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Parshas Tazria-Metzora - Chamishi with Rashi

Today’s entire Chumash teaches the way a metzora becomes tahor if he can’t afford the regular korbanos.

We learned about the korbanos that a metzora needs to bring to the Beis Hamikdash in order to become tahor.

What happens if someone is poor and can’t buy THREE sheep for the korbanos? The Torah says that he can bring one sheep and two birds instead. He also needs to bring the flour and the oil for the Mincha.



140 - 144

In one of today’s Kapitelach is a posuk we all know very well, because we say it every day at the end of davening! “Ach Tzadikim Yodu Lishmecha!”

In Tof-Shin-Mem-Daled (5744/1984), the Rebbe asked that EVERYONE, not only chassidim, should say this posuk after davening, and also to say Hareini before davening, to bring shalom in the world.



Likutei Amarim Perek Mem-Gimmel

Today the Alter Rebbe finishes telling us about the different levels in Yiras Hashem.

In the past two perakim, we learned how to be good —
Yiras Shomayim helps us behave like we should!

When a Yid looks around at the world, he knows
He’s looking at Hashem, hiding in “clothes”!
We might be looking at mountains, or rivers wide
But we’re really looking at Hashem Who is hiding inside!

If we practice every day to think about this, then
Everything in the world will remind us about Hashem!
This way we’ll know Hashem is watching everything we do
And we’ll make sure to learn Torah right, and do all mitzvos too!

Today, the Alter Rebbe tells us that this Yirah, which is called Yirah Tata’ah, has different levels, depending on how much a person thinks about the greatness of Hashem.

Because this hisbonenus is about the way Hashem’s chayus is seen in this world, it is a hisbonenus about the CHITZONIUS (“outside”) of Hashem’s chayus. That’s why it brings a person to Yirah Tata’ah, the lower kind of Yirah.

Still, even though it is the lower kind of Yirah, it is very important! It is what gets us to do Torah and mitzvos properly.

After our Yirah Tata’ah is strong, and we are acting the way we should, we can work to have a higher level of Yiras Shomayim, called Yirah Ila’ah. To have this kind of Yirah, we need to have hisbonenus about the way that the world, and everything Hashem created, is botul to Hashem! This is the Pnimius (“inside”) of Hashem’s chayus. Having hisbonenus about this will bring us to the higher level of Yirah!



Chof-Tes Nisan

Today is fourteen days of the Omer!

The Alter Rebbe said a maamar to the Tzemach Tzedek called “Lehovin Inyan Nefesh Elokis” (about the neshama).

(This maamar is based on a posuk in Shlishi of Parshas Kedoshim, “Lo Sochlu,” which was the Chumash of Chof-Tes Nisan in the year the Hayom Yom was first written for.)

After the maamar, the Alter Rebbe said, “Nu, make the maamar even more geshmak!”

So the Tzemach Tzedek wrote down the Alter Rebbe’s maamar, and put notes of things he added, in [brackets]. Later, the Alter Rebbe said that the Tzemach Tzedek’s notes should be taken out of brackets, and should become part of the Alter Rebbe’s maamar!

Many years later, maamorim from the Rebbe Maharash were made into a sefer called “Likutei Torah L’Gimmel Parshios,” (maamorim for the first three parshios of the Torah). The Rebbe Rashab said to use this maamar of the Alter Rebbe as the hakdama (introduction) to this sefer!



Shiur #337 - Mitzvas Asei #187, Lo Saasei #49, Asei #188, #189, Lo Saasei #59

In today’s Sefer Hamitzvos, we learn 5 mitzvos:

1) (Mitzvas Asei #187) We have to kill the seven nations that lived in Eretz Yisroel, because they were the main source of Avodah Zarah. We don’t have to kill them if they agree to leave or keep Sheva Mitzvos.

Hashem gave us this mitzvah so we don’t learn from them to serve Avodah Zarah.

Even though the seven nations do not exist anymore, it is still considered a mitzvah — the Rambam explains why.

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Shoftim: כִּי הַחֲרֵם תַּחֲרִימֵם

2) (Mitzvas Lo Saasei #49) We can’t leave any of those 7 nations alive. (This is the Lo Saasei of the mitzvah before.)

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Shoftim: לֹא תְחַיֶּה כָּל נְשָׁמָה

3) (Mitzvas Asei #188) We need to wipe out Amalek.

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Ki Seitzei: תִּמְחֶה אֶת זֵכֶר (זֶכֶר) עֲמָלֵק

The halachos are explained in Mesechta Sotah perek Ches.

4) (Mitzvas Asei #189) We need to remember what Amalek did to the Yidden. This way we won’t stop hating Amalek very much over time. By speaking about the terrible things that Amalek did to the Yidden, we will always hate them very much. (We do this mitzvah every day by saying what Amalek did to us, in the Sheish Zechiros at the end of davening.)

