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Parshas Korach - Chamishi with Rashi

Hashem shows the Yiddden that Aharon was chosen to be the Kohen Gadol.

This is what Hashem told Moshe Rabbeinu to do:

Tell each of the Nesiim to bring a stick, and write their name on it. Aharon should write his name for Shevet Levi.

Moshe should put the sticks in front of the Aron, and Hashem will make one of the sticks grow flowers! When the Yidden see which Shevet’s stick that was, everyone will know who Hashem chooses.

Moshe did this, and the next day, he saw that Aharon’s stick grew flowers and then almonds! Moshe showed all of the Yidden these sticks, and they all realized that AHARON was the one Hashem wanted to be Kohen Gadol.



18 - 22

Today’s Tehillim is kapitelach Yud-Ches to Chof-Beis.

In Kapitel Chof-Beis, Dovid Hamelech says, “Becho Bot’chu Avoseinu” — “our fathers trusted in You, and You saved them.” Dovid Hamelech is telling us that we learn from our ancestors that having bitachon is what BRINGS the yeshuah (salvation) from Hashem!

There is a famous story of a chossid who came to the Tzemach Tzedek. His child was very very sick and the doctors couldn’t do anything about it. The chossid ran right away to the Rebbe and told him what happened.

The Tzemach Tzedek told this chossid, “Tracht Gut Vet Zain Gut!” This means to have bitachon in Hashem that everything will be good — and then it really will be good!

It could sometimes be that a person might not deserve that Hashem should give him good things, for whatever reason. Still, the Rebbe explains in a sicha, since we are connected to Hashem and have bitachon — together with our davening and good hachlatos — Hashem will for sure give us everything we need!



Shaar Hayichud Veha'emunah Perek Yud-Alef

Today the Alter Rebbe tells us how even though Hashem’s midos are one with Hashem, still the world looks like it has so many different parts.

The Alter Rebbe is explaining a mistake that some Talmidei Chachomim made. They learned in Kabbalah that Hashem uses Tzimtzum to create the world. They thought that means that Hashem goes away from the world in a certain way (chas veshalom).

Our simple emunah in Hashem doesn’t let us make that mistake — we know that Hashem is everything and everywhere!

Hashem wanted His chayus to be shown in the world in many different ways, but it’s all the same chayus! Just as we can’t understand Hashem, we also can’t understand how it is all one — but we believe with pure emunah that Hashem is one!

Yesterday we learned that even in the different kinds of chayus, there is a hint to see that they are all one: All of the sefiros are connected with each other, and have the other sefiros inside of them!

In today’s Tanya the Alter Rebbe tells us that the same thing is also true with the Asara Maamaros, the ten things Hashem used to create the world.

The Asara Maamaros (the 10 things Hashem said to create the world), express Hashem’s midos in different ways to become each of the things in the world. By saying these Maamaros, Hashem created a world with each of the sefiros. For example, water and light both come from Hashem’s Chesed, but they start looking like separate things through the words of the Asara Maamaros.

Here too, even though they look like separate things to us because of the Asara Maamaros, they are in truth all one with Hashem.



Gimmel Tammuz

The Rebbe Maharash said:

A Yiddishe krechtz (groan or sigh) that comes from something that is not good B’Gashmius is also a great level of teshuvah. This is especially true when the krechtz comes from something that is not good B’Ruchnius. Then it is most certainly a proper teshuvah! The krechtz pulls the person out of being in a not-good place B’Ruchnius, and puts him into a good place.

When we realize that we are in a situation that isn’t good, we realize something is wrong, and we say “Oy vey! This is not how things should be” — that’s teshuvah!

This Hayom Yom is very similar to the hora’ah that the Rebbe teaches us in the maamar Ve’ata Tetzaveh, that a Yid needs to feel hurt that we are in Golus. We need to cry out to Hashem to bring the Geulah — Ad Mosai! In today’s Hayom Yom we see that this krechtz is already a big step in getting where we need to be!



Shiur #61 - Mitzvas Asei #153

Today in Sefer Hamitzvos, we learn the same mitzvah (Mitzvas Asei #153) again: How the Beis Din needs to calculate when the months and years of the Jewish calendar should be.

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Bo: הַחֹדֶשׁ הַזֶּה לָכֶם רֹאשׁ חֳדָשִׁים

The details are explained in Mesechta Sanhedrin perek Alef, Mesechta Rosh Hashana and Brachos.



Hilchos Kiddush Hachodesh

Perek Gimmel: We learn how the witnesses come to say that they saw the new moon, and the messengers that would go out from Beis Din to let everyone know when Rosh Chodesh is.

Perek Daled: We learn why and how the Beis Din would decide that there should be a leap year.

Perek Hey: Now the Rambam starts to tells us what the halachos are when there are no Sanhedrin. We don’t decide based on eidim anymore, but we follow a calendar. We learn about the second day of Yom Tov, which we keep nowadays because of a gezeira of the Chachomim.



