BSAS News |
Dear BSAS community,
As spring rolls into summer, bringing new beginnings and fresh opportunities, we are excited to present the latest edition of the BSAS News. In this issue, we have gathered insightful articles, updates on upcoming events and news for our members and partners.
We aim to provide you with a update on our leadership team, further learnings from the annual conference, and new jobs and events in the animal science industry. We also bring you updates on the International Ruminant Reproduction Symposium which takes place this weekend in Galway.
Our team has worked hard to curate a diverse range of topics that cater to the interests of our members, but please let us know if there is anything else you would like us to cover. Our goal is to keep you informed and engaged with the latest developments in the field, and to provide a platform for knowledge sharing and networking.
We hope you find this newsletter informative, and we welcome your feedback and suggestions for future editions.
Best regards, The BSAS Team
We’ve made a few changes to our Board |
New President
Professor Elizabeth Magowan was elected President of the British Society of Animal Science at the AGM in March.
We are delighted to welcome Elizabeth as our new President, a renowned animal scientist and academic who has been a longstanding member of BSAS for many years. Commenting on her new role Elizabeth noted:
"The Society plays a critical role in providing a forum for animal scientists across the UK and Ireland and beyond to come together as a community with a key goal of advancing animal science and disseminating the state of the art knowledge with regard to animal sciences. I am looking forward to working with the members and partners of BSAS to further these important objectives." |
Meet Our New Trustees
We are pleased to announce the appointment of six new trustees to the BSAS board. The new trustees bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the society and will help to ensure that the BSAS continues to be a leading voice in animal science research and education.
We will profile our new trustees in the coming months but you can find out who has been selected by clicking on the read more button.
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Annual Conference Insights |
By Kim Matthews The Annual Conference brought together 300 industry stakeholders, research funders, policymakers, researchers and students, all interested in animal science.
An exciting element of the programme that AHDB led was the Developing Talent session, which was held at the start of the conference. Attendees heard from early-career researchers working to improve the health and performance of livestock.
Kim Matthews, Head of Animal Breeding and Product Quality at AHDB and outgoing president of BSAS, chaired several sessions over the three days. Click here
| The recent British Society of Animal Science conference, held in Birmingham, highlighted the continued need for quality science to underpin improvements in dairy productivity and herd welfare.
The scientific and farming communities will need to work more closely together to meet the demands that are increasingly being placed on the industry.
By Phil Eades | |
Conference Highlight Correction from our last newsletter:
‘Red meat plays a valuable role in a child’s diet and can support growth and development of children, especially due to nutrients such as Zinc, Vit B12 and quality protein [ADAPTED FROM FROM ALISON YEATES’ ABSTRACT]’
‘The scientific evidence linking high meat intake and higher risk of mortality is often overstated due to an overreliance on observational studies, with the results from the (limited) randomised controlled trails not fitting the “meat is harmful narrative.” Hence, a leading nutritionist, Carrie Ruxton, argued that it is better to provide advice on the cuts, cooking styles, amounts and frequencies of meat that provide optimal support for health, rather than promoting avoidance or blanket reduction. [DRAWN FROM CARRIE RUXTON’S ABSTRACT]’ |
Articles |
Animal Bytes article:
Physiological traits of newborn piglets associated with colostrum intake, neonatal survival and preweaning growth by Georgie Smith.
Summarised from: H. Quesnel, R. Resmond, E. Merlot, M.-C. Père, F. Gondret, I. Louveau | |
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| Fledgling Bytes Article:
TThe Effects of Zoo Disturbance on Social Proximity Behaviour in Captive Arabian Rock Hyrax (Procavia capensis jayakari).
Summarised by Sophie Hazeldon from dissertation submitted by Beatrix Cameron
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The animal consortium which is made up of the BSAS - British Society of Animal Science, EAAP - European Federation of Animal Science and INRAE owns the 3 journals: Two years ago, the consortium agreed with the scientific community to make the journals gold open access and as a result to charge authors an article processing charge (APC). We'd like to share our income to date and explain how it is spent
See details 👉 https://bit.ly/3OAmkAd
The 11th International Ruminant Reproduction Symposium (28th May -1st Jun), Galway, Ireland |
The International Ruminant Reproduction Symposium (IRRS) is recognized as one of the most prestigious global conferences on reproduction in ruminant animals.
Leading scientists from around the world will present cutting-edge talks on reproductive biology and technology in a variety of ruminant species, including cattle, sheep, goats, buffaloes, and camelids. Scientific sessions will cover the entire reproductive axis from follicle development and ovulation to oocyte maturation and fertilisation, corpus luteum development and maternal recognition of pregnancy, early embryo development, implantation, placentation, and foetal development, as well as state-of-the-art techniques applied to reproduction in ruminants.
The conference will also include poster sessions and has been approved for 22 CVE credits by the Veterinary Council of Ireland and 66 CPD credits by the Royal Society of Biology.
Hosted in Galway this year, the conference offers a uniquely Irish entertainment programme!
Book tickets here See programme here
IRRS Sponsors
IRRS would like to thank the sponsors of IRRS 2023. We are pleased to share our sponsor list here. |
BSAS AmbassadorsStudent ambassador roles are still open. Find out more here |
| Get RegisteredBoost your career by getting accredited and joining the BSAS Register. Keep ahead in your career. Find out more |
Latest Jobs
Lecturer in Agricultural Science at University of Galway, Galway, Ireland, Deadline: 01 Jun
Postdoctoral Researcher – Grazing Systems and Methane Emissions, Rothamsted Research, North Wyke , Deadline: 04 Jun
Teagasc Post-Doctoral Fellow in Animal Science, Cork, Ireland, Deadline: 07 Jun
GENUS EMEA Genetic Services Specialist, Nantwich, No closing date
Business Development Manager, Nuevo Group, Ireland or UK, No closing date
https://bsas.org.uk/updates/jobs | |
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The BSAS Undergraduate Thesis of The Year award is open for applications.
This award seeks to acknowledge the best of undergraduate research and offers the winner the opportunity to have a summary of their work published on the BSAS website.
Deadline - 31st July 2023 | |
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Video of The Month
This month we are giving members and colleagues free access to the Stapledon Memorial Trust webinar from BSAS 2022: Mob Grazing Webinar - Principals and Practice.
Speakers: Yann Le Du, Alan Hopkins, Poppy Frater, Lisa Norton, Lizzie Sagoo
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Dates for your Calendar |
| Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing .Embryo development and hatchery practice in poultry productionhas is set for publication Tuesday 30th May. The book addresses the key stages and factors in embryo development in poultry to optimise hatchability and chick health, as well as the role of parental and environmental factors on embryo development and skeletal growth.
*Exclusive discount code Benefit from 20% off the book if purchased via theBurleigh Dodds website. Enter code HATCH20 at checkout. Discount code expires 31st July 2023. |
Membership Renewal
As always, we thank you for your continued support and invite to renew your membership to help to support animal science throughout the UK.
Your membership and your contribution to BSAS activities is essential in supporting our mission to advance the sector, improving the understanding of all aspects of animal science and ensuring research and knowledge transfer has a practical and beneficial application. |
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🤔Finally, follow us on Social MediaJoin in the conversation on our social media accounts. By liking, sharing and commenting on our posts, you are helping us reach other professionals in the field.
We’re active on Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin | Instagram - see the links below. |