these medals for their heroic rescue of a woman who jumped off the Venice pier in high surf on on the evening of July 4, 2023. These highly-trained first responders are essential in keeping our beaches safe. I couldn't be more grateful for their partnership, and we couldn't be luckier to have Max and Ryan guarding our local beaches!

Revitalize Rose Avenue Project

Following years of advocacy by the East Venice community to improve and reopen the path that runs along the Penmar golf course, we are thrilled to announce our Revitalize Rose Avenue pedestrian connectivity and beautification project. Spanning from Frederick Street to Glenavon Avenue, the project will include a new sidewalk, landscaping, ADA access ramps, and crosswalks at Courtland Street and Penmar Avenue. Come learn more and join us for brunch at The Penmar restaurant on Saturday, August 10 from 10am - 12pm, or you can join a virtual outreach meeting on Monday, August 12 at 6 pm. The virtual meeting link and details are below:

Zoom link: 

Meeting ID: 849 7759 8277

Dial in: +1 669 900 6833 US

Bocce Ball In Pacific Palisades Makes Headlines!

I had so much fun hanging out with the Palisades Sunset Bocce League, which draws dozens of neighbors out to Veterans Gardens at Palisades Park. Its wonderful to see so many community members active and enjoying this beautiful space. A personal note of thanks to Jimmy Dunne and all of the event organizers for the warm invitation and fun along the way! 

In The News:
Move over, pickleball: In this wealthy LA neighborhood, another game reigns supreme 
Legacy Business Program: Round 1 Grants Open August 5

Starting Monday, August 5, small businesses with more than 20 years of history operating in Los Angeles can begin applying for grants made available through the Economic and Workforce Development Department's Legacy Business Program. Designed to assist "legacy" businesses, the program will support businesses with grants ranging from $5,000 to $20,000, depending on the number of employees. For more information about eligibility and how to apply, please visit the Legacy Business program's website

This week, it was a special privilege to spend time with Clabe and Thea Hartley, the legendary owners of the Cow's End in Venice. Clabe and Thea have served the best coffee and sandwiches in Washington Square for nearly four decades, and any local in Venice can tell you stories of their many years of service to the community. Fun fact: the Cow's End has been giving free coffee to first responders for over 30 years. Clabe and Thea, its my true honor to know you and call you friends, and I can't think of a more perfect Park's Pick than the Cow's End!
Let's Stay Connected!
Councilwoman, 11th District
Log onto our #Better11 District Website for the latest information on upcoming meetings and community resources! 
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Our mailing address is:
Office of Councilwoman Traci Park, 11th District
LA City Hall
200 Spring Street, Room 410
Los Angeles, CA 90012

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