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Parshas Re'eh - Sheini with Rashi

Moshe is telling the Yidden about bringing Korbanos and eating regular meat in Eretz Yisroel.

When the Yidden come into Eretz Yisroel, the Mishkan won’t have a place to stay yet. During those years, when Eretz Yisroel is being conquered, you can build a Mizbeiach in any place to bring a korban if you decide to give an animal as a present to Hashem.

But once the Beis Hamikdash is built, that will be the ONLY place to bring a Korban!

Only if a Korban becomes posul and you redeem it with money, you can shecht it somewhere else, because it loses its Kedusha.

All types of presents to Hashem that become holy we can only eat in Yerushalayim, because that is the city in Eretz Yisroel with the MOST kedusha.

When you celebrate in Yerushalayim, don’t forget to take care of the Leviim, and give them the presents Hashem told you to give!

While you were in the Midbar, you were only allowed to eat meat from your animals if you brought them to the Mishkan and gave part of the meat to Hashem as a Korban Shelamim. But this will change when you come into Eretz Yisroel, since you won’t live so close to the Mishkan anymore. You will be able to shecht an animal and eat it without bringing it as a korban. But don’t make a mistake and think that since the blood won’t be sprinkled on the Mizbeiach you are allowed to eat it. Blood is always asur for a Yid to eat!

Remember to keep all of Hashem’s mitzvos, whether they are easy or hard — and Hashem will give you brachos that it will be good for you and for your children after you!



97 - 103

Today’s kapitelach of Tehillim are Tzadik-Zayin to Kuf-Gimmel.

In one of today’s kapitelach, we have a posuk that says “Horiu LaHashem Kol Ha’aretz” — “everyone in the world should sing to Hashem!”

It is brought in Chassidus that the words “Horiu LaHashem Kol Ha’aretz” are the Roshei Teivos of (the first letters spell the word) Halacha!

When we follow Halacha, the way the Aibershter wants things to be, that’s like the world is singing together to Hashem!



Igeres Hakodesh Siman Vov

In the times of the Alter Rebbe, the Chassidim were expected to spend a lot of their time on Avodas Halev, bringing out feelings of Ahava and Yirah through Avodah in Tefillah. In this letter, the Alter Rebbe is telling them that Tzedakah will help them with this Avodah! The Alter Rebbe sent this letter along with the Shluchim who were collecting money for Colel Chabad in Eretz Yisroel.

The Alter Rebbe started telling us how we get a special reward for giving Tzedakah — we get the midah of Emes! Today, we learn why we need this reward and how we get it through giving Tzedakah:

A Yid needs to have Ahavas Hashem and Yiras Hashem. The main way we do this is by using our mind and heart to bring out feelings of love and fear of Hashem.

But there is something that can help our Ahavas Hashem and Yiras Hashem be much stronger! This is when Hashem helps us by giving us a “present” from above. This present is being able to feel some of the Emes of Hashem, the way things really are. Of course, when we have that feeling, our Ahavas Hashem and Yiras Hashem will be able to be felt in a much stronger way.

Now, when does Hashem help a person to feel this strong Ahavas Hashem and Yiras Hashem?

A person starts by connecting to Hashem with HIS emes, and feeling the Rachmonus for the neshama in a true and real way.

But for a person’s emes to actually bring down the “present” of Hashem’s Emes, we need an extra koach!

When a Yid has Rachmanus on another Yid, and gives tzedakah to help him, Hashem connects His emes with that person’s emes. Then the person is able to get that special present of feeling Ahavas Hashem and Yiras Hashem in a true way!

The Alter Rebbe shows that this especially true when we give tzedakah to Eretz Yisroel!



Chof Menachem Av

Today we will learn that the mitzvah of Ahavas Hashem and Yiras Hashem is something that we need to feel in Gashmius!

There are lots of mitzvos we can FEEL: Like when we put on Tefillin, we can feel how the Tefillin are heavy on our head, and the straps are tight around our arm.

Did you know that we need to FEEL Ahavas Hashem and Yiras Hashem too? They are also mitzvos that should be felt in our heart!

What does it feel like to have Ahavas Hashem, to love Hashem?

Imagine that we have a close friend who moved to a different country. We write each other letters, and even sometimes call, but it’s not the same. Then, one day, our friend comes to visit! Even though we might have a lot of things that usually bother us, we are so excited and happy to see our friend that we forget about them! We feel much happier about everything, and are sure that it will all be good.

Our love for Hashem should make us feel that way inside too! We should feel so good that we aren’t worried about things anymore. We are so glad to feel close to Hashem that we are sure everything will be wonderful.

What does it feel like to have YIRAS Hashem, to fear Hashem?

Imagine that we are working on a big project for a big group of important people. All of the sudden, the head of those people comes in to check on how we are doing! We get a shaky feeling inside — are we doing what we should be doing? Will he be happy with what we’ve done?

We can feel our Yiras Hashem in three ways:

1) If we realize that we were doing something wrong, that is called “Yiras HaOnesh,” we are afraid we might be punished from Shomayim.

2) If we feel embarrassed of ourselves and the way we act, that’s called “Yirah Boshes.”

3) Sometimes a person will feel amazed, like the way we feel when we see a huge mountain or waterfall or a sunrise. That’s Yiras HaRomemus — realizing how great and special Hashem is!

When we have Yiras Hashem, it needs to make us feel one of these ways — afraid, ashamed, or awed, knowing that Hashem sees and knows about everything we do.



