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Attendees look at the strip-till demonstration at Huron County Ploughing Match in August of 2024.

Cover crops, strip tillage among demonstrations at 96th Huron County Ploughing Match

The 96th Annual Huron County Ploughing Match took place near Bayfield on August 16, 2024.

Huron County Soil and Crop Improvement Association (HSCIA) held a Huron County equipment and crop demonstration.

The demonstration provided agricultural producers with information on how to change to strip till or to upgrade existing strip-tilling equipment.

Lawrence Levesque, from Speare Seeds, provided information on cover crops. 

Cover crops are plants that are grown in agricultural fields both before the main crop is planted and after it is harvested. Cover crops have many benefits to the landowner and the community. Cover crops help to protect water quality and build soil health; help to reduce loss of nutrients and topsoil and reduce the amount of speed of water running off of land; and help to reduce wind speed at ground level which reduces wind and water erosion and the speed of water runoff.

Other presenters at the cover crop and Strip Till equipment demonstration included:
  • Rick Kootstra, from HSCIA and the Huron County Demonstration Farm at the Huronview complex near Clinton, Ontario demonstrating an Environmental Tillage Systems, Inc. Soil Warrior zone tillage and precision nutrient placement system.
  • Claussen Farms Custom Farming Inc., demonstrating a home-made Strip Till machine.
  • McGavin Farm Equipment Ltd./Robert's Farm Equipment Sales Inc. presenting a KUHN Krause Gladiator® strip-tillage system.
  • Hyde Brothers Farm Equipment Ltd. exhibiting Remlinger Manufacturing equipment.
  • Delta Power Equipment featuring an Unverferth Manufacturing Co., Inc. Raptor machine.
Vermue Farms Ltd. hosted this year’s match which was organized by the Huron County Plowmen.

In a post on X (Twitter), Huron Soil and Crop extended “ ... a big thanks to the Vermue family and the 96th Huron County Plowing Match for letting us make use of the farm to do a cover crop demonstration by Lawrence Levesque from Speare Seeds and doing a Strip Till demonstration organized by Huron Soil and Crop.”

TOP PHOTO: Attendees look at the strip-till demonstration at Huron County Ploughing Match in August of 2024. (Photo courtesy of Huron County Soil and Crop Improvement Association).

BOTTOM PHOTO: Shown in photo are Steve Taylor, a farmer from the Varna area, and Mari Veliz, Healthy Watersheds Manager at Ausable Bayfield Conservation. They took the opportunity to check out vintage tractors, cover crops, and strip tillage.

Steve Taylor, agricultural producer from the Varna area, and Mari Veliz, Healthy Watersheds Manager at Ausable Bayfield Conservation, are shown at the 96th Annual Huron County Ploughing Match near Bayfield on August 16, 2024.
The cover of a Lake Huron:  Advancing Coastal Resilience document.

Lake Huron: Advancing coastal resilience, through community-based strategies, with Maitland Conservation

Submitted by Maitland Conservation

Ontario’s West Coast is under stress. Natural hazards and human pressures are gradually altering the character of the Lake Huron coastline. It is apparent that a concerted community-guided effort is needed to ensure the characteristics valued by shoreline communities are not lost for future generations.

Lake Huron boasts incredible vistas, towering bluffs, sandy beaches, and a natural setting where many live, work, or play. This coast is valued by everyone. 
Recreational and surrounding communities are deeply connected to where the land meets the water. These communities may not be able to combat all stressors, such as impacts from climate change and shifting weather, but some can be mitigated or adapted to – wisely choosing what to build and where. 

In partnership with member municipalities; Zuzek Inc.; SJL Engineering; and DHI Group; Maitland Conservation has completed a project that updates our shoreline hazard mapping. 

The climate change inclusive mapping and the data collected throughout the project furthers the understanding of the shoreline and its processes, and the understanding supports work at local, provincial, and federal scales. It provides an opportunity to consider how the Lake Huron shoreline has been interacted with in the past, and how those interactions can evolve in the future, for a healthier and less hazardous coast. 

A StoryMap web page has been developed to share an overview of coastal resilience and introduce the PARRARH framework. Put to action, PARRARH is a toolbox to develop concepts and alternatives to reduce exposure to coastal stressors, adapt to climate change, and increase the resilience of coastal ecosystems and communities. 

