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Paraoh told the Yidden they could leave Mitzrayim, but then Hashem hardened Paraoh’s heart and he changed his mind and decided he wanted the Yidden to come back. The Mitzriyim chased after the Yidden, and caught up to them when it was almost nighttime, Chof Nisan. The Yidden saw the Mitzriyim coming, with Paraoh at the front, along with the Malach of Mitzrayim! The Yidden knew that Hashem said they would go to Eretz Yisroel, but still they were very scared, and they cried out to Hashem to save them. When they saw that the Mitzriyim still were coming closer, some of the Yidden started talking in a not-nice way. They said, “Moshe, there’s not enough place to bury us in Mitzrayim? Why did you bring us to die in the Midbar? You should have just left us in Mitzrayim!” Moshe told the Yidden not to worry, Hashem would take care of the Mitzriyim, and that after today, the Yidden won’t see the Mitzriyim ever again! |
Today’s kapitelach of Tehillim are Mem-Daled through Mem-Ches. In today’s Tehillim, there is a very special posuk: “Kol Kvuda Bas Melech Penima” — “The kavod of a princess is inside.” This means that a woman, because of tznius, shows her kavod inside her house, not outside in front of everyone. (Hashem set up the world in a way that a man goes out into the world and gets parnasa, and the woman is the Akeres Habayis — making the home a place where Hashem can feel comfortable.) But in the Navi, it says that when Moshiach comes, the women will be outside too, and even showing their kavod outside! Since now we are so close to Moshiach, we need to start acting in a way of Geulah. So today, women and girls need to go outside too, to go to school and learn Torah, and to do mivtzoyim. But since we are still in Golus, and we still have a Yetzer Hara, we need to be careful that it should be in a way of tznius. Farbrengen Parshas Tazria Tof-Shin-Mem-Alef, see Tehillim with Pirush Tehilos Menachem, Kapitel Mem-Hey p. 23 |
We learned yesterday that the mashal of a person’s speaking is different than the nimshal of Hashem’s words which were used to create the world. A persons’ words become separated from him after he says them, but NOTHING can become separate from Hashem! So even after Hashem said the words that created the world, the world didn’t become something separate — it is always connected to Hashem. Did you ever see a one-way mirror? Some shuls have a special kind of Mechitzah where from the men’s side, it looks like a mirror, but from the women’s side, you can see straight through like plain glass! The whole world is a little bit like that! When we look around at the world, it looks like it is something for itself. From Hashem’s point of view, though, the whole world never becomes separate from Hashem. The whole world is always one with Hashem. It is only that Hashem made many tzimtzumim, like layers of hiding through the different Ruchnius worlds, all the way until this Gashmius’dike world. Hashem wanted that the things that are created should FEEL separate. Hashem WANTS us to feel like we have an existence of our own, so that we will be able to live in the world and serve Hashem. The truth is, however, that this is only how we feel. All of the levels of hiding are “see-through” to Hashem, they don’t hide anything at all! What is dark to us is light to Hashem. Even the tzimtzumim are part of Hashem! When Moshiach comes, we will also be able to see it! |
Baruch Hashem, now we’re right before the Geulah! We need to know that any tzaros (Chas Veshalom) that Yidden have are because Moshiach is about to come, and just like it hurts before a baby is born, it “hurts” right before Moshiach comes. But we don’t want this hurting to last a long time. We need to do everything we can to make Moshiach come RIGHT AWAY! We need to especially be careful to keep all of the mitzvos in the most beautiful way, and do EVERY minhag without any compromise! One time, a reporter came to the Rebbe from a big television station, and asked the Rebbe, “What is your message for the whole world about Moshiach?” The Rebbe answered that Moshiach is ready to come — everyone should do something EXTRA (“something additional”) in goodness and kindness to bring Moshiach. Then the Rebbe gave the reporter and the video people TWO dollars, to show them by example that we need to do something extra. |
Today’s mitzvah (Mitzvas Asei #236) is the same as yesterday’s: that if a person makes someone else get hurt, or damages their things, he needs to pay him to make up for what he did. We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Mishpatim: וְכִי יְרִיבֻן אֲנָשִׁים וְהִכָּה אִישׁ אֶת רֵעֵהוּ The details of this mitzvah are explained in Perek Ches of Mesechta Bava Kama. |
In today’s Rambam, we learn two perakim about the halachos of someone who hurt another person, and we start learning the halachos about someone who damaged someone else’s possessions. Perek Daled talks about kinds of people that have different halachos if they got hurt — like a mother who had a baby inside, or if someone hurts their parents, or if a servant was hurt. The halachos of what needs to be paid can be different for each kind of person. Perek Hey teaches us that it is asur to even pick up your hand against another Yid. Someone who does is called a rasha, even if he didn’t hurt him! But even though it is such a serious aveira to hurt another person, a person who was hurt should be mochel the person who hurt him if he asks for forgiveness. Perek Vov starts the halachos about damaging someone else’s THINGS (not about hurting the person, like we were learning before). |
We learn that if we originally divided up the yerusha wrong, we need to divide it again! For example, if the person who passed away said to give a certain tree as a present to his friend, and they forgot when they split up the yerusha, they need to give the person the tree and then divide the yerusha again. |
