"Gus Newport, former Berkeley Mayor and Activist for Social Justice on World Stage, Dies at 88", San Francisco Chronicle
"Community Land Trusts Are Working to Create New Homeownership", New York Times
"New $22M Philanthropic Initiative Launches to Propel the Community Ownership Movement in California", Business Wire
"The Wiyot Tribe Is Getting Its Land Back and Making California More Affordable", Dwell
"Public Fills Rio de Janeiro City Council to Demand the Community Land Trust in the City’s Master Plan", RioOnWatch
More CLTs in the News
This past month, we lost a beloved member of the CLT community, and a board member of the Center for CLT Innovation, Gus Newport. Our lead story is an excellent article in the San Francisco Chronicle about the amazing life that he led. We've also included a recent article from the New York Times about community land trusts, which referenced our global CLT map and directory. We are honored to be mentioned -- and I'm pleased to say that we've just now completed a major update to the map -- which you can check out here. And please let us know if you have a correction or addition to the map.
Sam Whiting, San Francisco Chronicle, June 28, 2023
Gus Newport, the former mayor of Berkeley and a prominent social justice activist, has passed away at the age of 88. Throughout his 60-year career, Newport fought tirelessly for civil rights, human rights, and housing rights, driven by his vision of creating a "beloved community." Despite facing health challenges, including vascular disease that left him with one leg and confined to a wheelchair, he remained steadfast in his commitment to social justice causes.
Newport's belief in the power of community and his dedication to the concept of a beloved community, inspired by the vision of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., shaped his work and advocacy. He understood that the path to social progress and overcoming racial and social injustice required building connections and fostering peace not only within local communities but also on a global scale.
One of Newport's notable achievements as mayor of Berkeley was passing one of the country's first domestic-partner laws, promoting inclusivity and equality within the community. He also spearheaded a citywide affordable housing plan that aimed to address the pressing issue of housing accessibility and increased density under a federal grant. Despite facing opposition, Newport remained resolute in his goals, emphasizing the importance of creating a more just and equitable society.
Newport's dedication to creating a beloved community extended beyond his role as mayor. His involvement in initiatives like the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative in Boston showcased his commitment to preserving affordable housing and revitalizing multicultural communities. Newport's work demonstrated that by empowering marginalized individuals and communities, it was possible to build a more inclusive and compassionate society.
The passing of Gus Newport leaves a void in the social justice movement, but his legacy will continue to inspire others to strive for a beloved community—a place where people are valued, interconnected, and work together to address the systemic issues that perpetuate inequality and injustice.
Community land trusts, rooted in the Civil Rights Movement and the work of New Communities, are gaining momentum in the US. Supported by Grounded Solutions Network and the Center for Community Land Trust Innovation, these trusts purchase land and sell homes at below-market rates, ensuring perpetual affordability. With over 300 community land trusts across the country -- including the Community Land Trust of West Marin and the Oakland Community Land Trust -- their expansion is seen as a promising solution to combat the housing crisis, preserve neighborhoods, and empower new homeowners.
The Community Ownership for Community Power (COCP) Fund has launched a $22 million philanthropic initiative in California to support community ownership and address the housing affordability crisis. The fund aims to develop an integrated capital acquisition fund, governed directly by communities, with a target of $100 million. The COCP Fund seeks to make community ownership more accessible through grantmaking, ecosystem support, and the launch of a community-governed capital acquisition fund. The COCP Fund's initial cohort includes 14 community land trusts, which have already received $2.2 million in grants to further their work in empowering marginalized communities.
The Wiyot Tribe in California has been reclaiming its ancestral lands and creating the first community land trust (CLT) developed under tribal law in the United States. The Wiyot Tribe's Dishgamu Humboldt Community Land Trust aims to provide sustainable and affordable housing on Wiyot tribal lands, using regenerative economic principles and repurposing existing buildings. The trust received a $14 million grant to create transitional housing for youth, and plans include remodeling underused buildings and incorporating sustainable design practices.
By Julio Santos Filho and Leonardo Coelho, with translation by Cristina Fornara, Felicity Clarke, Nicholas Miller, RioOnWatch, April 30, 2023
The public filled the Rio de Janeiro City Council Chambers to demand the inclusion of the Community Land Trust (CLT) in the city's Master Plan and express their concerns about unilateral changes made by City Hall. Tarcyla Fidalgo, coordinator of the Favela-CLT Project, criticized the removal of the entire chapter on CLTs from the Master Plan and emphasized the need for transparency. The CLT, seen as a voluntary model that strengthens communities, is advocated by residents, community leaders, and professionals as an alternative to forced evictions and gentrification driven by the real estate market.