Shiur #107- Mitzvas Lo Saasei #248, #249

In today’s Sefer Hamitzvos, we learn two mitzvos:

1) (Mitzvas Lo Saasei #248) A Yid is not allowed to say that he doesn’t owe money when he really does, or that he doesn’t have something he is watching when he really does. This is an aveira even if he doesn’t make a shevuah about it.

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Kedoshim, וְלֹא תְכַחֲשׁוּ

The Gemara discusses the details of this mitzvah in many places in Mesechta Shevuos.

2) (Mitzvas Lo Saasei #249) If a person DOES make a shevuah that he doesn’t owe the money or have the thing he was watching, when he really does, he is also going against another mitzvah: A Yid is not allowed to make a non-true promise in Beis Din to say that he doesn’t owe money when he really does.

We learn this mitzvah from the same posuk in Parshas Kedoshim: וְלֹא תְשַׁקְּרוּ אִישׁ בַּעֲמִיתוֹ

The halachos of this mitzvah are in Perek Hey of Mesechta Shevuos.

There is a different mitzvah for making ANY kind of non-true promise, which we learned about two days ago in Sefer Hamitzvos. But when it is a non-true promise denying that you owe money, then the person gets another aveira.



Hilchos Shevuos

In today’s Rambam, we learn halachos about different types of non-true promises.

In Perek Zayin and Ches, we learn the halachos about Shevuas HaPikadon (which is today’s second mitzvah in Sefer Hamitzvos), and in Perek Tes we start to learn the halachos of Shevuas Ha’eidus. This is a kind of false shevuah where someone promises that he didn’t see or know about something he really could be an Eid (witness) about.



Tefillos Mikol Hashana

Today we learn the different middle brachos that there can be in Shemoneh Esrei on Shabbos and Yom Tov, in the regular Tefillos and in Musaf.

icon of clock


Chof Av

Today is a special day on the Chassidishe calendar — it is the yartzeit of the Rebbe’s father, R’ Levi Yitzchak.

The Rebbe’s father was the Rav in Yekatrinoslav. Because he didn’t stop teaching Torah and mitzvos to the Yidden, the government punished him by sending him far away to a small town called Chi’ili.

Even while in Golus, R’ Levik continued to write down words of Torah, like explanations to the Zohar. There was no way to buy paper in Ch’ili, so R’ Levik wrote in the white spaces around the words of the few seforim that the government allowed him to take with him. There was no ink in Ch’ili either, so the Rebbe’s mother, Rebbetzin Chana, boiled different grasses and flowers to make ink for him to use. Since each batch of ink had different grasses, you can see that the words in R’ Levik’s seforim are written with many different colors!

Some Chassidim paid a lot of money for R’ Levik to be able to go to a bigger city where he could be warmer, but he was very sick and passed away there, in Alma Ata.

R’ Levi Yitzchak had Mesiras Nefesh in Russia to spread Yiddishkeit. Because of this, he passed away at a young age.

We can learn from the Rebbe’s father to have Mesiras Nefesh also, making sure that we help all of the Yidden who don’t know about Torah and mitzvos yet — with all of our chayus!

Many of his Chiddushei Torah we STILL don’t have — they are probably somewhere in Russia. The Rebbe said that if we make a hachlata to learn these Chiddushei Torah as soon as they are found, Hashem will help that we will find them faster!

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Yud-Beis Pesukim - Yogaati

A bochur once wrote the Rebbe a letter for his birthday, asking for a bracha.

The Rebbe first gave him a bracha for his birthday that he should grow as a Yerei Shomayim, a chossid, and a lamdan, and that he should bring much nachas to his teachers and his parents!.

Then the Rebbe added that the bochur should remember the words of the Chachomim, “Yogaati Umotzosi Taamin.” To become a chossid, yerei Shomayim, and lamdan, he will need to put in yegiyah — to work hard!

Of course that doesn’t mean to skip eating and sleeping, it is important for him to take care of his health!

But he does need to work on himself, to learn properly and with his full kochos, and that he should work on himself to act the way the Torah teaches. Then he can be sure that Hashem will help him — Umotzosi!

See Igros Kodesh, letter #1816



Kissing the Sefer Torah

There are many halachos that we do to show kavod and love for the Sefer Torah. One way is by kissing the Sefer Torah when it is carried past us in shul.

There is a minhag brought in Shulchan Aruch that when the Sefer Torah comes out in shul, we should especially bring children to come and kiss it. This will help in their chinuch and get them excited to do mitzvos!

See Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim siman 149

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי



Feeling Better from the Churban

The Navi Hoshea warned the Yidden of his time about the Churban, if they wouldn’t do teshuvah. But he also reminded them that Hashem always loves the Yidden, and that we would see that in the times of the Geulah.

The Navi told the Yidden that even though the first and second Beis Hamikdash would be destroyed, Hashem would build a third one in the times of the Geulah. Then the Yidden would feel better from the Churban:

יְחַיֵּינוּ מִיֹּמָיִם בַּיּוֹם הַשְּׁלִישִׁי יְקִמֵנוּ וְנִחְיֶה לְפָנָיו

Yechayeinu Miyomayim — Hashem will make us feel better again from the two days (from the two times the Beis Hamikdash were destroyed)

Bayom Hashlishi Yekimeinu — On the third day (when the third Beis Hamikdash will be built), He will help us get up

Venichyeh Lefanav — And we will live in front of Hashem.

See Hoshea perek Vov posuk Beis

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לע"נ התינוק זאב ארי' ע"ה בן יבלט"א הרה"ח ר' שניאור זלמן שי' גליק
נפטר ב' מנחם אב ה'תשע"ג

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