Whānau News: 08 September 2023
Hi Church Family.
Talk about trying to Bless others but instead being doubly blessed by them!
Last weekend, Archie and i took the young adults to a retreat in Copthorne Hotel, Bay of Islands to bless and honour them as an active generation in the life of our church. But the Lord blessed us mightily as well. We learned more about them individually and their heart to be followers and doers of the Word of God!
These young adults if you haven't noticed are actively participating in worship leading, quietly in the background helping in our Sunday services like tech jobs, sound personnel, ushers and other behind the scene work. Some are in leadership and ministry positions, and even office volunteer.
Their enthusiasm for faith and their willingness to learn remind us that the church is not just a place of tradition but a living, evolving entity that adapts to the needs of each generation.
We honor and cherish the young adults in our congregation for their unwavering commitment to strengthening the spiritual foundation of our faith community.
I encourage you to take time to know, bless and encourage them....and you'll be blessed as well!
- Den
A Continuing Responsibility / Steve Clark
This week we will be continuing in our series from Philippians looking at chapter 2 and vs 12 - 18. Paul continues to encourage the church to take a closer look at the responsibilities we have as followers of Jesus and to be shining lights to others as we proclaim the gospel message.
Join us at 10AM in-person or online. There has been a rise in COVID and flu in the community again. We would love to have you join us online for the service if you are not able or unwell. Please contact us if you need support staff@fbc.nz
For the Kids...
Wonder Kids (Preschool Programme): This month we are focusing on the choices we make. This week we are looking at Moses and the Sea (Exodus 13:17-18, 14) looking at the truth that I can trust what God says.
Discovery Kids (Primary Programme): This month we are focusing on friendship. This week we are focusing on the story of David and Mephibosheth (1 Samuel 19-20; 2 Samuel 9) exploring the truth that friends keep their promises.
FBI (Intermediate Program): A 4 week series on navigating what the Bible is, how we can use it, and what it means for our lives today. WEEK 2: Context helps us understand the Bible.
Parents of Primary aged children, please remember to sign up to be parent help at the information desk.
Carol is on leave from the 24th August to the 15th September. If you have any questions, please email josh@fbc.nz or penny@fbc.nz while Carol is away.
Prayer at 5pm
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14. The presence of God’s Spirit fuelled by prayer brings God’s wisdom, strength and compassion into our lives and victory over the many issues that have held us back in the past. We would love you to join us, humble ourselves and pray - Sundays 5pm in the Church Auditorium.
The annual AGM of Franklin Baptist Church will take place after a shortened service on Sunday 24th September. The following members of the Leadership Team are coming to the end of their two year term but are available for re-election: Alan Calvert & Erin Temu.
Dave Stevens has also advised that he is not available for re-appointment in the year ahead, with God leading him onto new areas of service within FBC.
Penny Day/Brooks has decided not to seek re-election but will continue to be available as a link person with the staff and Leadership Team where needed. This frees her up as without a Senior Pastor her workload has increased.
We therefore have vacancies and give opportunity for nominations to be forwarded in writing or emailed to leaders@fbc.nz by 17th Sept.
We would also appreciate it if those wishing to suggest an agenda or general business item could please send that to leaders@fbc.nz by Wednesday 13 September. The agenda will then be distributed in advance of the meeting.
With thanks
(meeting Chairperson)
The BIG Quiz Night
Saturday 16 September at 6.30 pm.
Bring your favourite nibbles to share around your table/with your team.
Invite your friends and come and join us for the Big Quiz Night. All funds raised will go to Tearfund, an organisation dedicated to help end extreme poverty.
Register online by clicking this link: FBC Church Center Registration
Donations are made straight to Tearfund. Click this link: Donations
We're looking forward to seeing you for some fun, laughter and healthy competition!
Joy Ride
We're gearing up again for Joyride 2023 - another chance to make a huge difference for children in Kolkata who are connected with the work Joyya do. In 2022, almost 40,000 was raised which went towards bouncy castles, after school classes, leadership opportunities, fun days and a zoo visit, amongst other things. And FBC was part of it.
Click this link for all the info needed to begin getting organized for our church community to join in for 2023. We would encourage everyone to get involved. Please get in touch with Josh or Penny if you want to join in organizing this project.
Free CAP money course
CAP is running a free course to support your money management skills. Learn how to budget, spend and save! We have moved the start date.
