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August e-news 2024
Join Peace and Justice Center of Eastern Maine's Hiroshima Day Gathering Aug. 6 in Bangor @ 10 AM. Flier and program posted (p.2). You can RSVP on Facebook too.
Inspiring Opinion Piece on Nuclear Weapons and Climate! " There is so much love and beauty in this world. It’s worth saving."
Aug 5 ~06:30 PM Remember Hiroshima with a virtual commemoration. Registration.. Speakers include Hideko Tamura Snider, Hiroshima survivor & WILPF member.
Aug. 10, 1-2:30. Zoom Youth Forum on Climate & Nukes. Students For Nuclear Disarmament,
John Raby's piece Penelope (disclaimer)
National 350 org and VFP Climate Crisis and Militarism Project are  coordinating efforts nationwide to focus on Airshows and Climate. Here is their petition to sign.  NoMAS!
Roger Leisner's report back to Peace Action Maine on Clamshell Alliance Gathering.
August 4 2:30 Poetry and Music  UU Church Brunswick flier
Aug 1 @ 7 ET Register here  for a CeaseFire Now Grassroots Network Advocacy's training session on August Recess Advocacy
Common Ground Country Fair 2024, Sept 20, 21, & 22. Mark it on your calendar, let us know if you can volunteer and help us out at the table, thank you! We could use the help this year! Robert Shetterly's portrait of Doug Rawlings is scheduled for unveiling on Saturday, from 3-4. Reconfirm time as the date draws near: AWTT.
Sept 28, Save the Date for Father John Dear, St. Joseph College,  Windham.

Remembering the COSTS OF WAR: US Budgetary costs: $8 Trillion, Human Toll: 905,000-940,000 (Direct Deaths), People Displaced: 38 Million

Peace Action Maine has been raising important peace and justice issues since 1982, carrying out actions, advocacy and sponsoring educational events. Subscribe to our newsletter.  You can donate to us  from our web site, join us on FaceBook  and Instagram, on Bluesky & X @me_action, and on our  YouTubeChannel. Thank you for working with us and being there!
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Maine Peace Fund, our 501(c)(3) arm, is a proud member of Maine Share. A workplace giving program, MaineShare raises awareness and resources for Maine Peace Fund along with other statewide organizations working for positive social change.
Copyright © *2024* *Peace Action Maine*, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
*P.O. Box 3842, Portland, ME 04101* 
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