Giving Tuesday celebrates ten years of giving
Giving Tuesday Canada takes place on Tuesday, November 29, 2022; Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation encourages you to support conservation projects in your local watershed community on this day
Giving Tuesday is celebrating ten years of work to engage people in giving to charity on a special day. This day of giving takes place on Tuesday, November 29, 2022.
Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation is asking you for your support, for community conservation projects, on Giving Tuesday. You may donate to support all the programs of the Conservation Foundation or you may specify which program you want to support.
The Chair of Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation (ABCF) is Dave Frayne. He encourages you to donate to community betterment.
“It is your generosity that makes it possible to enhance trails and natural areas in our community and to support conservation education and other programs for young people and people of all ages,” he said.
To donate to Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation for Giving Tuesday, visit:
There is a private message box for your donation so you can type, into the text field there, to let the Foundation know which program you want to support.
Examples of community enhancement projects include habitat for turtles; conservation education; trails; Student Environmental Award; Junior Conservationist job opportunity program; tree planting through Carbon Footprints to Forests; wetlands; habitat for pollinators; conservation areas; or another conservation program of your choice.
To learn more about community projects of the Conservation Foundation, or how to support their work with a donation, visit this web page:
Also, feel free to contact the Conservation Foundation by email at or by phone at 519-235-2610 or toll-free 1-888-286-2610.
Black Friday and Cyber Monday in late November are popular days for shopping and to buy things. As those retail mega-days wind down, the Conservation Foundation asks you to consider a different kind of day – Giving Tuesday. Giving Tuesday is not a day to buy things ... but a day to give a gift of a different kind, a gift to nature and to your community.
Giving Tuesday is a global movement, for giving and volunteering, that takes place each year after Black Friday. Black Friday is a day devoted to supporting the economy. Giving Tuesday (#GivingTuesdayCa) is a day devoted to supporting your community.
To learn more about Giving Tuesday, visit:
Owl Prowls raise $1,000 for conservation education
More than 130 people learn about nocturnal animals and the importance of natural areas at Owl Prowls; donate more than $1,000 for local conservation education programs; conservation educators thank attendees for their support and encourage other community members to donate
More than 130 people attended Owl Prowls at two conservation areas in October and November. Those who attended donated more than $1,000 to support local conservation education.
Ausable Bayfield Conservation hosted Owl Prowls at Rock Glen Conservation Area near Arkona, for the first time, in October. The conservation authority then hosted Owl Prowls in November at Morrison Dam Conservation Area east of Exeter.
“I would like to thank all the people who came out and learned about owls and the importance of good habitat,” said Denise Iszczuk, Conservation Educator with Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA). “I am happy to say we exceeded our expectations and thank the people who attended for their generous donations. All proceeds will help us continue to provide learning experiences focusing on soil, water and living things.”
It is not too late to donate to conservation education programs. You may make a donation instead of a gift or to mark a special occasion. Any donations of more than $20 are eligible for a charitable gift receipt for income tax purposes.
Giving Tuesday, a day of giving, is coming up on Tuesday, November 29, 2022.
To donate to Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation for Giving Tuesday (#GivingTuesdayCa), visit:
There is a private message box for your donation so you can type, into the text field there, to let the Foundation know if you want to support conservation education with your donation.
Water Response Team removes Level 1 Low Water Advisory for ABCA watershed area
Streamflows trending towards seasonal levels as wet weather returns
The Water Response Team (WRT) has removed the Level 1 Low Water Advisory for the entire Ausable Bayfield watershed. Watershed conditions have seen a slow but steady improvement in response to wet weather through the first part of the autumn season.
Several months of normal rainfall totals have resulted in more frequent runoff, and steady baseflow through October, something that had not been seen since early June. Dry weather through the summer produced almost no runoff and a significant reduction in baseflow, which saw many of the smaller watercourses around the watershed dry up.
Davin Heinbuck is Water Resources Coordinator at Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA). He said long-range forecasts show that a normal weather pattern is likely to persist through the last half of the fall season.
“With improved conditions, seasonal weather, and a lower demand for water, we are optimistic that watershed conditions will continue their recovery,” he said. Even though streamflow is slightly below normal, streamflow measurements are trending in the right direction, Davin said. “This is supported by what we are seeing in ground conditions and in our shallow aquifers.”
The Chair of the Water Response Team, Doug Cook, thanked both industries and individuals who voluntarily reduced their water usage in response to the dry weather observed through the summer.
“During dry periods, conservation of water is an important measure to prevent further declines in water supplies and actions taken earlier this summer will have helped to prevent any further Low Water Advisories,” the Chair said.
The Water Response Team was formed in 2001 in response to the low water and drought conditions that year and the team has been active ever since. The WRT includes representatives of major water users (such as aggregate industries; agriculture and vegetable growers; and golf and recreation) and includes local municipal representatives and staff of provincial ministries (such as Natural Resources and Forestry; Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs; and Environment, Conservation and Parks).
ABCA staff will continue to monitor precipitation and streamflow data and keep the public informed of any changes in watershed conditions through the winter months.
For further resources on the Ontario low water response program visit:
Visit the website for the dynamic low-water advisory tool which alerts people to low-water advisories in effect in the watershed.
Notice to users of conservation areas, conservation lands, and trails
Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) wishes to remind property users that hunting seasons are underway and that ABCA properties are multi-use.
Hunting is permitted on some (but not all) properties through a Conservation Permit system. (Hunters must have a Conservation Permit for hunting on conservation lands where hunting is permitted with that permit).
ABCA urges all property users to be aware of hunting seasons that may be open during their visits.
Property users may refer to the Ontario Hunting Regulations Summary, for the appropriate times of year.
This summary is developed by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry:
Individuals utilizing properties owned and/or managed by ABCA, are urged to visit the ABCA website to determine the permitted and prohibited uses for the properties that they may be interested in visiting.
ABCA urges individuals, who wish to visit during hunting seasons, to visit one of the conservation areas where hunting is not permitted.
If users choose to visit one of the properties where hunting is permitted, please exercise caution and take safety measures such as wearing bright colours; visiting the properties only during daylight hours; keeping your pet on a leash; and other appropriate safety measures for your activity.
As a reminder, off-road vehicles such as all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and dirt bikes are prohibited on all ABCA properties and all properties managed by ABCA.
To learn more, please visit the following pages: