Welcome to the Connection Corner
Connection Corner is our weekly update about what is happening in the life of the church. We encourage you to read this every week, as we are going to give more detail about events and news here; and keep notices during Sunday services to the minimum in order to leave space for God to move as and when He wants.

Temporary One-way System in Victoria Street West
Auckland Transport has advised that maintenance work will cause a temporary one-way system in the road passing the church, which started on Monday 23 September. More details are available here

Events Calendar

All the details of events coming up are in our events calendar so please do read it.
Please click here.
If you have something to go into the events calendar please send them to by the 20th of each month.

Thank you for Sunday!
Thank you to everyone who worked hard at preparing, setting up and packing down before and after the Thanksgiving service last Sunday. While it was different to our usual services, God's presence was tangible and many people from our FBC family commented that they found it so refreshing. We couldn't do it without your help. Again, a heartfelt thank you from the staff, leaders and management teams!

Sunday 6th October
On Sunday, 6th October Rachel Roche will be commissioned by the Northern Baptist Association into the Interim Pastor role at FBC. We invite you all to join us, some guests and visitors; and stay for a shared lunch after the service. 
Please bring a plate of savoury finger food to share, if you are able to.
We're also excited to invite you to stay after the shared lunch and hear Dr Ruth Lennox sharing about her time serving as a medical doctor in LAMB hospital, Bangladesh.

During the school holidays, the normal Oasis program takes a break. However, Margaret and Colin will be here at 10 am on Wednesday 2nd and 9th of October. Join them for a catch up and a cuppa! They are also more than happy to pray with you.

The Lord's Prayer
Let's continue to pause and pray, using the example Jesus gave us in Matthew 6:9-13:
Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
10 Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
13 And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen 

Leadership Team Update
At the AGM last Sunday, the following leaders were voted in to leadership: Esther Calley, Zane Brown and Aaron Snook. They join Liz Kelsey, Erin Temu and Alan Calvert to form the full leadership team in the season going forward.  We thank God for the call on all their lives and we pray for them leading and governing His church in a way that would honour God and His people. We also want to thank everyone whose names were put forward and pray God’s blessing on their continuing service in our other church ministries.

Coming up this Sunday
This Sunday we conclude the series on The Lord's Prayer. Penny Day will bring a sermon on the last portion about temptation, freedom and deliverance. 

Join us at 10AM in-person or online if you are not able or unwell. Please contact us if you need support 
Be encouraged,
Community Outreach

During the Christmas period the Franklin Baptist Church whanau loves to support local communities. This year we are working with Franklin Attendance Services (FAS), as they work in Pukekohe Intermediate School, where we also support 24/7 YouthWork. FAS has has given us some alarming statistics about lack of school attendance and the underlying circumstances surrounding this. They have identified some real needs, not limited to but probably on the top of the list, is bedding, clothes and shoes. 
How can you help?
Why not use the upcoming school holidays to get the kids involved in sorting out their wardrobes? If you have good-quality used bedding, clothes and shoes (any sizes) to donate, please drop it at church over the next 2 weeks. 
The cut-off date for these donations is Sunday 13 October. 
Fun, laughs, food and a time to connect!
This is a get-together where you can safely invite a family member, friend, neighbour or work colleague.
There will be several short, inspiring talks on a variety of subjects, each followed by a time to chat and connect with each other.
Please sign up (and pay) at the Info Desk on Sunday, or via the Church app.
The Alpha Course

Alpha is open to everyone but it was designed for those who don't go to church or who don't identity as Christian.  It is most effective when used as an opportunity for people to explore faith

The next 10-week Alpha courses start: 

Monday 30th September @10am to 11.45am | Wednesday 2nd October @6.30pm to 8.30pm 

Invite someone and let the adventure begin!

Register here for Mondays or here for Wednesdays; or on the Church Center app/office.

Enquiries: Paul 021 147 1923 
If you are interested in going on a  short-term mission trip to Cambodia, contact Nigel Brown on  021 881 573 or 
CAP Budgeting Course  
CAP - (Christians against poverty) money course is available to those wanting to know how to budget and others who have serious financial concerns. 
The course will help you to spend wisely, budget for your day-to-day requirements, including debt repayments. and to save for your future. 
The course will help you to build and to balance.your budget.  Introduce ways to reduce expenditure and increase your income. Organise your finances to know when and where your money is going. 

Further details available at the church office.
People can contact me directly for further info and to make an appointment. 
Winston:  Phone/text   021-024-32325    Email

Where will you serve?
There are several opportunities for you to serve in our church family. These include:

  • Children's Ministry - there are vacancies in all our children's ministry programs for helpers. Pre-school, primary and intermediate programs. 
  • Ushering team - helping people find a space to sit on a Sunday morning.
  • Church building admin team - go on a team to help with getting rooms ready for church ministries and communities renting them.
  • Security team - walking around the building and car park during a Sunday morning service. This is not Security guard duties but more of a hospitality/helping hand nature.
  • Hospitality - going on a roster to help with getting coffee/tea ready on a Sunday morning.
  • Pastoral Care - go on a team to provide help and care to individuals/families as and when needed as and when you are able to.
Please check out the "Where would you like to serve?" link under sign-ups in the Church Center app or sign up here.
Prayer Chain
If you would like to submit a prayer request to the Prayer Chain, please email Arlene Hutcheon on or send a text to 0274726198. All prayer requests are treated as confidential.
You can give online, by automatic payment or direct debit. Our church bank account: 01 0403 0013842 00 or click here to donate now
Franklin Baptist Church  128 Victoria Street West, PO Box 52, Pukekohe 2120
telephone: (09) 238 8544    email:    website:

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