Whānau News: 13 January 2023
Happy New Year!

With a brand new year ahead of us, a few friends and I have started the habit a number of years ago of praying for a word or phrase or picture to take with us into the year. Sometimes I just get one word and then I trust God to shed light onto this word as the year unfolds. Looking back, I am yet again in awe of God's faithfulness and the way that word or phrase expanded with time and actually pulled me through challenges and joys alike.

What may God be highlighting to us individually as well as a church whanau at the beginning of 2023?

Praying blessing and honour and favour upon you this year,
Bearing Fruit / Tim Palmer  
Colossians 1:10; 2:6-14 10 so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God. We continue our series on Camping out in Colossians and we will be led in communion by Josh Temu. Here’s a link to download a digital copy of "Camping in out in Colossians" booklet which we will refer to throughout January. Join us at 10AM in-person or onlineWe would love to have you join us online for the service if you are unwell.
For the Kids this Week...  
Happy New Year everyone!  We hope you were able to enjoy the sunshine before the rain came.  This month we will be all in together for church.  The services have been planned with the whole church whanau in mind but we will also have some activity packs at the back of the auditorium.  Feel free to pick up a pack at the beginning of the service so you have one on hand if needed. 
Prayer Focus
“Christ is the head of the body, the church;” Colossians 1:18
Each Sunday at 5pm, we are deliberately taking the time, as a people called to be part of Christ’s body here at FBC, to come together to spend time with Christ; to honour and praise Him and to seek his leadership over the future of FBC. We do this, acknowledging that if we do not seek the Lord’s face as a body to lead us, very little can be achieved spiritually by human effort alone. Experiencing Christ’s presence through praying together brings unity as a fellowship, brings a passion for the plans on God’s heart and brings spiritual courage to a church and to those who participate.
We need attendees from across the church to be involved, both young and old -spiritually and physically, as we gather each week to express to Christ that we are serious as a fellowship about following Him above all else and are ready to be obedient to his call. Please join us in the FBC prayer room.

And as Jesus taught them, he said, “Is it not written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations’” Mark 11:17
ALPHA — Courses coming up!
Monday 6th March @ 10am (clink link to register for the morning course)
Wednesday 8th March @ 6.30pm (click link to register for the evening course)
Please pray and invite friends, neighbours and family to enjoy this fabulous course which teaches the basics of the Christian Faith. We cannot stress too strongly that the success of the course is totally reliant on YOU bringing people along. Book your place through
the church office and information desk
We will begin meeting for the new year next Wednesday 18th of January at 10am.
Please come and join us for a time of fellowship, worship and teaching. Items of food towards morning tea always appreciated. All Welcome! For more information contact Charlie Potter 027 529 8211

Opportunity to bless a school in Zambia

A member of our FBC community, Sarah Caughley, a teacher at Pukekohe High School, is spending the summer holidays in Zambia, where she’s helping out at a school with a roll of 60 students, ranging from 4 to 15 years old. This school has no government funding and is very under resourced. Sarah would like to raise $1,000 NZ to fund some basic needs but also bless them with a whiteboard, which they don’t have. If you would like to contribute towards this, please contact us at, so we can forward you more information.
Booking Rooms at FBC
Our church has been blessed with incredible facilities and the rental income generated helps in augmenting our church expenses. It has been getting quite busy, so we want to make booking our facilities as easy as possible. Follow the link below to book any of the rooms in our church building, whether it is for person use of church use. Link for FBC Booking Form
Items in church cupboards
We have been doing some cleanup and organising our church cupboards and we have stumbled across some exercise items such as tension bands, dumbbells, etc. We are calling on the group or owner of these items to come and claim them, otherwise we will be passing on these non FBC items. Please contact the office at 09 2388544, or email
Prayer Chain
If you would like to submit a prayer request to the Prayer Chain, please email Arlene Hutcheon on or send a text to 0274726198. All prayer requests are treated as confidential.
You can give online, by automatic payment or direct debit. Our church bank account: 01 0403 0013842 00 or click here to donate now.

As an encouragement to all of you while you're at home...check out some of the songs we're currently singing on Sundays and a few new ones we might sing in the future. If you have a Spotify account, this is the link to FBC Worship on Spotify

Franklin Baptist Church  128 Victoria Street West, PO Box 52, Pukekohe 2120
telephone: (09) 238 8544    email:    website:

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