The page also provides project highlights, future goals, interactive Shoreline Hazard Mapping resources, and contact for those who wish to participate in the next steps of this journey. It will continually be updated along the way. 

Please visit Lake Huron: Advancing Coastal Resilience and Lake Huron Shoreline page on Maitland Conservation’s website to find out more.

You are invited to follow @maitlandvalley on X and @maitlandconservation on Facebook.
An image with the title of the documentary film, Plastic People: The Hidden Crisis of Microplastics.

Plastic People documentary film, with Lake Huron footage, is October 8, 2024 at Bayfield Town Hall

Movie showing scheduled in Bayfield, along Lake Huron's southeast shore

Residents living along Lake Huron's southeast shore, including citizens from Bayfield and area and students from the South Huron area, are among the people who were interviewed for a new documentary about plastic pollution.

The documentary, Plastic People: The Hidden Crisis of Microplastics, is being shown at Bayfield Town Hall, along Lake Huron's southeast shore, on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 at 7 p.m.

Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $10.

Tickets may be purchased at the Village Bookshop or reserved by contacting Ray Letheren by email at   

Profits from this event will be donated to Bayfield Food Bank.

The film screening is hosted by Blue Bayfield.

A trailer for the documentary can be viewed on YouTube.

To find out more, please read the article from Blue Bayfield:
Learn more on the web page for Plastic People: The Hidden Crisis of Microplastics.

A gloved hand holds garbage picked up, along the shoreline, during a cleanup.
Saturday, September 7 is Twelfth Annual Ipperwash Beach Cleanup

The 12th Annual Ipperwash Beach Cleanup is planned for Saturday, September 7, 2024 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

This annual volunteer event has been occurring the Saturday after Labour Day to celebrate the beach memories made over the summer and to remind us that our leisure activities can sometimes leave an impact on the environment. 

After a busy summer (despite the consistent efforts of the local beach community), trash builds up on the beach and in the dunes. 

If you are interested in participating in this volunteer event, please meet at the Centre Ipperwash Boat Launch on September 7th at 9 a.m. 

St. Clair Region Conservation Authority (SCRCA) staff will be on hand with gloves, bags and hand sanitizer. 

If you have garbage pickers or pails, feel free to bring them. 

The organizers advise close-toed shoes, a hat, a reusable water bottle, and dressing for the weather. 

St. Clair Region Conservation will have some snacks to refuel you.

This event is hosted with support from the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation, and Parks. 

If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Jessica Van Zwol at or Lisa McNeill at
The logo and wordmark for Bruce Peninsula Biosphere Association with hands and globe.

Septic System Rescues!

Submitted by Bruce Peninsula Biosphere Association

The Bruce Peninsula Biosphere Association (BPBA) has been working on improving water quality for ten years.  

Water-based projects have focused on: 
  1. Providing alternate watering systems for cattle to keep them out of streams.
  2. Encouraging proper functioning septic systems.
  3. Introducing best practices to mitigate soil erosion into the streams that feed Lake Huron.
  4. Promoting and demonstrating best practices for shoreline management.
As part of a continued focus on clean water and pristine shores on the Saugeen-Bruce Peninsula, the BPBA has been hard at work educating homeowners on maintaining healthy septic systems, identifying problems and helping to improve faulty systems. 

The program has focused on the Six Streams study area between Miller Lake and the Northern Bruce Peninsula/South Bruce Peninsula line. 

The Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks funds this important program.
Logo wordmark for Province of Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks MECP with Trillium logo.
In 2024, the Biosphere Association has done 30 pump-outs and inspections, with another 20 to go by December 2024.

In addition, the BPBA has helped secure 20 septic system subsidies of $4,000 per household. They are also performing ongoing water testing to monitor water quality in the Six Steams area, helping the Biosphere Association to understand where problems exist and the impact of its interventions.

Septic System Workshops

The BPBA has held three Septic System Workshops, with one more to come on Monday, August 26, 2024 from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in Lion's Head. 

The Biosphere Association sends a special thanks to Christ Church, Lion's Head, for offering the venue as part of the Congregations' Ministry. 

Best Practices Workshop – Monday, August 26, 2024, from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., Christ Church, 55 Main Street, Lion's Head:
  • Find out why it is essential to have a properly operating system.
  • See the inside workings of a septic system.
  • Understand how to care for and protect your investment.
  • Learn about water and product use in the home.
  • Learn about the Biosphere Association's financial incentive program.
The workshops include videos, a slideshow, questions and answers (Q & A), and finally, a live pump-out and inspection demonstration. They have been very well received by attendees.  Participating septic owners learn about functioning septic systems.

