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Parshas Toldos - Chamishi with Rashi

Avimelech came to Be’er Sheva to make peace with Yitzchak, since they had sent him away earlier and were afraid they would be punished.

Yitzchak & Avimelech make peace: Yitzchak agreed with Avimelech, Pichol, and his friends that they should make peace. He made a meal, and they ate and drank together. In the morning, they made a promise not to hurt each other, and Yitzchak sent them home.

On that day, Yitzchak’s servants came and told him that they had finally found water in the well they dug! He called the well Shiva, from the word Shevuah, promise (because of the promise they just made with Avimelech and his friends). That made them decide again that Be’er Sheva (“the well of the promise”) was a very good name for the place, so that’s the name it stayed.

Eisav’s wicked wives: When Eisav turned 40, he remembered that his father Yitzchak got married at 40 years old, and he decided to act like his father and get married too. He married two women: Oholivama and Ada, but he called them Yehudis and Basmas, to make Yitzchak think he was a tzadik.

(Yehudis means someone who knows — knowing that Avodah Zara is wrong, and Basmas means “spice woman” — she got that nickname because she burned spices for Avodah Zara, but Eisav said it was because she did nice things that people liked as much as sweet spices.)

These wives hurt Yitzchak and Rivkah because they had the chutzpah to do Avodah Zara in front of them.

23 years after Eisav got married, Yitzchak had gotten old. The smoke from Eisav’s wives’ Avodah Zarah spices made him not able to see as well, plus he couldn’t see as well from the tears of the malochim that cried by the Akeida. Hashem did this so he would end up giving the bracha to Yaakov.

Yitzchak wants to give his children a bracha: Yitzchak knew that Hashem promised that he would live a long life. Still, when he was 123, he thought that this might be what Hashem calls a long life, and he decided to make sure now to give his children a bracha before he passed away.

Even though Yitzchak saw that Eisav did a lot of bad things, he hoped that if he got a bracha, he would use all of his koach to serve Hashem. So Yitzchak called for Eisav, and told him that he was getting old. To give a proper bracha, he needed to see Eisav show he deserves a bracha. So he asked Eisav to sharpen his knife and catch and shecht an animal for Yitzchak to eat.

Yaakov gets Eisav’s bracha: Rivkah heard Yitzchak telling this to Eisav. When Eisav left to trap an animal (or steal one, if he couldn’t trap one), Rivkah told Yaakov what Yitzchak had said. She told Yaakov to go take two goats from Yitzchak’s flocks, since that’s how much Yitzchak gave her to use every day. Today she would use one goat for the Korban Pesach (since it was Erev Pesach) and cook the second one to give to Yitzchak, so he would bless Yaakov and not Eisav.

Yaakov was worried, and told his mother — “I am not hairy like Eisav, and if my father touches me he will know I am not Eisav! He will then know I am tricking him and might curse me instead of giving me a bracha!”

Rivkah told him not to worry, and just to listen. So he did, and Rivkah cooked the meat, and made bread. Then she took Eisav’s special hunting outfit and put it on Yaakov. (It used to belong to Nimrod, but Eisav killed Nimrod and stole the clothes. Eisav didn’t trust his wives not to steal from him, so he kept the outfit in Rivkah’s house.) She put hairy goat skin on his arms, and smooth goat skin on his neck.

Yaakov took the food and went in to Yitzchak. He said, “Tatty!” and Yitzchak said, “Here I am. Who are you, my son?” Yaakov answered “It’s me! Eisav is your oldest.” (In Hebrew that sounds just like “It’s me, Eisav, your oldest.”) Yaakov said it like this because he didn’t want to lie.

“I did what you told me,” Yaakov said. Since he ALWAYS did what his father told him to do, that also wasn’t a lie. But Yitzchak still thought it was Eisav, who was telling him he went hunting like his father told him. “Please come eat, so you can give me the brachos!”