The last maamar that the Frierdiker Rebbe gave out to learn before his histalkus on Yud Shevat was the maamar Bosi Legani, which has twenty se’ifim. Every year on Yud Shevat, the Rebbe would say a maamar based on one se’if of the Frierdiker Rebbe’s maamar. Since then, every year we continue this pattern, learning the Rebbe’s explanations on one se’if, in order. This year, we learn the Rebbe’s maamorim on the thirteenth se’if, which were said in Tof-Shin-Chof-Gimmel and Tof-Shin-Mem-Gimmel. One of the things we learn about in this year’s se’if is how Hashem’s chayus reaches even the lowest part of the world, “Ohr Ein Sof Lemata Mata Ad Ein Tachlis.” In the maamar of Tof-Shin-Mem-Gimmel, the Rebbe explains this se’if. Here is a little taste of what is explained in the Maamar. A lot of the world Hashem created is very beautiful! There are mountains and flowers and waterfalls and streams. But there are also many things that don’t look very beautiful. There are lots of dirty or disgusting things that we don’t like to look at, think about, or smell! There are aveiros that people do and like to show other people. There are websites and videos and songs that talk about things that are not appropriate and not very nice. When we think about that, we might have two big questions: 1) Where do these things come from? We learn that Hashem looked inside of the Torah and made the world to look the way the Torah says. But the Torah isn’t full of such yucky stuff! Or is it? 2) We know that our shlichus in the world is to use the world and fix it up. But what do we do with all of these parts of the world? Should we look at the yucky stuff and then decide if we should use it or not? If we do, we might end up doing aveiros chas veshalom! And if we don’t, how can we fix it? The Rebbe explains in the maamar that there are many parts of Kabbalah that speak about all of the kinds of Kelipah in the world and how they were created. In fact, the seforim talk about all of these Kelipos with so much detail that we might wonder why we even need to know about it! All of the disgusting parts of the world are connected to these different Kelipos. And that’s the answer to both of our questions. Where do these things come from? Hashem looked at the Torah — and looks at it every moment — to create the world, and that’s why we have even parts of the world that are not very nice. And how do we fix them? The way to fix all of these yucky parts of the world is not to go look at them and try them all! Instead, we learn Kabbalah and Chassidus about the Kelipos with all of their details and that fixes up even the lowest parts of the world and makes it a comfortable place for Hashem! |
The eleventh bracha of Shemoneh Esrei is “Hashiva Shofteinu.” In this bracha, we ask Hashem to bring back our judges, the Sanhedrin, to what they were before. When the Sanhedrin met, they decided exactly how the mitzvos should be kept. Everyone was able to understand clearly what Hashem wanted from them, and could do all the mitzvos properly. We ask Hashem to bring us back to that, with the coming of Moshiach! The Rebbe told us that we can have a taste of this by following the horaos of the Rebbeim. The Rebbeim showed us how to do the mitzvos, and how to make everything we do part of serving Hashem. They especially taught us that Moshiach is almost here, and that we should get ready now! |
The Gemara teaches that there are ten things we should have for a Kos Shel Bracha, a kos used for a bracha, such as Kiddush or Havdalah. Today we will learn about the first two things on this list: Shetifah and Hadacha. A Kos Shel Bracha should be cleaned inside (shetifah), and outside (hadacha). This means that if the kos is dirty, we should rinse it and wash it, or at least wipe it clean with a napkin or cloth. According to halacha, if the kos is already clean, we don’t need to worry about these two anymore. But in Sifrei Kabbalah, it seems that there is an inyan in Ruchnius to do this anyway. According to this, we should rinse the kos before Kiddush (or wipe it if we don’t have water), even if it is already clean. We actually saw this by the Rebbe, that before using a Kos Shel Bracha at a farbrengen, the Rebbe would take a cloth and wipe the kos clean. See Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch siman Reish-Ayin-Alef se’if Yud-Ches, siman Kuf-Pey-Gimmel se’if Beis, and Piskei Teshuvos siman Kuf-Pey-Gimmel se’if Beis |
לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
The Rebbe accepted the nesius at the farbrengen of Yud Shevat 5711. The last thing the Rebbe said before leaving this farbrengen was that Chassidim need to work together with shalom and Achdus to bring the Geulah. The Rebbe explained the posuk “Ki Besimcha Seitzeiu” (which was usually sung at the end of the Rebbe’s farbrengens) to show what happens when we have shalom. 1) First, a good eitza to have Shalom and Achdus is to have simcha! When we are besimcha, it is easier to have Shalom. This is hinted to in the posuk, because first we say “Besimcha Seitzeiu” (go out with simcha), and then “Uveshalom Tuvalun” (and you will be brought with shalom). 2) Sometimes things are hard for us. When we have shalom, these things not only won’t be in the way, but they will help us to do even more! We say this in the posuk, “Heharim Vehagva’os Yiftzechu Lifneichem Rina,” “the mountains and hills,” which usually block people, “will burst into song in front of you” — they will start to help you! 3) When we have shalom, the nevuos about Moshiach will come true! We hint to this in the posuk, by saying “Vechol Atzei Hasadeh Yimcha’u Chof,” that all the trees of the field will clap hands. Rashi explains that this is because the trees will ALL give fruit, which is one of the nevuos which will take place in the times of the Geulah! See Likutei Sichos chelek Beis page 503 |
לע"נ התינוק זאב ארי' ע"ה בן יבלט"א הרה"ח ר' שניאור זלמן שי' גליק
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