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Parshas Tetzaveh - Shishi with Rashi

Today we learn about the Korban Tomid! This is a Korban that is brought EVERY DAY on the Mizbeiach as a present to Hashem! You can see it in your siddur too (in different words, from Parshas Pinchas) in the paragraph starting Vayedaber.

Even in the week of Chanukas Hamishkan, Moshe should bring the Korban Tomid:

One lamb in the morning (Shacharis time)


- dough made of fine flour mixed with olive oil
(it doesn’t have to be the same kind of oil like for the Menorah)

- a quarter of a hin of wine, poured over the Mizbeiach


One lamb in the afternoon (Mincha time)
with the same dough and wine.

Then, Hashem will be with the Yidden!

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55- 59

In the end of today’s first Kapitel is the very special niggun Padah Veshalom, which we sing on the Geulah of the Rebbeim.

On this posuk, the Gemara learns that someone who learns Torah, helps others, and davens with a minyan is like he was “Padah” Hashem and the Yidden, like he took them out of Golus!

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Likutei Amarim Perek Lamed-Beis

The Alter Rebbe is teaching us how we need to love every Yid. By remembering that the neshama is the main thing, and knowing that our neshamos are all one, we can have true Ahavas Yisroel. That’s why Hillel says that Ahavas Yisroel is the whole Torah, because that’s the main point of the whole Torah — to remember that the neshama is the main thing!

In the Gemara, it tells us that sometimes we should hate another Yid — like if you do the mitzvah of Hocheiach Tochiach (the Torah way of rebuking someone for doing an aveira) and he doesn’t listen, you should hate him for going against the Torah.

The Alter Rebbe explains how this Gemara is not a contradiction to what we learned about having Ahavas Yisroel for every Yid.

The Gemara is only talking about someone who usually keeps Torah and mitzvos, not someone who doesn’t know. If someone doesn’t know, or you’re not his friend, you should love him always! By loving him, you will bring him closer to doing mitzvos. And even if he doesn’t do more mitzvos, you still did the mitzvah of Ahavas Yisroel

And even when he IS your friend, and you tried to tell him not to do something wrong and he didn’t listen (and the Torah says then you should hate him), you’re only hating the bad things he does, not his neshama! You should have rachmanus on him that he is stuck in the aveira. When you have rachmonus, you will feel bad for him, and the Golus he is in from his aveiros, which will help you love his neshama more.

And this way, we will love EVERY Yid, no matter what.

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Yud Adar

The Hayom Yom was written for a year where there were TWO Adars (a Shana Me’uberes). This year there is only ONE Adar (a Shanah Peshutah), so we learn BOTH Hayom Yoms every day!

Yud Adar Alef

The Rebbe shows us the Chabad nusach of the paragraphs we say before bentching. Now they are printed this way in our siddur and our bentcher!

On a day when we say Tachanun we say Al Naharos Bavel, Lamnatzeiach Binginos and Avarcha.

On a day we don’t say Tachanun, we say Shir Hamaalos, Livnei Korach, and Avarcha.

Then we say “Zeh Cheilek” and do Mayim Achronim. After washing our fingers, we say Vayedabeir Eilai.

Yud Adar Sheini

There was a chossid that was moving with his family from Warsaw to Eretz Yisroel. The Frierdiker Rebbe gave him a bracha, and told him that before he leaves, he should make a Chassidishe farbrengen there.

Before you leave the place you live, make sure to have a farbrengen and get a bracha from your friends!

Like the saying, “Chassidim never leave each other” — “Chassidim Zegenen Zich Nisht.” That’s because wherever we are, we are one family!

Making a farbrengen before we leave will make us feel this in a stronger way. This will help us remember that we have the Chassidishe way of living which keeps Chassidim together wherever we are.

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Shiur #289 - Mitzvas Asei #200, Lo Saasei #238

Today we learn two mitzvos about paying workers:

1) (Mitzvas Asei #200) We need to pay our workers on time!