Yitzchak was surprised that Eisav came back so fast, but Yaakov said “Hashem helped me find the animal quickly!” That made Yitzchak very suspicious! That didn’t sound like how Eisav talks! He told Yaakov to come close so he could feel him and make sure he was Eisav. When Yitzchak touched Yaakov’s arm, it felt hairy from the goat skin! He said “Hakol Kol Yaakov — the way you talk is like Yaakov, Vehayadayim Yedei Eisav — but you feel like Eisav!”

Since it seemed like it was Eisav, Yitzchak got ready to give him a bracha. “You really are Eisav?” he asked. “Ani,” Yaakov answered, “me.” (Again he didn’t want to lie.)

“Please serve me the food, so I can give you the brachos.” Yaakov did what his father asked, and brought him the food and wine to drink.

Then Yitzchak asked his son to kiss him. Yaakov came close and kissed him, and a neis happened that the goat skins (which usually smell yucky) smelled like Gan Eden! He said, “since you smell like Gan Eden, which Hashem gave brachos to, it shows that YOU deserve to get brachos too.”



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Today we finish the whole Tehillim! The last kapitelach are the “Hallelukahs” that we say in davening. In the kapitel which has the pesukim we say in Ashrei, there is a posuk that says, “Bechol Yom Avarcheka, Va’ahallela Shimcha LeOlam Va’ed” — “I will bless You every day and I will praise Your name forever.”

The Tzemach Tzedek (in Yehal Ohr, where he explains Tehillim) says that this is talking about bitachon. A Yid needs to have bitachon every day, that Hashem will give him whatever he needs for that day.

Beis Hillel would say that if you find a special food during the week, you don’t need to save it for Shabbos! He had bitachon that for sure Hashem would send something just as nice or nicer before Shabbos. We learn from Beis Hillel how our bitachon needs to be strong every day.

But Hashem doesn’t give Yidden things for free! We get what we deserve based on how we behave. That is what the posuk is is saying: “Bechol Yom Avarcheka” — when we bentch Hashem and have a new chayus every day to use all of the opportunities He gives us, then Hashem will also bentch US, with all of the things we need to do our Avodas Hashem properly for that day, and bring the world much closer to Moshiach!



Kuntres Acharon Siman Gimmel

In the first section of Tanya, we learned that the kavana that we have when we daven and learn goes into the words we say, and changes what happens to them. Depending on our kavana, the words can stay down here in the world, go up a little bit, or go up very high!

In today’s Tanya, the Alter Rebbe tells us that there is a difference between words of Torah without the right kavana, and words of Tefillah without the right kavana. The Alter Rebbe explains what happens to each of them, and why there is a difference.

One of the things the Alter Rebbe brings to help understand the differences is about the Torah and Tefillah of kids! The words of davening and learning of children is very special. Even when they don’t have the right kavanos, and are only learning because they don’t want to get in trouble or to get a prize, their words go up very high! Malochim take their words and bring them up all the way to the Olam of Atzilus, the highest of the Olamos, where the Torah and Tefillah of the greatest tzadikim go!



Lamed Mar-Cheshvan

Today there is no Hayom Yom! That’s because the year the Hayom Yom was written for (Tof-Shin-Daled) only had 29 days in Cheshvan.

In the times of the Beis Hamikdash, every month could be either 29 (chaser) or 30 (malei) days — depending on when we saw the new moon! But without a Sanhedrin, we can’t pasken when the new month should start. So Hillel Hanasi, from the Sanhedrin, set up a calendar pattern that will work until Moshiach comes.

In Hillel’s calendar, the months follow a pattern: Nissan has 30 days, Iyar has 29. Sivan has 30 days, Tammuz has 29. But there is an exception — Cheshvan and Kislev can sometimes be 29, and sometimes 30! There is another pattern of 19 years that tells us when they are long or short, and which years are leap years.