Why is this septic program so important?

Here are some examples of why this septic program is so important. When one faulty system was dug up, they found no weeping bed tiles at all! The tank needed constant pumping and was presumably leaking down to the lake.

At another site, a damaged steel drum was acting as the tank for an entire home and will be replaced this summer. Unfortunately, these are not isolated examples, as the many replacements over the years have shown.

The program directly impacts water quality on the Peninsula, focusing on failing systems that are close to water (lakes, streams and drains) and are likely leaking effluent into the environment. The continuation of the program is always dependent on receiving new funding.
Work on a septic system.

Septic owners check out systems to see if they are functioning well or not.
Are you interested in the environment on the Saugeen Bruce Peninsula? Become a Biosphere member or volunteer!

Septic systems are just one area where the Bruce Peninsula Biosphere Association improves the local environment. The BPBA is also behind the Bayside Astronomy Dark Skies Program, Wetland Restoration Programs, Gravel Grand Fondo Charity Bike Ride, Local Climate Action, and so much more.

The Biosphere Association welcomes new members and is always looking for volunteers. All members get a quarterly newsletter and the opportunity to participate in Field Trips, all for just $30 per year or $75 for three years. Learn more and join today: BPBA membership web page
A file photo of Lake Huron shoreline.

World Water Week continues until September 1, 2024

World Water Week began on August 23 and continues until Sunday, September 1, 2024.

Drought and flooding stresses water around the world. World Water Week is a week to focus on the importance of water for people and for habitat.

The importance of protecting our water is even more important during weather extremes as our climate continues to change.

One action people can take to protect water, along Lake Huron's southeast shoreline, is to enhance wetlands. Contact your local conservation authority staff to find out about wetlands restoration programs in your area.

For other practical ideas on protecting water quality, along Lake Huron's southeast shoreline, check out the Watershed Report Card for your area.

Learn more: World Water Week continues until September 1

Find out more: World Water Week


Love Your Greats logo with sand and water behind it.
Windy weather didn't deter volunteers on Love Your Greats Day

Volunteers in Bayfield and area helped to clean up areas along Lake Huron's southeast shoreline on Love Your Greats Day on Saturday, August 10, 2024.

This day, to celebrate and protect our Great Lakes, is held the second Saturday of every August. 

An article, by Melody Falconer-Pounder, in The Bayfield Breeze, described the weather on August 10 as " ... blustery ..." but shoreline volunteers braved the conditions to clean up the shoreline.

Volunteers collected single-use plastic bottles, hundreds of cigarette butts, cans and wrappers, diapers, fishing gear and wire ties, among other pollution, according to the article.

The volunteers cleaned up trash at the Bayfield River Flats Natural Area and along Highway 21 and at South Beach and North Beach and both sides of the river, the article reports.

The article quotes Shelley Reder, one of the event organizers, as saying that volunteers " ... collected buckets and buckets of garbage which now won’t be in our ecosystem."

Some people, who were just walking by, even joined in the effort and began picking up garbage.

High winds and high waves prevented clean-up by divers but this may happen on a different day.

The Love Your Greats Day event in Bayfield was a result of a partnership of Love Your Greats;  Municipality of Bluewater; Village of Bayfield Marina; the Bayfield Marine Store; and Ocean Wise.

The article mentions that many other businesses and organizations also made the day possible including: The Den Juice Co. (Goderich); Huron County Backyard Ecosystems (Clinton); Bayfield River Valley Trail Association; River Adventures Bayfield; Shopbike Coffee Roasters, Bayfield; Lake Huron Coastal Centre (Goderich); Harbour Lights Marina, Bayfield; and others.

The Village of Bayfield Marina and the Municipality of Bluewater have again received the Blue Flag certification operated by Swim Drink Fish for sustainable practices, according to the publication.

Find out more about the success of Love Your Greats Day in 2024. Read the article in The Bayfield Breeze.

In 2025, this special day takes place on Saturday, August 9.  

Learn more: 
Copyright © 2024 Healthy Lake Huron Partnership c/o Ausable Bayfield Conservation, All rights reserved.

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