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Ki Seitzei: זָכוֹר אֵת אֲשֶׁר עָשָׂה לְךָ עֲמָלֵק

5) (Mitzvas Lo Saasei #59) We can’t forget Amalek. (This is the Lo Saasei of the mitzvah before. The Asei is to speak about Amalek, and the Lo Saasei is not to forget in our hearts.)

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Ki Seitzei: לֹא תִּשְׁכָּח



Hilchos Melachim

In Perek Daled, we learn about what rights a Jewish king has. He is allowed to make taxes, hire whoever he wants to work for him, and choose officers. In halacha Yud, the Rambam reminds us that the king has to make these decisions Lesheim Shomayim, to do the job Hashem wants him to do!

In Perek Hey, we learn about Milchemes Mitzvah — a war that is a mitzvah! One of the wars is with Amalek, of course! Another war that is a mitzvah is a war to take back parts of Eretz Yisroel.

The Rambam teaches us how special Eretz Yisroel is. There is a lot of kedusha there, and we are not allowed to leave Eretz Yisroel unless we have a very good reason, like learning Torah or getting married. The Rambam tells us that the Chachomim used to kiss the ground of Eretz Yisroel because they loved it so much!

Perek Vov teaches us about how to fight wars for the Jewish people. Before we fight, we always have to first ask the people if they want to make shalom and keep the Sheva Mitzvos Bnei Noach. If we surround their cities, we should leave a way out so they can escape, and that way we can take over the city without fighting them.

Even in a time of war, we shouldn’t ruin things for no reason (Bal Tashchis). A war for the Yidden is a holy thing — we fight even on Shabbos!



Hilchos Melachim - Perek Yud

In this perek, we learn more halachos about non-Jews. The last halacha is that we should do Bikur Cholim for goyim who are sick, bury them if they pass away, and give them tzedakah if they need it, for the sake of shalom.

icon of clock


Ahavas Yisroel

We are learning in Chumash about a person who has tzoraas.

We see in the Torah that the kohen is the one to say if the person has tzoraas or not. But why only a kohen? Shouldn’t any Talmid Chochom be able to look at the halachos and say if it looks like tzoraas?

Chassidus explains that it is because a kohen is called an “Ish Hachesed,” a person of kindness. The kohanim are the ones who bentch the Yidden with the Birchas Kohanim, with love. If a person gets a psak that he has tzoraas, he has to go away from other people and do teshuvah until the tzoraas goes away. This is a very serious and painful thing! Only a kohen, with his chesed, will make sure that his psak is ONLY for the person’s good.

That’s why the Torah only lets a kohen decide if a person is a metzora or not.

See Likutei Sichos chelek Chof-Zayin, Tazria sicha beis

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In Mah Tovu and Adon Olam, we show how davening is a special time and place for our neshama to approach Hashem.

In davening, we are going to ask Hashem for many things. But what zechus do we deserve it with?

The next part of davening is the Akeidah, where we remind Hashem about the zechus of the Avos, Avraham and Yitzchak. The Mesiras Nefesh they had is a tremendous zechus for all of the Yidden!

The story of the Akeidah also helps us with another part of davening. When we daven, we are making ourselves more aidel, so we can feel kedusha more. We are working on making our neshamos stronger and overcoming the Yetzer Hara. With the koach of Mesiras Nefesh that we have inside of us, from the Avos, we will be able to win over our Yetzer Hara!

See the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch, siman alef



Muktza Kal

Muktza Kal is the less strict kind of muktza.

Even though it is muktza, there are some times that the Chachomim let us move or use it.

We are allowed to move something that is Muktza Kal if we need to use it for something on Shabbos — “Letzorech Gufo.” For example, we can use a pair of scissors to cut open a bag of food on Shabbos.

We are also allowed to move something that is Muktza Kal if we need the space, like if a hammer is on the couch and we need to sit there. This is called “Letzorech Mekomo.”

We will IY”H learn what kinds of things are part of the group of Muktza Kal.

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי



Trips to the Beis Hamikdash

If we look inside the Chumash, we see that we are supposed to come to Hashem’s home three times a year, on Pesach, Shavuos, and Sukkos. But when Moshiach comes, we will come to the Beis Hamikdash much more often!

וְהָיָה מִדֵּי חֹדֶשׁ בְּחָדְשׁוֹ וּמִדֵּי שַׁבָּת בְּשַׁבַּתּוֹ יָבוֹא כָל בָּשָֹר לְהִשְׁתַּחֲו‍ֹת לְפָנַי אָמַר ה׳

Vehaya Midei Chodesh Bechadsho — It will be that every Rosh Chodesh

Umidei Shabbos BeShabbato — and every Shabbos

Yavo Chol Basar Lehishtachavos Lefanai — every person will come to bow to Hashem, in the Beis Hamikdash

Amar Hashem — so says Hashem.

See Yeshayahu 66:23

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לע"נ התינוק זאב ארי' ע"ה בן יבלט"א הרה"ח ר' שניאור זלמן שי' גליק
נפטר ב' מנחם אב ה'תשע"ג

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