Starting Monday 4th September, 7:30 at FBC the course runs for 3 weeks and each session is between 1-1.5 hours.
Register your interest on the "Events" tab on the Church Center app or by clicking here, or complete the sign-up form at the info desk.
Global Focus Lunch - Sunday 24th September
Pot luck lunch in the cafe plus an opportunity to hear an update about Joyya from Carol Dobbe on her return from South Asia.
Pastoral Search Update
The Search Committee has finalised the Pastor profile and the Church profile. The links are attached below for your information.
Click here for the Pastor Profile
Click here for the Church Profile
We are preparing to start advertising for this role. Please keep praying over this process.
Thank you,
The Pastoral Search Committee
Church Annual Report 2023
We have sent out the Ministry reports for our Church annual report 2023 in a separate email this week. For those of you who have not received it, click this link: Annual Report 2023. We hope you enjoy reading this report as it reflects well the positive year that we have had as a church family.
Alpha - The Marriage Course
An enrichment course for all couples, no matter age, length of, or health of your marriage. An online course is planned for later this year - aimed at those couples with little children or couples who find themselves in a different location. More information coming soon!
Enquiries: sandra@fbc.nz
We will be meeting again on Wednesday at 10am. All are welcome! It would be appreciated, as always, if you are able to bring a food item towards morning tea. For more information contact Charlie Potter. 027 529 8211
Seedpods is a weekly play workshop and friendship group for pre-schoolers and their caregivers. Thursdays at 9.30am during term time. Please contact Lynley Clark on 0276514349 if you are interested in attending. If you are interested but Thursday doesn't suit, please let us know. Flyers are available at the info desk if you have someone you would like to invite.
Kid's Church
We are looking for people to lead and help in our kids church programmes. We are happy to give training in this, you just need a willing heart. We are particularly asking the parents of primary aged children to sign up to help one week a term. Please email carol@fbc.nz to sign up.
Franklin Food Bank
A huge thank you to all that have been giving donations to the foodbank. They have been most gratefully received. We would love to make regular donations to the foodbank. Please continue to leave canned and dry foods, along with hygiene products at the information desk. Thank you for your generosity.
Do you want to be able to welcome new people God sends your way?
Do you want to meet new people and who is in our church community?
One way to do this is to serve on the Barista Team on a Sunday morning.
First I (Theresa) started with taking orders, I wasn’t at first interested in making the coffee, only drinking it. As I got to know people and watch how the coffee was made, I took the plunge and started to learn. Currently I stay away from milk because I am not completely confident, but by standing next to other team members who do it, I am learning and hope to take it on by Christmas! Because we are a small team and demand is growing, it’s time to step out in faith and take the plunge……keep an eye out for me on milk.
We need your help and would love to have you on the team. If you are interested in meeting new people, getting to know people more, taking on a challenge, age is only a number, WE WANT YOU!
It’s never too late to learn something new, even if it’s just taking orders.
Register your interest by clicking on the button below and Theresa will get in touch with you; or leave your name and number at the info desk.
Sharing Kai
It has been great to see people bringing in excess produce from their fruit trees at home to share with everyone. We have created a space for this underneath the missions notice board. Please put fruit/vegetables that you would like to share with the congregation on the table.
GAT Prayer
Check out the latest news from the Global Action Team. Click here for the AUG-SEPT newsletter. A printed copy is available at the Info desk. Thanks for upholding them and our other partners in prayer.
Booking Rooms at FBC
If you would like to book the use of a room at FBC (either for personal use or church use), please fill out the form. Link for FBC Booking Request Form
Prayer Chain
If you would like to submit a prayer request to the Prayer Chain, please email Arlene Hutcheon on arlene@ps.gen.nz or send a text to 0274726198. All prayer requests are treated as confidential.
You can give online, by automatic payment or direct debit. Our church bank account: 01 0403 0013842 00 or click here to donate now. For the "Renew" giving, please indicate "Renew" as reference for giving through bank. And if using the above link, click "Renew" on the drop down tab.
Whanau news
If you have something you would like to share in the Whanau news, please email it to staff@fbc.nz by 12 noon on Thursday. Thank you.
Please note that we post Church sponsored/supported events and activities. You can personally post any other advertising requests in our FBC Community Facebook page.
As an encouragement to all of you while you're at home...check out some of the songs we're currently singing on Sundays and a few new ones we might sing in the future. If you have a Spotify account, this is the link to FBC Worship on Spotify