Whānau News: 10 March 2023
Kia ora church family,
"I baptise you with water, but He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit" - Mark 1:8
John the Baptiser, whose baptism was for the repentance of sin, spoke these words about Jesus, (He) the one who would make available the baptism of the Holy Spirit who would completely fill the entire person with the Spirit's power to bring transformation. Today, Jesus offers to us both the forgiveness of sin and the power to live for Him. This Sunday we are baptising three lovely people, Leanna, Anthony and Jayden, whose lives are being transformed by the power of God at work within them. Would you join us as we celebrate and pray, upholding them before God in this step of faith and obedience. Baptism is open to all those who want to follow Jesus and be transformed by His spirit who dwells within. If you would like to enquire about baptism, please talk to a staff member or sign up on the church center app, under 'get connected'."
~ Steve Clark
The Bible has a lot to say about how we approach the use of our resources and the old and new testaments seem to approach this topic a little differently. So, what do we do? Let's take some time to work it out together. Join us at 10AM in-person or online. We would love to have you join us online for the service if you are unwell.
For the Kids this Week...
Wonder Kids (Preschool Programme) - Learning to love like Jesus loves through the story found in Mark 5:25-34 where Jesus heals a woman.
Discovery Kids (Primary aged Programme) - Forgiveness through the story of Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10) – when you forgive someone, it can change them.
FBI (Intermediate Programme) - The important things that Jesus said. The key concept is that Jesus died and came back to life again because He loves you.
THIS WEEK! 12th March - Primary aged programme Parents Meeting
19th March - Preschool aged programme Parents Meeting
These meetings are a chance to come along to hear a little more about the year ahead.
If you have any questions about the above, please email carol@fbc.nz or come see Carol on Sunday.
Prayer at 5pm
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14. The presence of God’s Spirit fuelled by prayer brings God’s wisdom, strength and compassion into our lives and victory over the many issues that have held us back in the past. We would love you to join us, humble ourselves and pray -Sundays 5pm in the Church Auditorium.
It's not too late to join in!
Alpha began last week, so please be praying for all those who will be attending these courses. Also, it is not too late to bring someone along:
Mondays — 10am in the Cafe.
Wednesdays — 6:30pm in the Cafe.
Sacha's Leaving Lunch
On Sunday the 19th of March, we would love to have you join us after the service for a shared lunch. Please bring a plate of food to share.
Creation Ministries International
Why is there death and suffering in the world? Many reject God on the basis that he must be a cruel God to allow the terrible events and suffering that we see in the world today. Could you answer this? Find out how you can use this question, and more, as a powerful tool to reach others for Christ. Remember to bring a friend when you hear Mark James giving one of his dynamic messages Science and the Bible: Conflict or Confirmation? at 10.00am on Sunday 26 March 2023.
30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World
The annual prayer focus for the Muslim World over the fasting month of Ramadan is from 22nd March to 20th April 2023. 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World is a prayer guide that inspires. It is filled with stories to help us learn about, love and pray for Muslim peoples. You can use it individually, in life groups and families. The prayer guide booklet is available to download from the international website https://www.pray30days.org. There is a cost of US$2 which is about NZ$3.25. Please contact Val Horne or Stuart Smith if you are unable to download the guide and would like a printed copy.
Barista Coffee
Due to the success of pre-ordering coffees before the service begins we are going to continue this as a trial. We will continue to take orders after the service, however, if you’re able to pre-order before 10am we would hugely appreciate it. Pre-ordering is available from 9:30am every Sunday morning for the next 4 weeks.
Flood Relief
We love that you want to help the flood and cyclone victims! However, for now please hold on to your donations and when we have a specific need we will communicate those needs by email and facebook. Needs occur quickly and are varied according to circumstances. You are welcome to continue to add non perishable food, toiletries and cleaning products to our Atawhai kete (basket of kindness) in the foyer.
Intermediates — E-Camp!
When: 7 - 10 April 2023
Where: Finlay Park, Karapiro
This is going to an awesome weekend with thousands of Intermediates from across the North Island. As a group we will be staying in Tent Town. You don't want to miss this. Grab a flyer at church on Sunday and SIGN UP!
Youth — AWAKEN Easter Camp!
When: 6 - 10 April 2023
Where: Mystery Creek, Hamilton
Join thousands of teenagers from all over the North Island for a massive five day combined-youth gathering in the Waikato. Buy your ticket now. Note: you need to come to camp with a youth group - check out our website for more info. For More Info Please email josh@fbc.nz or talk to your youth leader.
We do not want cost to be a barrier for young people to attend these events. Please talk to staff if you would like your child/teen to attend e-camp/Easter camp and we will work with you to make this happen.
Building Fund Update
Mortgage situation and High Tea/Picnic update will be given on Sunday 26 March.
Seedpods is a weekly play workshop and friendship group for pre-schoolers and their caregivers. Thursdays at 9.30am. Please contact Lynley Clark on 0276514349 if you are interested in attending. If you are interested but Thursday doesn't suit, please let us know. Flyers are available at the info desk if you have someone you would like to invite.
Booking Rooms at FBC
If you would like to book the use of a room at FBC (either for personal use or church use), please fill out the form. Link for FBC Booking Request Form
Prayer Chain
If you would like to submit a prayer request to the Prayer Chain, please email Arlene Hutcheon on arlene@ps.gen.nz or send a text to 0274726198. All prayer requests are treated as confidential.
You can give online, by automatic payment or direct debit. Our church bank account: 01 0403 0013842 00 or click here to donate now.
As an encouragement to all of you while you're at home...check out some of the songs we're currently singing on Sundays and a few new ones we might sing in the future. If you have a Spotify account, this is the link to FBC Worship on Spotify