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Parshas Re'eh - Chamishi with Rashi

Moshe Rabbeinu reminds the Yidden about some of the mitzvos they will do in Eretz Yisroel!

When plants grow in your field, you need to give Maaser! There are a few kinds of MaaserMaaser Rishon (to the Leviim), Maaser Sheini (to eat in Yerushalayim), and Maaser Oni (that needs to be given to the poor).

In today’s Chumash, Moshe Rabbeinu teaches the Yidden how to make sure that all of these Maasros are given properly.



108 - 112

Today’s shiur Tehillim is kapitelach Kuf-Ches to Kuf-Yud-Beis.

In Kapitel Kuf-Yud-Alef, the pesukim have every letter of the Alef-Beis! The first half of the posuk has one letter, and the second half has the next letter. (The last two pesukim have 3 parts, with 3 letters.)

Dovid Hamelech says: “Koach Maasav Higid Le’Amo, Lases Lahem Nachalas Goyim.” (Do you see how the first part of the posuk starts with Chof, and the second half starts with Lamed?) “Hashem told Yidden the great things He did, so He could give them a land that the Goyim lived in.”

What does this mean?

The first Rashi in Chumash tells us that Hashem made the Torah start with — not mitzvos — but the story of how Hashem made the world. This way, if the Goyim get mad that we took Eretz Yisroel, we will tell them that HASHEM made Eretz Yisroel, and Hashem let the Goyim live there, but then He wanted the Yidden to have it, and so He gave it to us!



Igeres Hakodesh Siman Zayin

In today’s Tanya we learn what it means when we say “Ashreinu Mah Tov Chelkeinu!”

We learned that the chayus of Hashem comes into the world through each of the many mitzvos and halachos of the Torah. We also learned that the neshamos of Yidden are split up into as many parts as there are halachos! The chayus of Hashem comes through the Torah to each neshama.

Yesterday we said that Adam Harishon included all of the neshamos. Today we see that Yaakov Avinu fixed up the Cheit Eitz Hadaas of Adam Harishon. So he also became like Adam Harishon, and the neshamos of all of the Yidden afterwards come from Yaakov Avinu! (Yidden are called Bnei Yisrael, the children of Yaakov!)

Just like Yaakov Avinu includes ALL of the neshamos, he also includes the whole Torah in his neshama!

Each of our own neshamos are a little piece (a chelek) of the neshama of Yaakov Avinu, and there is a little chelek of Torah that gives chayus to our neshama.

When can we feel OUR chayus of Hashem through our chelek of Torah?

During davening!

That’s what it means when we say “Ashreinu, Mah Tov Chelkeinu!” “We are so fortunate, our chelek is so good!” We are talking about our chelek of Torah and mitzvos which connects us to Hashem, that we can feel during davening!

IY”H tomorrow we will learn about the next part, “Umah No’im Goraleinu.”



Chof-Gimmel Menachem Av

Today we are going to learn something about how special our neshama is!

The Alter Rebbe teaches us in Tanya that our neshama is a “Chelek Eloka Mimaal Mamosh!” — “A part of Hashem from above — Mamosh!”

What does “mamosh” mean?

It means FOR REAL! Like you can touch it!

But that seems like two opposites! We said it’s from Hashem above, so it’s very Ruchnius’dik, and we’re also saying that it’s Mamosh — it’s like Gashmius!

When the Rebbe Rashab learned this with the Frierdiker Rebbe (when he was 11), he explained that the reason why he says both of these things is because that this is the whole point of the neshama! Even though it’s SO Ruchnius’dik, it’s still able to do its Shlichus and make the Gashmius holy!

Some people think that being a Yid is using the neshama just for learning and davening. But Chassidus teaches us how the neshama of a Yid needs to and is able to serve Hashem with EVERYTHING we do — even eating and drinking and playing!



Shiur #110 - Mitzvas Asei #94

Today’s mitzvah in Sefer Hamitzvos is the same as yesterday’s, Mitzvas Asei Tzadik-Daled.

If a person makes a neder, a promise to do something, it is a mitzvah to keep his word and do it. (Tomorrow we will learn the Mitzvas Lo Saasei of this mitzvah, that it is asur to NOT keep a promise.)

There are two pesukim in the Torah that teach us about this mitzvah. One is in Parshas Ki Seitzei, where the posuk says “Motza Sefasecha Tishmor Ve’asisa,” “The words of your mouth you should guard and keep.” The other is from Parshas Matos, where it says “Kechol Hayotzei Mipiv Yaaseh,” “He should do everything as he said he would.”