Shiur #190 - Mitzvas Asei #72

Today’s mitzvah (Mitzvas Asei #72) is that a person who does certain aveiros needs to bring a Korban Oleh V’Yored — a kind of Korban that could either be worth MORE (Oleh) like an animal, or worth LESS (Yored) like a korban of a bird or flour — depending on how rich the person is.

These are the aveiros that a person needs to bring a Korban Oleh V’Yored for:

- Someone who was Tomei and came into the Beis Hamikdash by mistake

- Someone who was Tomei and by mistake ate meat from a Korban

- Someone who made a Shevuah not to do something and by mistake did it

- Someone who was supposed to be a witness in Beis Din and lied that he didn’t have anything to say, whether it was by mistake or on purpose.

This mitzvah is explained in Mesechta Krisus and Mesechta Shevuos.



Hilchos Shegagos

In today’s Rambam, we learn about when a Sanhedrin makes a mistake in their psak and Yidden do an aveira because of what they said. Sometimes, the SANHEDRIN need to bring a Korban, and sometimes EACH YID who did the aveira needs to.

Perek Yud-Beis: Depending on what kind of aveira the Sanhedrin made people do, they need to bring a different kind of korban. If it was an aveira of Avodah Zara, they bring a korban called Se’irei Avodah Zarah. For other aveiros, they bring a korban called Par Helem Davar Shel Tzibur.

Perek Yud-Gimmel and Yud-Daled: The Rambam teaches us the conditions that need to be there for the Sanhedrin to need to bring this korban. If those conditions are not there, then every single Yid who did the aveira needs to bring a korban.



Hilchos Sechirus - Perek Zayin

In this perek, the Rambam explains that renting is like buying for a short time. So just like you can make conditions when you sell something, you can make conditions when you rent. For example, you can rent someone your printer with a condition that you need them to print you 5 papers every week.

icon of clock



It is written in the name of the Baal Shem Tov that a person should daven to Hashem to ask that his bitachon in Hashem should be strong.

Bitachon is very important, because when a Yid has proper bitachon, it is a keili to bring down only good things!

See Keser Shem Tov siman Kuf-Yud-Gimmel

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Borchi Nafshi

One of the pieces we add to davening on Rosh Chodesh is Borchi Nafshi. This kapitel of Tehillim speaks about the amazing wonders of Hashem in the world He created!

One of the pesukim in Borchi Nafshi starts with the words “Asa Yareiach Lamoadim” — “Hashem created the moon for Yomim Tovim.”

This posuk is all about Rosh Chodesh! Hashem created the moon so that we would be able to know when the Yomim Tovim are, by fixing the time for Rosh Chodesh. When we know the day the new month starts, we know which day to celebrate each of the Yomim Tovim!

This is one of the reasons why we say Borchi Nafshi on Rosh Chodesh.



Learning Your Kapitel on Rosh Chodesh

There is a very old Minhag to learn one posuk from our Kapitel Tehillim every Rosh Chodesh. We learn the posuk with Rashi (and other Meforshim too, if we want!) We learn the pesukim in order, and try to finish learning the whole Kapitel by the end of the year.

If there are exactly 12 pesukim in your kapitel, then it’s easy to know how much to learn: If you learn one posuk each month, you will finish exactly at the end of the year! But if there are more than 12 pesukim, you should learn a few at a time to be able to finish, and if there are less than 12 pesukim, learn the same posuk again another month.

(You can find Tehillim in English, with Rashi, online on Chabad.org!)

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי



What Did I Do?

Every day, in Shemoneh Esrei, we say “Es Tzemach Dovid Avdecha Meheira Satzmiach,” asking Hashem that Moshiach should come and save the Yidden. We also say, “Vesechezena Eineinu,” asking Hashem to bring us back to Yerushalayim.

If we think about what we are saying, we will realize how much we want Moshiach. We will ask ourselves, “What did I do today to make this happen? What did I do today to bring Moshiach now?”

See Likutei Sichos 20 p. 384, Migolah L’Geulah p. 158

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