Whānau News: 18 November
Who amongst us ever gives thanks when discarding water from yesterday so the jug can be refilled with fresh water for our cup of tea/coffee? I certainly have not given tap water a second thought until earlier this week. It’s Thanksgiving month in other areas of our world, and I started a practice of thanksgiving every day. “Thank you, Lord for water on demand.” What would be your thanksgiving prayer today?
“Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be to our God forever and ever.” Revelation 7:12
With gratitude and blessing,
Church Discernment Service | Esther Calley
Our Church Discernment Service this Sunday – what to do/expect
On Sunday morning we will be meeting together in the final of our five week series on Thriving Faith Communities. Can we encourage you to attend in person this week if you are well/able to?
We will be taking time in the service to gather in small focus groups with those seated around us to look at “Effective Mission”, and “Growing Disciples.” We want to listen to one another, to pray and discern God’s leading for us as a local church. How exciting!
So that you can prepare and pray for our time together, here is what we will be focusing on. We will look at the current work going on in our midst in the Mission and Discipleship areas, and in small groups discuss questions like:
- Are there other things that FBC is currently doing in the area of Growing Disciples/Effective Mission that we may have missed?
- What are individuals personally finding to be effective?
- Where are we seeing God at work already?
- How could we strengthen and enhance these above areas?
- Are there particular groups/demographics that we think God might be wanting us to focus on?
- What are societal/system issues that individuals feel drawn to (e.g. poverty, emotional/mental health, climate change etc)
- What new ways/things could we explore in relation to Discipleship/Mission?
We then want to consider what the feedback might mean for our current Vision/Mission document (attached in this link) going forward, with some more conversation on that to take place in the new year. Please be in prayer for our time together, and come with your ideas and thoughts about where God may be leading you/us. Join us at 10AM in-person or online.
For the Kids this Week...
Wonder Kids (Preschool aged). We are continuing with our program on how God loves us and the plans He has for us. This week we look at Jeremiah 29:11 knowing that God has a plan for us individually
Discovery Kids and Explorers (Primary aged). We are continuing our cliff-hanger series, all about people of faith who didn't give up when things got tough. This week continue to look at the life of Moses as Moses and the Israelites cross the red sea.
FBI (Intermediate aged). At the moment we are doing a five week series on how the Holy Spirit transforms us to the character of Jesus
Coming up:
Next week we will start looking towards Christmas and will have a little advent pack for each family. Please let Carol know at carol@fbc.nz if your child has an allergy we may not be aware of so we can prepare accordingly.
Due to weather the high tea/picnic this Saturday 19th has been postponed until the following Saturday 26th November. We are sorry for any inconvenience that this has caused, but we look forward to seeing you all on the 26th.
Christmas Offering for "Missions"
For many years FBC has allocated its Christmas Day Offering to a "Missions" project. Last year the funds went to help Kevin and Gillian Bird employ a local worker. This person has worked out really well and they would like to keep him employed for another year if possible. The GAT Team would like to recommend that we again allocate the traditional Christmas Offering to this cause. Click this link for more details.
The appeal is open through to the end of Jan. Please deposit any funds via the church bank account 01 0403 0013842 00 including the Ref. Christmas Offering or click here, and donate under "Overseas Missions"
Prayer Focus
A two-monthly newsletter from the Global Action Team. Click here for the NOV-DEC newsletter. A printed copy is also available at the Info Centre. In the Prayer Focus, this time you will see a new couple mentioned that FBC are now partnering with. Please take the time to read the introduction they have provided. Thanks for upholding them and our other partners in prayer.
Church Center Profile
Moved address or changed phone numbers? Please help us keep our records up-to-date by adapting your profile here. We print a phone list for those without access to technology. Please fill in the printed phone list permission form to have your details included.
Urgent update about the "Zion" cult
Sadly, we need to inform you about a cult that is having a damaging effect in our nation, and recently has been seeking to influence a few individuals in our own church.
We need to be aware of the damaging nature of this cult, sometimes known as “Zion Christian Mission Centre”, “Zion Church / Bible study” or “Shincheonji”. It begins as a friendly Bible study, but becomes a very forceful and manipulative distortion of truth.
I’ve attached an important letter and information from another Baptist pastor who has had to navigate this. (Link to the letter) Please take time to read, and to keep this on the radar for yourself, family members and other Christians.
Please let me know if you’d like to discuss this. It is important to understand that there is no need to feel embarrassed if you have been affected by this group, as they are very deceptive in the way they operate and portray themselves.
Please also pray about this situation, for the church of our nation, and for opportunities to share the gospel truth of Jesus Christ.
Covid Reminder/Update
We are aware that there is a lot of Covid-19 and flu cases in the community at present. We would love to have you join us online for the service if you are unwell.
Prayer Chain
If you would like to submit a prayer request to the Prayer Chain, please email Arlene Hutcheon on arlene@ps.gen.nz or send a text to 0274726198. All prayer requests are treated as confidential.
You can give online, by automatic payment or direct debit. Our church bank account: 01 0403 0013842 00 or click here to donate now.
As an encouragement to all of you while you're at home...check out some of the songs we're currently singing on Sundays and a few new ones we might sing in the future. If you have a Spotify account, this is the link to FBC Worship on Spotify