The details of the mitzvah are explained in many places in Mesechta Shevuos, Nedarim, at the end of Mesechta Menachos and in Mesechta Kinim. The Rambam organizes all of these halachos from Mishnayos and Gemara in these perakim in Rambam.



Hilchos Nedarim

In today’s Rambam, Perakim Daled, Hey and Vov, we are learning more of the halachos of Nedarim, promises.

One halacha is that even if someone makes a neder that he won’t get anything from a friend, his friend still may be allowed to teach him Torah, give him medicine, or do Bikur Cholim, which are mitzvos!



Hilchos Shabbos - Perek Beis

Even though the halachos of Shabbos are so important, there is a mitzvah that always comes first: Saving a life! In fact, if it might save someone’s life, we are NOT supposed to ask a Rav first, we should try right away to save them, even if it means doing a lot of things that are asur on Shabbos.

icon of clock


Tanya Baal Peh

R’ Mendel Futerfas A”H was a well-known mashpia.

Once, R’ Mendel asked a respected chossid what had happened in his yechidus. The chossid answered that he had asked how he can be mekushar to the Rebbe.

The Rebbe told this man that he should learn Tanya Baal Peh and review it when he is walking in the street. “This way,” the Rebbe told him, “you will be mekushar to me, because I also review Tanya when I am walking in the street.”

See Sefer R’ Mendel, p. 108; Osios Eisan introduction, p. 23

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Yud-Beis Pesukim - Ve'ahavta

The tenth posuk of the Yud-Beis Pesukim starts with the word “Ve’ahavta.”

Ve’ahavta Lereiacha Kamocha — You should love your friend like yourself!

Rabbi Akiva Omer — Rabbi Akiva says about this

Zeh Klal Gadol BaTorah — That it is a very important rule in the Torah!

In rallies, the Rebbe would mention this posuk. The posuk tells us that we should love our friends like we love ourselves — Ve’ahavta Lereiacha Kamocha! We should make sure to share the good things we want for ourselves with our friends too.

Many times when we are learning Torah or at a farbrengen, we get excited about a mitzvah or a minhag we should do. The Rebbe tells us not to just do it ourselves, but share what we learned or heard with other kids, so they can be excited and keep it too!



Kavod for Sefer Torah

One of the ways we show our kavod for the Sefer Torah is to be melaveh, to escort the Sefer Torah.

If the Torah passes by a person (like if he is sitting on the end seat) on its way to the Aron Kodesh, he should join in and go along with it until it reaches the Aron Kodesh. If it didn’t pass by him, a person should still follow it with his eyes, by looking at the Sefer Torah until it reaches where it belongs.

In a very big shul (like 770), a person shouldn’t push to join the line of people going with Sefer Torah. There are so many people there, you will probably end up squishing someone or pushing them. That wouldn’t be kavod for the Sefer Torah at all!

But if someone is in a smaller shul and the Torah passes by him, he should join along with the Torah and bring it to the place it belongs.

See Shulchan Aruch siman 149, and Piskei Teshuvos vol. 2, p. 208

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי



Everyone Will Have Nevuah!

The next sefer of Trei Asar is Yoel.

There are two main inyonim in the sefer of Yoel: That there will be a plague of locusts if the Yidden don’t do teshuvah, and a nevuah about Moshiach.

One of the things the Navi Yoel says about the times of the Geulah is that all of the Yidden will be Neviim! Hashem tells the Navi:

וְהָיָה אַחֲרֵי כֵן אֶשְׁפּוֹךְ אֶת רוּחִי עַל כָּל בָּשָׂר וְנִבְּאוּ בְּנֵיכֶם וּבְנֹתֵיכֶם זִקְנֵיכֶם חֲלֹמוֹת יַחֲלֹמוּן בַּחוּרֵיכֶם חֶזְיֹנוֹת יִרְאוּ

Vehaya Acharei Chein — This will happen afterwards, in the time of the Geulah

Eshpoch Es Ruchi Al Kol Basar — I will pour My chochmah and understanding of Hashem onto every person.

Venib’u Bneichem Uvnoseichem — Your sons and daughters will say nevuos,

Zikneichem Chalomos Yachalomun — Your old people will dream nevuos,

Bachureichem Chezyonos Yir’u — Your young men will see visions of nevuos!

See Yoel perek Gimmel posuk Alef

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לע"נ התינוק זאב ארי' ע"ה בן יבלט"א הרה"ח ר' שניאור זלמן שי' גליק
נפטר ב' מנחם אב ה'תשע"ג

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