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Parshas Lech Lecha - Shishi with Rashi

In today’s Chumash, we learn about the Bris Bein Habesarim, the story of Hagar and the birth of Yishmael, and Avram’s mitzvah to get a Bris Milah. At the end of today’s Chumash, Avram gets a new name — Avraham!

Bris Bein Habesarim: Avram didn’t ask for a sign about having children, but he DID want a sign that Hashem would give the Yidden Eretz Yisroel. He wanted to know what zechus the Yidden would have so they could get Eretz Yisroel.

Hashem told Avram that it would be in the zechus of the korbanos that the Yidden will bring. So Hashem asked Avram to bring some animals to remind him of the korbanos: Three cows, three goats, three rams, a turtledove, and a dove.

He told Avram to shecht the animals and cut them in half. He should walk between the halves, like a path, and Hashem will send a fire to go between the halves to show that He is making a promise. This was called the Bris Bein HaBesarim — the promise between the halves.

So Avram did what Hashem told him to do. He didn’t cut the birds in half though, which was a sign that the Yidden will be treated differently than the goyim by Hashem, just like the birds in this Bris are different than the animals.

Vultures (a kind of bird that likes to eat dead animals) tried to eat the pieces of the animals, but Avram wouldn’t let. This was a hint that Hashem will only let Moshiach get rid of all of the mean goyim (who are compared to animals) in the time of the Geulah.

Then Avram got very tired and fell into a deep sleep. He felt very scared. Hashem explained to Avram that he was scared because he was feeling that there would be a Golus for his children, but Hashem would save them! They would come out of Golus with great riches.

Hashem also promised Avram that he would live a good long life, and that his children would serve Hashem. Hashem promised that in the end, the Yidden would come back to Eretz Yisrael.

Then Hashem made the sun set, and it became dark. Hashem made the fire go between the animal pieces, and promised Avram to have the full land of Eretz Yisroel, the way it will be when Moshiach comes.

Avram marries Hagar: Sarai said to Avram that maybe he should also marry Hagar, and maybe then they will have their own child. Avram understood that Sarai was saying a nevuah, and so he did marry her.

Soon after getting married, Hagar found out that she was expecting a baby! But instead of being so happy and grateful, Hagar started thinking that she was better than Sarai, since SHE was going to have a baby, and Sarai was married for so long (10 years) and didn’t have any!

Sarai was very upset, and said to Avram that he should have told Hagar not to talk that way. Because Sarai was upset, Hashem didn’t give Hagar that baby after all.

Hagar runs away: Avram told Sarai to deal with Hagar in the way she thought was right. Since Hagar was really a maid, Sarai gave her lots of hard work. Hagar was very upset and ran away to the desert.

A malach from Hashem came and spoke to Hagar, who was sitting by a wellspring of water. She wasn’t scared, because she was used to seeing malachim from Avram’s house. He asked her where she was going. Hagar answered that she was running away from Sarai.

A second malach told her to go back home, even though Sarai was in charge of her.

A third malach promised her that she would have many people coming from her and her children.

A fourth malach told her she would soon have a baby boy, and she should call him Yishmael, since Hashem heard (shama) her suffering. Yishmael would be wild and fighting with everyone, but his children would be friends with each other and they would live together.

Hagar thanked Hashem for being so nice to her. She realized that she didn’t deserve to see malachim, and was happy Hashem sent a malach to her. This showed that she did teshuva.

The well where the malach found Hagar is called “Be’er Lachai Ro’i” — the place where the living malach appeared.

Yishmael is born: Hagar soon had a baby boy. Even though she didn’t tell Avram what the malach said, he had Ruach Hakodesh and called him Yishmael!

Avram is told to have a bris: 13 years later, in Nisan, when Avram was 99 years old, Hashem told Avram that he would give him a new mitzvahBris Milah. Avram was worried that people wouldn’t want to be Jewish if they would have that mitzvah, but Hashem told Avram not to worry.