Hilchos Kriyas Shema - Perek Gimmel

In Perek Gimmel, we learn many halachos about where we are allowed to say Shema. A person can’t say Shema in a smelly place or in a bathroom.

icon of clock


Gimmel Tammuz

What is a Rebbe?

This question is answered in a letter the Rebbe wrote on Gimmel Tammuz, Tof-Shin-Yud, after the histalkus of the Frierdiker Rebbe.

In the letter it is explained that a Rebbe is important for every Yid! The Rebbe brings down all of the kochos and brachos for all of the Yidden of his generation.

The neshamos of all of the Yidden are like one big guf. A Rebbe (which stands for the words “Rosh Bnei Yisrael,” head of the Yidden) is like the head.

Just like a head has the chayus for the whole body, the Rebbe brings the chayus of Hashem to the rest of the Yidden.

The Rebbe’s job is to make sure that his generation has what it needs to do its special shlichus. The Rebbe davens to Hashem and gives brachos and help in Gashmius. The Rebbe also helps us to know how to serve Hashem, and strengthens the emunah of the Yidden of his dor.

The shlichus of this generation is, as the Rebbe told us, to bring the Geulah. The Rebbe makes sure we have everything we need to fulfill our shlichus to bring Moshiach now!

When we have proper hiskashrus to the Rebbe, by learning his Torah and following his horaos, we will be a good keli to receive all of these brachos.

From a letter of the Rebbe, Gimmel Tammuz Tof-Shin-Yud (Hebrew or English)

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Vesechezenah Eineinu

In Biur Tefillah we will learn a part of the maamar Ve’ata Tetzaveh, which many Chassidim have a minhag to learn on Gimmel Tammuz. This piece helps us understand the importance of the bracha Vesechezenah Eineinu, which we say every day — weekdays, Shabbos, and Yom Tov — in Shemoneh Esrei.

In the maamar of Ve’ata Tetzaveh, the Rebbe explains why it is so important to say this bracha in Shemoneh Esrei.

Even though we are in Golus, there are Boruch Hashem many Yidden who are not suffering very much. A Yid might feel that he has most of what he needs in Gashmius — he has a house and a car, enough money for the things he needs, pretty good health, and some nachas too! He might also feel happy with his Ruchnius — he is able to have kavana when he davens many times, and does his best to follow Shulchan Aruch.

But deep down inside of every Yid, there is an Etzem Haneshama, the deepest part of the neshama. The Etzem Haneshama of a Yid is hurting and feels crushed that there is no Gilui Elokus (being able to see Hashem), like there was in the Beis Hamikdash.

This bothers a Yid so much that every time he stands before Hashem in Shemoneh Esrei, he asks Hashem that “Vesechezenah Eineinu,” that our eyes should be able to see Hashem again in the Beis Hamikdash. At least three times a day, he asks that there should be a Gilui Elokus.

Where do we get the koach to want this so badly? It comes from Moshe Rabbeinu, and the Moshe of every generation, the Rebbe. It is the Moshe of each generation that connects the etzem of a Yid’s neshama with Hashem, which makes us feel how much Golus hurts and how much we want Moshiach to come.

When we ask Hashem for the Geulah with our Etzem Haneshama, we can be sure that in this zechus we will deserve to have the Geulah now!

See Maamar Ve’ata Tetzaveh, Purim Katan Tof-Shin-Nun-Beis (Hebrew or English)



Minhagei Gimmel Tammuz

We are learning some of the minhagim that the Rebbe taught should be done on Yud Shevat, the Yom Hilula of the Frierdiker Rebbe. Based on this, many Chassidim also follow these minhagim on Gimmel Tammuz.

These minhagim help us be keilim for the kedusha of a Yom Hilula:

- We say a perek of Tanya before Shacharis, and after Mincha.

- We learn the last maamar the Rebbe gave us, “Ve’Ata Tetzaveh,” a little bit at a time.

- We tell stories about the Rebbe and about the Rebbe’s Ahavas Yisroel for every Yid.

- We say Mishnayos that start with the letters of the Rebbe’s name.

- We make a farbrengen.

Based on the Rebbe’s letter for Yud Shevat (Hebrew or English)

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי



We Want Moshiach Now!

A few months after the histalkus of the Frierdiker Rebbe, on Shavuos in the year Tof-Shin-Yud, a group of chassidim were at a farbrengen with the Rebbe.

The Rebbe said, about the Frierdiker Rebbe: “Hashem should help us that the Rebbe should come in a Gashmius’dike guf and take us out of Golus!”

The Rebbe explained that even though the Zohar does say that Techiyas Hameisim will be after Moshiach comes, the Zohar also says that certain special people will have Techiyas Hameisim BEFORE Moshiach.

We too ask Hashem that the Rebbe should come in a Gashmius’dike guf and bring us to the Geulah Sheleima! May this happen immediately, Amen Kein Yehi Ratzon!

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לע"נ התינוק זאב ארי' ע"ה בן יבלט"א הרה"ח ר' שניאור זלמן שי' גליק
נפטר ב' מנחם אב ה'תשע"ג

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