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Ki Seitzei: בְּיוֹמוֹ תִתֵּן שְׂכָרוֹ

The details are explained in Perek Tes in Mesechta Bava Metziah, which explains that it is for every kind of worker, whether the worker is a goy or a Yid.

2) (Mitzvas Lo Saasei #238) We aren’t allowed to push off paying our workers.

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Kedoshim: לֹא תָלִין פְּעֻלַּת שָׂכִיר אִתְּךָ עַד בֹּקֶר

The details of this mitzvah are also explained in Perek Tes of Mesechta Bava Metziah.

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Hilchos Sechirus

In today’s Rambam, we continue to learn halachos of renting.

Perek Daled: If you rent something from someone, what are you usually allowed to use it for? Like if you rent a table, can you use it for cutting vegetables on? If you rent a car, can you use it to shlep heavy suitcases? If you rent something and use it for something it is not normally used for, you will have to pay if it breaks!

In Perek Hey, we learn that the words you use when renting can make a big difference! If someone says, “I will rent you a car,” then if the car breaks down, they need to get you another one to use. But if they say, “I am renting you THIS car,” then they don’t need to find you a new car if it breaks.

Perek Vov has many halachos about what is counted as part of a rental. If you rent a house, the owner has to make sure it is a safe place to live. He has to fix the locks, make sure the roof is strong, and repair anything important that is broken.

We also learn how long you get to keep things you rented, if you didn’t say it clearly before. For example, if you rent a house for Shabbos, that means you can stay for at least two days!

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Hilchos Eidus - Perek Hey

It is a mitzvah that a witness can’t say if he thinks someone is wrong or right in Beis Din if the person might be chayav misa. They are only allowed to say what they heard or saw, not their opinion. If the witness starts to explain why he thinks the person is wrong or right, the Beis Din makes him be quiet! We also learn halachos about not listening to eidus if there is only one witness.

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Lebn Mit Der Tzeit

This Shabbos, we read Parshas Zachor, one of the four parshios that the Chachomim tell us to read in the weeks around Purim. This section of the Torah talks about the mitzvah to remember what Amalek did to the Yidden, and to destroy Amalek.

We read this before Purim because Haman came from the family of Amalek.

There is also a Ruchnius Amalek that we need to destroy as part of our Avodas Hashem!

When the Torah tells us what Amalek did to us, it says “Asher Karcha Baderech” — “that they happened to meet you on the way.”

The Avodah of a Yid needs to be with varemkeit, warmth. We need to feel our Emunah in Hashem in the mitzvos that we do, and to be dedicated to doing what Hashem wants with Kabolas Ol — whether we understand it or not.

The word “karcha” (met you) has in it the word “kar,” which means cold.

Cold things stay still. Ice cubes don’t move around. But if you put water in a hot place, it will start moving and bubbling and boiling!

In our Avodas Hashem, we also have “cold” and “warm.” A person’s mind thinks. It isn’t excited. It “keeps its cool” and doesn’t show lots of chayus. But a heart feels excitement and enthusiasm! It is warm and alive!

The Ruchnius war of Amalek against a Yid is “karcha,” to make us cold. It wants to make us think about everything in Yiddishkeit, and only to do things that make sense. It tries to make us think about things we see and find an explanation for them, so we won’t realize that it is Hashgacha Protis, Hashem doing it.

That is the war we have with Amalek, to stay warm in our Yiddishkeit! We need to feel our Emunah in Hashem, and make sure that our connection to Hashem isn’t just what we understand, but with Emunah and Kabolas Ol.

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Destroying Amalek

This week in shul, we lein Parshas Zachor! In this part of the Torah, we learn the mitzvah to remember (“Zachor”) what Amalek did to the Yidden. We always lein this on the Shabbos before Purim, when Haman, who comes from Amalek, tried to destroy the Yidden.

But why is it important to remember Amalek if we can’t do the mitzvah to destroy Amalek? The Torah gives us many conditions before we can keep this mitzvah, and we will only be able to do it when Hashem makes these conditions possible, when Moshiach comes! So why do we need to remember Amalek now?