Through having a bris, Avram would become tomim — whole and perfect. Hashem promised Avram a lot of brachos if he would have a bris. He also gave him a new name — Avraham, with a Hey. This means “Father of many nations.”



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Today’s shiur Tehillim is kapitelach Nun-Hey to Nun-Tes.

Today’s Tehillim has the posukPadah Beshalom Nafshi,” where Dovid Hamelech says that he won his fights and was free in the zechus of the people that davened for him.

When the Alter Rebbe said this Kapitel, he came out of his Golus as well — out of jail — on Yud-Tes Kislev!

The Chachomim explain this posuk in the Gemara, that “When someone learns Torah, it’s like taking the Shechinah and the Yidden out of Golus!” The Alter Rebbe explains this in the Igeres Hakodesh we are learning now in Tanya!



Igeres Hakodesh Siman Chof-Vov

We learned before that when we work hard to understand the halachos of the Torah properly, we are taking the Torah out of the Golus it is in — the kelipah of the questions and things that make it hard to understand.

When Moshiach will come, we won’t need to learn Torah for THAT reason, because there will be no more kelipah to hide the kedushah of the Torah! We will only need to learn the Chassidus that explains the halachos, to bring extra kedushah into the Torah. But we won’t need to take it out of Golus, since there will be no more bad in the world!

And what about the halachos themselves? We will know them by just learning them once — we won’t need to review them all the time, because we will not forget them. Forgetting is from kelipah, and Hashem will take away all of the kelipah from the world! Plus, we will understand them by knowing the Chassidus that we learn about them.

This ends this very long letter! We understand now that in the times of Golus, the Torah is also in Golus. We know that when we work hard to understand the halachos and discover new insights in the Torah we bring the Geulah sooner. And we know that when Moshiach comes, our learning will be different, and we will mainly learn the deeper meanings and the secrets of the Torah!



Yud Mar-Cheshvan

The way Hashem created the world is that there are four Ruchnius’dike worlds, where Hashem’s kedusha hides more and more. In this last world, Asiyah, Hashem’s kedusha is almost completely hidden. But in the highest “world,” Atzilus, Hashem’s kedusha isn’t hiding at all! It is felt very strongly.

The Alter Rebbe would feel so connected to the kedusha of that olam when speaking about Atzilus, he couldn’t even say the word! He would say “oiben!” (“above”). And the Alter Rebbe couldn’t even write it… he would write “Atzi–” but was too awed to even finish writing the word!



Shiur #170 - Mitzvas Lo Saasei #120

(Mitzvas Lo Saasei #120) Today’s mitzvah is that each Korban has a day when we shouldn’t eat it anymore! Some Korbanos can be eaten for one day, and some for two days. We are not allowed to leave any part of the korban over to be eaten after that time. This is called “Nosar.” If it is left over, we will learn in Mitzvas Asei #91 that it needs to be burned.

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Emor about the Korban Todah, and from there the Chachomim teach us that the same is for other korbanos too: לֹא תוֹתִירוּ מִמֶּנּוּ עַד בֹּקֶר



Hilchos Pesulei HaMukdashin

In today’s Rambam, we learn more about when a Korban is posul!

Perek Hey: We learn halachos about money set aside for a korban: If someone put money away to buy a Korban Chatas, but he passed away before he was able to bring the Korban, we have to throw the money into the sea so nobody can use it. If someone put away $10 for a korban, but the korban only cost $7, he uses the rest of the money to buy other korbanos.

Perek Vov: We learn what happens if a korban, or the meat of a korban, gets mixed up with other animals that CAN’T be a korban.

Perek Zayin: In this perek, the Rambam teaches us about what can make a bird posul as a korban.



Hilchos Shluchim VeShutfin - Perek Vov

This perek teaches us about a kind of partnership where one person just gives the money, and the other person does all the work.

icon of clock


Chassidishe Parsha

The Chachomim say that Avraham Avinu kept the whole Torah even before it was given! But then why did he wait so long, until he was 99 years old, to do a Bris Milah?

