
- Listing of Upcoming CLT Events
- October 25th webinar on Land Reform in Scotland

- World CLT Day - October 28th and 29th!
- Community Matters - the latest publication from Terra Nostra Press

Upcoming CLT Events

The next few months are full of CLT-related events!  We've launched a new events page which includes events organized by the Center for CLT Innovation, as well as events presented by other organizations. Upcoming events include the following:

Webinar on Land Reform in Scotland
October 25th, 3 PM GMT, 11 AM Eastern (US)

Join us for a discussion on Scottish Land Reform and the land reform agenda’s ties to community-led housing and community empowerment.  The session will include presentations from the Scottish Land Commission, Community Land Scotland, and Wigtown & Bladnoch Community Initiative, followed by Q&A. This one-hour webinar will provide a lively conversation on Land Reform and community ownership in Scotland (and beyond), with input from policy experts, community members, and community-led housing practitioners. Hosted by South of Scotland Community Housing and the Center for CLT Innovation. All are welcome!

The webinar will be presented in English. We will be adding translated subtitles to the webinar recording.

The webinar will be moderated by Annabel Pidgeon of South of Scotland Community Housing.  Our presenters include the following:  
  • David Stewart is Senior Policy Officer at the Scottish Land Commission since 2019. His main areas of work are around land assembly, placemaking, and housing land markets. 
  • Linsay Chalmers is the Development Manager at Community Land Scotland, where she oversees the organisation’s work supporting communities and raising awareness of community landownership. 
  • Nick Walker is a retired psychiatrist, active in his local community. He was part of setting up Wigtown & Bladnoch Community Initiative, a community company whose mission is to bring neglected land and property into community ownership.
Register for Land Reform in Scotland

World CLT Day 2022:

We’re inviting all CLTs around the world to come together on October 28th and 29th to join us in celebration of the community land trust movement. We’re a diverse and widespread movement, and World CLT Day is an opportunity to give visibility to the growing community of CLTs and share your exciting work with peers around the globe.

Our theme is "community matters" to acknowledge the importance of putting the "C" in CLT, and all the ways that CLTs engage with their local communities.

How do you participate?  Just upload a video, photo, or text featuring people and places from your CLT to Facebook or Twitter using the hashtag #worldcltday2022. Check out the World CLT Day website for the details on how to participate.

New Publication by Terra Nostra Press!

Just in time for World CLT Day, we are pleased to announce the publication of a brand new book by Terra Nostra Press, Community Matters:  Conversations with Reflective Practitioners about the Value and Variety of Resident Engagement in CLTs.

The practitioners featured in the present volume epitomize the persistence of this commitment to community - and its complexity. Working with CLTs in Boston, Brussels, Houston, London, and San Juan, they have championed a variety of strategies for giving residents an active voice in planning and development. They have also changed strategies when needed. The stories of these experienced practitioners explore the whys and ways of keeping "community" alive in organizations like theirs. They offer a virtual master class in resilient resident engagement.
Download a free copy of the introduction by John Emmeus Davis
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International Center for Community Land Trusts · 3146 Buena Vista St · Madison, WI 53704-5810 · USA