The answer is that the same thing is true with all of the things we do to bring Moshiach:

Even though the actual Geulah is in Hashem’s hands, when we do our part with the Ruchnius, of learning Torah and doing mitzvos, then Hashem will do HIS part and will bring the Geulah in Gashmius too!

The same is with the war with Amalek: By us fighting the Ruchnius war against Amalek, we are doing our part, and then Hashem will do His part and let us destroy Amalek in Gashmius too!

See Farbrengen Parshas Zachor Tof-Shin-Lamed-Beis

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Doing What Hashem Wants

Did a person ever hurt your feelings, or do something you didn’t like? Very often, if you ask him, he will tell you that he was trying to do the right thing!

We do usually try to make the right choices, but sometimes we don’t seem to know what the right choice really is! We have our own reasons for making certain choices, and sometimes those are not really good reasons. Sometimes we are thinking about what other people will say, instead of what we really should do.

Davening can help.

Before we daven, we think about how small we are compared to Hashem, and how we want to do what it says in the Torah. Then when we daven, we are actually connecting to Hashem! Our ratzon (what we want) connects with Hashem’s Ratzon (what Hashem wants), so that WE will start to want what HASHEM wants! Then we learn Torah, because it explains what the Ratzon of Hashem is, so we can do it! This helps us to make the right choices during the day — the Ratzon Hashem!

This is important for everyone, but especially for someone who takes care of other people, like a parent, a teacher, or a shliach. Their choices make a difference for a lot of people! They need to be especially careful to make sure that they aren’t making their own choices based on what they want, but they are deciding according to what Hashem wants!

See farbrengen Yud-Alef Nissan 5732

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Parshas Zachor

Every week, we read a parsha from the Torah, in order. The Chachomim also set up special parshios which are read on certain Shabbosim — extra pieces of the Torah that are read after the regular parsha. For example, we read another section of the Torah on Rosh Chodesh and Chanukah.

There are four weeks around Adar where we read another section of the Torah after the Parshas Hashavua, in a separate Sefer Torah.

We already leined Parshas Shekalim, which was about the Machatzis Hashekel, this year on Rosh Chodesh Adar. (That is the time when the Beis Din started nudging people to give their Machatzis Hashekel.)

The week before Purim, we read Parshas Zachor. Parshas Zachor speaks about remembering what Amalek did to the Yidden, and our mitzvah to wipe them out.

This is a very important parsha to hear in Shul! There are different opinions of whether women need to hear this parsha, and also whether it can be fulfilled at other times during the year, like in the Torah reading for Purim which also speaks about Amalek, or other times during the year when this is read, like Parshas Beshalach or Ki Seitzei.

Therefore, women who don’t have to take care of little kids at home, and definitely girls, should try to go to shul if possible to hear Parshas Zachor being read. If you can’t, you should try to read it from a Chumash at home, or at least talk about remembering Amalek! If you are in shul on Purim when they read the Torah, you can also have in mind to fulfill the mitzvah then.

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי

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Korban Tomid

In today’s Chumash, we learn about the Korban Tomid, the korban that was brought to Hashem two times every day.

Nowadays, we are not able to bring this special korban. The Medrash tells us that saying Shema in the morning and at night takes the place of bringing the Korban Tomid!

The Medrash brings a mashal:

There was once a man whose son took care of him. Every day, the son would bring his father two meals. After some time, the father saw that the son was poor, and couldn’t afford to bring him food. He called over his son and told him, “I know you can’t continue bringing me the meals like you have been doing until now. But please, come listen to me giving my shiur in shul twice a day. For me, that will be as sweet as the meals you have been bringing.”

The Medrash explains that Hashem tells the Yidden, “I know you have been bringing me the Korban Tomid twice a day. But the Beis Hamikdash will be destroyed, and you won’t be able to bring it anymore. Instead, please say Shema twice a day, and to me it will be worth even more than all of the korbanos."

IY”H, very soon we will have the Beis Hamikdash again! Then we will not only be able to say Shema twice a day, but to bring the Korban Tomid to Hashem as well!

See Torah Sheleima Parshas Tetzaveh, p. 239

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