Did your Mommy ever ask you, “Do you want a cracker now, or a piece of cake as soon as it’s ready?” If you are smart, you will wait until the cake is ready, even though it won’t be right away!

Avraham Avinu did the same thing. If he did the Bris Milah right away, he would have done something good. But by waiting until Hashem told him to, his Bris Milah was much more special! He was able to feel the special chayus of Hashem that we will ALL feel when Moshiach comes! This was only because he waited until Hashem told him to do it.

See maamar Be’etzem Hayom Hazeh (Torah Ohr, parshas Lech Lecha). This maamar is usually said by a father when his son has his bris! (chabad.org/108205)

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The third posuk of the Twelve Pesukim is Bechol Dor Vador.

In this posuk, we say that we need to imagine that we came out of Mitzrayim!

But how can we feel that we came out of Mitzrayim, if we are still in Golus?

The Rebbe tells us that there IS a Mitzrayim that Hashem frees us from every day! It is the Ruchnius Mitzrayim inside of us.

We all have a Paraoh, a Yetzer Hara, that tries to tell us what to do. Our Yetzer Hara tells us to stop doing mitzvos, to do things that aren’t good for our neshama, or that could hurt another person.

But when we remember the words of Bechol Dor Vador, we will know what to answer our Paraoh!

Bechol Dor Vador — In every generation, even today

Chayav Adam Liros Es Atzmo — We need to see ourselves

Ke’ilu Yatza MiMitzrayim — Like a person who already left Mitzrayim!

We need to know that we are not slaves in Mitzrayim! Paraoh is not in charge of us!

When our Yetzer Hara tells us what to do, we can answer that we are not his slave! We only need to listen to Hashem.

See Der Rebbe Redt Tzu Kinder vol. 5, p. 271



The Meaning of Brachos

We say many brachos every day. What do they mean?

There is an opinion in halacha that says that we need to understand what we are saying when we say a bracha, or else it isn’t counted! A bracha thanks Hashem or praises Hashem for something, and if we don’t know what we are saying, we aren’t actually praising Hashem, and then it’s not really a bracha.

There are other opinions that say it is fine even if we just said the words. So even if we didn’t understand what we were saying, the halacha is that we don’t need to say the bracha again.

But lechatchilah, we do need to understand what we are saying whenever we make a bracha, like the first opinion.

We don’t need to know what the exact words mean, especially in long brachos with many details, but we should know what we are thanking or praising Hashem for! It is enough to understand what the beginning part and the end part of each bracha are talking about.

The beginning of each bracha is “Baruch Ata Hashem.” We should think about how we are praising Hashem, the King of the world!

The end of each bracha praises or thanks Hashem for something. For example, when we say “Borei Pri Ha’eitz,” we know that we are thanking Hashem for the delicious fruits we can eat! When we say the brachaAl Achilas Matzah,” we are praising Hashem for giving us the mitzvah to eat matzah.

See the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch, siman Kuf-Pey-Hey

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי



Techiyas Hameisim

In today’s Chumash, we learn how Hashem gave Avraham very special promises at the Bris Bein Habesarim! One of the promises is that Avraham’s children will inherit the holy land of Eretz Yisroel!

In the time of Yehoshua, the Yidden got only part of Eretz Yisroel, the land where seven different nations used to live. But Hashem promised Avraham that he will get a much BIGGER Eretz Yisroel — the land of TEN nations!

This will happen when Moshiach comes.

Hashem hinted to Avraham Avinu that he would be there to see the promise come true! At that time, Avraham was living in Chevron. And when the promise comes true, Avraham will be in Chevron also — getting up from Me’aras Hamachpeilah, with Techiyas Hameisim!

Yalkut Moshiach UGeulah Al HaTorah

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