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A photo of tree in winter.
ABCA sends letter to Province re: Bill 23

Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) is sending a letter to the Province of Ontario in response to Bill 23, the More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022

Read the full letter here:  The letter provides six main recommendations for Schedule 2: 
  1. Keep all hazard-related responsibilities with Conservation Authorities. 
  2. Development subject to Planning Act authorizations should not be exempt from Conservation Authority permits. 
  3. Municipalities should retain the option to enter into Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with Conservation Authorities for natural heritage and other plan review matters the municipalities deem advisable. Remove the clauses in Bill 23 that prevent this from occurring. 
  4. Conservation Authority fees should not be frozen since they are based on cost recovery. 
  5. Conservation Authority lands in areas suitable for development should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and only considered under exceptional circumstances. 
  6. Re-establish the Multi-Stakeholder Conservation Authority Working Group comprised of members from conservation authorities, municipalities, the development sector and agriculture to help guide the province in its implementation of the last round of changes to the Conservation Authorities Act
Public comments on the provincial consultation are accepted until November 24: 
A photo of snow and autumn colours in November of 2022.

ABCA Board approves Fee Policy

The Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) Board of Directors held its regular meeting on Thursday, November 17, 2022 and approved the Fee Policy.

The purpose of the ABCA approved Fee Policy is to meet the requirements of the Conservation Authorities Act.

Both the Fee Policy and Fee Schedule are intended to provide transparency and accountability surrounding the establishment and charges of Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority fees.

The policy will provide a framework for ABCA to use to determine fees and to review and revise the annual fee schedule.

Read the policy here:

World Soil Day logo
World Soil Day is Monday, December 5, 2022

World Soil Day takes place on Monday, December 5, 2022.

This year, the theme is Soils: where food begins

The Ausable Bayfield watershed community asked us, through the Conservation Strategy, to build healthy soils for the health of food, water, and living things.

Covered soils help to store water and limit runoff.

Local agricultural producers are helping to build soil health and protect topsoil and planting cover crops. 

Look around the countryside for area farmers with 'We've got it covered' signs.

Worldwide, about 95 per cent of our food comes from soil.

Across the globe, about 33 per cent of global soils are degraded.

Eighteen naturally occurring chemical elements are essential to plants and 15 of them are provided by soil.

Watch for local and social media posts about World Soil Day as December 5 approaches.

Soil is not a renewable natural resource. Once soil health is lost, it’s very hard to get it back again. It may not be possible to recover that soil health in one person’s lifetime. We need to protect and build soil health to produce the food we need. 

Grants may be available to help you with projects to that improve soil health such as erosion control, cover crops and planting trees. Call our staff to find out more. 

Learn more about soil health, how you can protect it, and what local landowners are doing to protect it: #WorldSoilDay

Eco Exeter students plant 500 trees and shrubs at wetland.

Funding support makes it possible to plant trees, enhance wetlands at Triebner Tract

First phase of Triebner Tract Forest and Wetland Restoration Project is underway to improve forest, wetland conditions in local watershed 

Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) staff have planted 8,000 trees and have begun enhancing the wetlands at Triebner Tract, located west of Highway 4, northwest of Exeter (between Hensall and Exeter).

Triebner Tract is conservation land owned by ABCA for protection of water, soil, habitat, and passive recreation.

The restoration project has a first phase in 2022 and a second phase in 2023. The project includes tree planting in 2022 and 2023 and construction of wetlands on the remaining agricultural lands of the property. The ABCA will retire close to 30 acres of marginal farm land and convert it to natural uses to improve forest and wetland conditions in the area.

“Through the partnership of dedicated groups, and the generosity of the former owner, the late Stuart Alexander Triebner and family, we were able to acquire this land, known as the Triebner Tract, in 2009,” said Nathan Schoelier, ABCA Stewardship and Lands Manager. “Now, it is also exciting to see partners come together, to build upon that legacy, and further protect this ecologically significant area,” he said. “I would like to thank the funding partners who are making this project possible to the benefit of water, soil, and habitat for all living things.”

Trees and wetlands offer many benefits to human and ecosystem health, natural infrastructure, and water quality. Forest and wetland cover is limited in areas throughout the watershed. The Triebner Tract project will contribute towards both forest and wetland cover, providing local and downstream water quality benefits.

To learn more about forest and wetland cover across Ausable Bayfield watersheds, Watershed Report Cards are available at:  The Triebner Tract restoration project complements tree planting, wetland restoration, and other projects that private landowners complete each year, working to improve the overall health of the watershed. If you are interested in completing projects on your own property, Ausable Bayfield staff are happy to assist with project implementation and applying for funding support.

The Triebner Tract Forest and Wetland Restoration Project will also increase local recreation opportunities. Conservation lands, owned by ABCA, are open to passive public recreation, including hiking, snowshoeing and birdwatching. Hunting is also permitted at some properties through a permitting system. 

Part of Triebner Tract is located in the Hay Swamp Provincially Significant Wetland (PSW). The Triebner Tract Forest and Wetland Restoration Project in 2022 is beside the PSW. Triebner Tract is located in the former Hay Township in the Municipality of Bluewater.

This project was undertaken with the financial support of the Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund, a Government of Canada’s Department of Environment and Climate Change program in partnership with Conservation Ontario.

This project has received funding support from the Government of Ontario.

The tree planting at Triebner Tract is also possible thanks to funding support from Tree Canada and thanks to contributions from Eco Exeter and Huron County Clean Water Project and a memorial donation, in memory of Terry Blok, to Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation. 

The wetland enhancement at Triebner Tract is also thanks to support from Ducks Unlimited Canada. Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation is also a contributor to the forest and wetland project.

PHOTO: Eco Exeter students, from South Huron District High School, planted 500 plants and shrubs around some newly constructed wetlands at Triebner Tract in November as part of the first phase of the Triebner Tract Forest and Wetland Restoration Project.

Learn more:
A girl donating to conservation.

Are you donating this month for Giving Tuesday?

Why are they donating this month for Giving Tuesday?

They each have their own reasons!

Why is Sawyer donating for Giving Tuesday? "I want to save the caterpillars."

Barb and Axel are giving this month for Giving Tuesday. Why is Barb donating? "I love walking on the trail with my grandchildren and making new discoveries and new memories each time." 

Why did Cohen donate? Because "... we love to watch for different creatures living in nature on the trail."

Why did Bria donate for Giving Tuesday? Because "I love butterflies ... they make me smile!"

Why did Alex and Kaleigh donate? Because "I want to have oxygen to breathe from the trees" and "I want to save the turtles." 

Why did Jeff donate for Giving Tuesday? He wants more wetlands to help filter water sources to help keep drinking water safe and clean for his family. 

Why did Angela donate for Giving Tuesday? She donated to Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation to create pollinator habitat because "I want to have healthy pollinators to grow healthy food."

Donate to Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation for Giving Tuesday this month and specify the program you want to support.

That program could be pollinator habitat for our butterflies, trails, conservation education, wetlands, habitat for turtles, conservation areas, bursaries or job opportunities for youth, or some other Conservation Foundation program of your choice:

Donate here: #GivingTuesdayCa #UnSelfie

Two donors to conservation.

A boy donating to conservation.

A girl donating to conservation.
Two girls donate to conservation for Giving Tuesday.

A photo of Jeff, who is donating for Giving Tuesday.A photo of Angela, who is donating for Giving Tuesday.
Visit to learn more.


71108 Morrison Line,
RR 3 Exeter, ON
N0M 1S5


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