December 2022
Coweta Beekeepers Association Monthly Newsletter
Hello, my fellow beekeepers!
I hope you all had a great time with family and friends for Thanksgiving. We are closing out the 2022 year, and I hope you all had a blast spending time with Coweta Beekeepers Association. We hope to see you back next year and tell all your friends about us!
Thank you for being a member of our club!

2023 Election Results
We have our election results for the new 2023 year, and here are your Board of Directors.
Heather Shinn-President
Corey Matheson- Vice President
Pam Rentz- Secretary
Treasurer- Andy Anderson
Board Members
Dora Scales
Kara Bassett
Phil Mitchell
Newt Morris
Bobby Torbush
Jim Picciola
Newsletter Editors and Webmaster/Social Media Coordinators
Steve Page
Jennifer Mugerditchian
Deborah Simmons
CBA Monthly Meeting December 12th, 2022, at 7:00pm
December Members’ Christmas Potluck Party
As many of you know, December is our Christmas party for active members! There will not be a speaker but an end-of-year celebration with food, fun, gifts, and prizes for our members. Please remember that our annual Christmas Party is at a different fairground location. Instead of the extension office building, it is in the Coweta Extension Main Exhibit building. If you attended the fair this year or helped with the booth, it is in that building. Your entire family is welcome to attend.

Members’ Christmas Potluck Party
When: Monday, December 12th, 2022, 7:00 pm
Where: Coweta Extension Main Exhibit building, 275 Pine Rd. Newnan, GA
What to Bring:
- White Elephant Gift Exchange: If you would like to participate (completely optional) in the gift exchange, please bring a beekeeping or bee-themed related item between $20 - $25 dollars.
- Ugly Christmas Sweater: Again, optional, but who doesn’t love an ugly or festive Christmas sweater?
- Red Raffle Tickets
- Food: Members will bring a salad, a side or a dessert based on the first letter of their last name; see table below.
Club Provides |
Members Provide |
Turkey & Ham |
Last Name A-H please bring a Salad |
Paper Products |
Last Name I-P please bring a Side |
Last name Q-Z please bring a Dessert. |
Upcoming Events
Monthly CBA Meeting January 9th, 2023, 7:00 pm,
Coweta Extension Office, 255 Pine Road, Newnan, GA
Our speaker will be our active Board of Director member, Steve Page!
The topic will be
“It’s January: Start Now to Get Your Colonies Ready
for the Main Nectar Flow in April.”
Introduction to Beekeeping Course
Our beekeeping course is wonderful for new or newer beekeepers who want more knowledge. Please share with family and friends who may be thinking about starting a new hobby. 😊
When: Saturday, January 28th, 2023
Where: Coweta Extension Office, 255 Pine Road, Newnan, GA
Time: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Cost: Early registration is $50 per person and $10 for each additional family member.
$55 day of registration
Registration form and additional information:
Please feel free to reach out to me if you would like to get more involved with our club, have questions, or want to share some innovative ideas.
Thank you,
Heather Shinn, President
Greetings from the Treasurer
The membership renewal period has started and will continue through the end of the year. Membership renewal is only 15.00 whether you renew at the meeting or download the application from the website (even though it says 20.00).
Members who do not renew by December 31st will be dropped from the membership list.
Please bring the Treasurer cash or a check for 15.00 to the regular meeting, and your member information can be verified on the current roster. Should your contact information have changed, you will be asked to fill out a new application form, but the cost remains 15.00.
If you can’t attend the meetings, you can download an application from the website, fill it out, and mail it along with your check for 15.00 to the address on the application.
After December 31st, all applications will be considered new members, and the cost will be 20.00 as per current CBA By-Laws.
This is a monumental task, and I respectfully request everyone’s assistance in updating the Coweta Beekeeper Assn. membership list.
Thank you,
Andy Anderson, Treasurer
One-Day Introduction to Beekeeping Course
(a.k.a. Beekeeping Short Course)
Our one-day beekeeping course is for new beekeepers. It will take you through your first year of beekeeping, from preparing for the arrival of your colonies to preparing them to survive winter. This course is also an excellent refresher for beekeepers to gain more confidence in working with their bees. During the day, you will have the opportunity to meet members of the Coweta Beekeeper Association, and there will be plenty of time for questions.
Breakfast, snacks, and lunch are included for the day.
Registration form: Click here to download, print, fill in, and mail with a check or money order.
Bring the form and payment to the monthly meeting on the second Monday of each month (except December).
OR mail to the address on the form by January 16, 2023
Saturday, January 28, 2023
8:00 am - approximately 4:00 pm
UGA Extension Coweta County
255 Pine Rd
Newnan, GA 30263
Topics included:
- Honeybee anatomy and colony structure
- Beekeeper slang and the waggle dance
- Tools, equipment, and hive assembly
- Setting up the apiary and installing bees
- Hive management and inspections
- A year in the hive and nectar sources
- Problems, diseases, and troubleshooting
- Collecting and bottling honey
- Smoker demonstration
- Equipment demonstration
Read more:
Support our Local Beekeeping Supply Stores?
Full line of Beekeeping equipment & supplies including,
Mann Lake, Glory Bee, Dadant, Custom orders, and local builders
Store located at 4046 Sharpsburg McCullum Road (Hwy 154), Suite 213. Newnan, GA. 30265.
Hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday 11 am - 5 pm.
We are closed Wednesday and Sunday except by appointment.
We accept Cash, Charge/Debit, Check, and PayPal.
- Mated Queens $40 (All Marked)
- 5 Frame Nucs – price to be set when they become available
- Package of bees - $140 (Payable in advance of February 15, 2022) Pickup date starting March 24th.
Follow us on Facebook - Sweet Kingdom Bees Supplies and Products from the Hive
* Packages 3 lb package Italian with mated queen $135
Delivery March 19th at the Coweta Extension Office
and at Douglasville American Legion
We have mated queens for $35 as available.
You must make reservations.
Will call for the exact time frame so I must have a contact phone number (and cell number).
A non-refundable deposit of $50 per package or nuc with order will hold your package or nuc.
* NUCS are 5 frame Italian line and are $210 each.
The frames are drawn combs and we use both wood and plastic. They will be delivered in ProNucs. Should you want to keep the ProNuc Box, there will be a deposit of $20 per container. They must be returned by 60 days in order to receive a refund on the box. It can be used for swarms, splits or a “quiet” box. Estimated Nuc delivery – Last week of April/First week in May.
Queen marking is available on nucs only.
Nucs will be picked up at my home 7148 Shell Rd. Winston, GA 30187
Deposit of $50 per nuc with your order, with balance before pick up.
Mail deposits:
Buzz Factor Honey
7148 Shell Road 770-949-6640 home
Winston, GA 30187 770-366-7455 cell
Your Name _________________________________
Deposit ___________________________________
Check # ___________________________________
Delivery Date _______________________________
Location ___________________________________
Packages __________________________________
Nucs ______________________________________
Your contact phone number ____________________
email address _______________________________
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